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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. For me the greatest hurdle was always that these revival bands still carry a lot of the baggage from the scene's general development, with one of the best examples being Grieva who's indebtedness to newer vk bands always shone through under the surface ( not really in a good way either, their best tracks were always the most old school ones ). Although on the other hand with some bands this might have even been a plus, like Gossip who early on just played early Gazette but with a frenetic energy that probably wouldn't have been possible before metalcore made its mark in the scene; and in the same breath I'd call the almost equally recent nu-metal revival far more successful than the turn of the century one. Bands like Kuroyuri, early Dezert and so on who took that macabre 2003~ vk mood to a mid to late 2000's style and killed it for a hot minute, and I'd go as far as to say that the finest moments of, let's say early Dezert, were better than anything in that style post- MUCC's nu metal period maybe; whereas I'd be a lying man if I said that any of the not explicitly nu-metal bands came even close to their forbearers. Even the worst things from Syndrome's first period are in a whole another league, save for Metis Gretel who came in so early that I always forget they were  even a part of the revival moment. 


    Listening now to the La'veil Mizeria PV song which is not bad, but it still has that ersatz quality to it that I just can't ignore. It's sort of the same, just worse.




  2. I wonder where ( or who's pocket ) those raving reviews came from, 'cause the footage I've seen doesn't really match with what's been reported. Saw the last song, and while Toshi was trying to get folks hype the fucking crowd literally no-sold it like they'd never seen that in their lives. Dude, you could catch individual woo's from the audience because it was so quiet. 


    found the clip in question 



  3. 2 hours ago, nekkichi said:

    I literally can imagine how it's going to sound (shitty acoustic guitar wank fading into 3 seconds of silence + mumbled spoken sentence or two —> brrruugghgghghMEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW —> ASH!!!! - gurrrrgurrrgurrrgurrrgurrhuguhurrggurr-chug-chug-chug-chug-chug-chug-squeal-dun-dun-dun-dun)


    oh god i can already hear it being exactly like this 


    This legend posted a live of sentimental na onigokko that would afaik be the only one out there for people who just don't happen to collect gazette terekos. Fuck this band was so good back in the day that there's no way you could have ever predicted that one day they're making their living by ripping off vetements for merch. 


    edit: and fuck me the third song appears to be unreleased. christmas came early 

    edit 2: at times it vaguely sounds like backdrop junkie. the chorus would lead one to believe that this is a previous version of the song

  5. Can we pin this thread to the front page or something? It's glorious to see everyone be so excited and happy, only for them to eventually lose all hope and leave the thread for the birds. 


    i still have iria on facebook and for that i love him unconditionally 

  6. the Raid.  ( est. 2011 ) 





    Vocal: 星七 (Sena)
    Guitar: bo_ya (ex. Яe:sK → the Raid.)
    Guitar: 由羽 (Yuuha) (ex. NeXuS → リルト → the Raid.)
    Bass. 庵 (Iori) (ex. LICKER(support)→ the Raid.)
    Drums: 一陽 (Kazuhi) (ex. Vanishlaiz → マディーデュオール → the Raid.)

    Former Members
    Guitar: 祐太 (Yuuta) (ex. the Raid. → Sicks → The Misery In August)

    ( courtesy of last.fm )


    This band is actually alright and they've been around practically forever with a seemingly unproportionately tiny western fandom compared to their japanese following. I'm not an expert on their discography, but they appear to have started out as a rather average Royzcore unit 'til having fleshed out their sound and aesthetic with some desperately needed colour. From what I've heard the early shit can be pretty good at times, even though for me personally it pales in comparison with the dare I say a little r-shitei esque darker oshare stuff they've put out later. 








  7. yeah for real how is utafumi decayed crow 2.0?


    No idea what to expect from the next slbum, but their lives sound great these days and sukekiyo is all I need. If they just tour and play old stuff I’m good

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