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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Not hxc familiar with a lot of whiteface bands tbh. I only started listening to Metronome just a couple of months ago after years of avoiding due to hearing some later stuff of theirs, so I think here would be a good archive for beginners who've been wondering what the cool kids listen to, and what to try first. 


    And speaking of which, early Metronome is SO good. I reckon they should be approached chronologically ( or via that compilation album that has been uploaded here )



  2. I just finished RIP and I came here to say that the heavier riffs aren't exactly the best look for them, and what a coincidence that I don't seem to be alone thinking that haha. Track six ain't bad and will probably grown on me more eventually, but so far it looks like this album isn't going to be on par even with the B-sides of the recent singles ( which were excellent, so the bar for anfiel is set really high. ) 


    by the way, the preview for the new single sounds rrly good. Stoked.


    edit: a really unsavoury riff on track 7. These heavier rock riffs that are on this album I really hope they won't keep relying on too much in the future. 

  3. Keeping my eye on kizu, and I just gave gosan another chance and I fucked with both pv songs I took a look at & I really enjoy the stories. I don't know maybe it's just me, but the infamy and the extremity just adds to the mystique for me because that's probably what I'd do myself if I was a bandman.


    Really good list though, and I think you're the best writing on the site atm. In a way it reminds me of what I try to do myself, like that you're able to relate what shit sounds and sincerely feel like without resorting to ambiguous reviewer speak or hitting yourself on the head with the dictionary and being phoney. Good stuff. 

  4. Hearing In The End on Finnish television back in the day is what set me on the path of being edgy. I had never heard screaming in a song before and I was completely enamoured with it, of being that angry and sad in a song when before all I had surely heard in my life was some cookie cutter radio shit that one just tolerated to listen to out of habit. I got Hybrid Theory for my 8th birthday and I was told to turn it off because it was bothering the dumb guests; an informative childhood moment in realising that I just hate everybody.





  5. photo.jpg




    Stayin' sharp and consistent since 2010 to this very day. To me they're what Lynch is to others without the perpetual disappointment; they always release sort of the same thing and it's prime top shelf Royzcore that does exactly what I want it to. Imagine that it's like ordering a good drink in a bar where you've done it a thousand times before, but it's high-octane new visual that looks awesome and makes you unwilling to buy any of their singles because the types come with different track lists. Anyway, good stuff and easily the best band on BP atm imo. For an introduction I'd say try their second album, tho I've seen people insist that they jumped some sort of a shark after the first but I don't see it









  6. I like new gazette when they're sweet. TOXIC singles sans vortex, beautiful deformity ballads, ballad disc from division ( don't hate the other disc either tho ) 


    The heavier side of new-gazette just flies past me. The heavy stuff on DIM bangs but everything after that nah. Even DOGMA just makes me want to listen to bands that go all the way with the core and don't just flirt around with it like that. I stopped listening to dogma completely the year it was released

  7. last fm was also easily the best site to search for concerts in an area. all the other options these days are so shit that you just have to either remember all the bands you listen to and go to their OHP, or know all the venues in town and check their sites. sincerely die a painful death everyone involved in ruining last.fm

  8. Please 


    can we have the last of years ago back. 


    I miss it so much. Just changed computers and forgot the password to my account, but it's just not worth it to try to remember which email I used for it and try to reclaim it. I'm debating whether to make a new one or not and trying to ignore all the voices in my head saying "what for." I've actually made an actual friend through last.fm back in the day; now it's a ghost town. All the days spent looking at charts and reading through shit like the degbox... oh...



    Fuck this album was trashed by people back in the day, and now it's pretty much entirely forgotten about; all the while I thought it was great pretty much from day one and still spin it on occasion. The aesthetics have this sort of ill-dated charm to them now too.

  10. Oh nocturnal depression is horrible I POSTED THAT BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE IT just to clarify


    I wasn't aware of Brocken Moon, and surprisingly they seem to have been around since 1999 ( but a lot of German bands fall under the radar, or so it appears ). Out of those Japanese bands I only knew Kanashimi and only by name really. You're really the guy to count on with lists tho. Re-spekt


    Going to raid the parents liquor cabinet tonight and listen to Trist and Hypothermia like it was 2010 again. 



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