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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Yeah in all fairness it's pretty strange for a band to go from a dozen releases an year to disbandment without either a cataclysmic fight between the members or label issues. Don't think they'll do a Lycaon though since they're not disbanding. 

  2. A lot of people tearing them to shreds on FB. I'm actually kind of surprised that there are so many ragging on them outside of this board's sphere of influence, because this is place is kind of an echo chamber. It's very telling about the amount of frustration that's there though + that there are people still waiting for refunds on their merry tickets is just embarrassing & ought 2 b grounds for a suit. 


    like watching a car wreck with different reasons for the cancellation coming from multiple angles and one of the band members "huh what it's cancelled?" 


  3. 5 minutes ago, Shir0 said:

    you gotta be fucking kidding it was not even A MONTH TO GO


    sooo I googled a bit and the only reason I kind find is cuz of the recent Manchester incident? apparently they're not the only band who cancelled their EU tour due to that

    ->  http://aramajapan.com/news/music/concert/matenrou-opera-cancel-euro-tour-2017-following-terror-attacks/76587/



    Heard that was the reason myself too, so it's most likely how it went down. 


    After Ariana Grande the next logical step is taking the holy war to visual kei. 

  4. Unless it's illness or something, it really shows B7Klan's ineptitude that they can't gauge the interest and take precautions time after time if it was the ticket sales like it was with Merry. Among other big factors it's this sort of mismanagement and waste of contacts that killed it here in the west. I'm sure there were some people who had already booked their travel and shit too since we're so close to the dates of the shows. Fuck off b7

  5. Been listening to so much Vitium. 


    This band is awesome. If I have a minor gripe is that they can get a little wankier than necessary sometimes, like the goofy fucking piano in that recent preview. Less is more, tho it's kind of their thing so w/e 

  6. The crowdsurfing is my favorite. 


    In fact the unnamed band to which I referred to earlier in the gig report was in fact Azazel. He was the drummer and he was quite upset with the guitarist, who apparently carried much of the blame for this one. He, along with the rest of the band, had been thrown out a long time ago and he was waiting for a ride and outside. I feel lucky and privileged to have had the experience of meeting him.


    I just finished reading "Pirunkehto: Suomalaisen black metallin tarina." The book chronicles the Finnish black metal scene from its inception to present day in form of band histories and interviews, which are very good. It is going to come out in English this summer and definitely worth the money if you're interested. About 500 pages, 50 of which is dedicated to Nuclear Holocausto Vengeance who is definitely the mvp of the the book and the whole Finnish scene in general. Some really shitty D-tier bands in the last few pages tho




  7. Don't know how popular of an opinion this is, but I vastly prefer Sophia from Shazna and Gekka Hakurei* from Missalina Rei to the rest of their respective discografies. Missalina Rei was never bad, but the worst of Shazna is just tripe and I'm not a big fan of the hits either. 


    *would rank somewhere high on my all time vk list

  8. 2 minutes ago, Carmelzors said:

    Never knew you were into FILTH though?


    Why do I even recognize translated Dir verses...


    Always liked it but been really into it as of late. The PV could be more AESTHETIC tho


    bonus points for whoever guesses what the video is for the picture above as well

  9. Despite how confrontational and social I am both irl and online 


    I'm still the type of guy who sends a private message after three hours of being anxious about sending it, and then I put my phone on mute and start aggressively trying to think about other things to distract myself. 

  10. So today we got Lil Yachty's album and Dropwoptop


    Haven't tried the former yet, the latter is okay. I don't think it's even close to last year's Savage Mode which might be my favourite release of 2016. Seriously grew on me and I'm still listening to it constantly 



    This bangs so fucking hard I can't even

  11. They're pretty much in order of my preference there. Pura first and Jiluka last tho i don't dislike that 1 either. 


    was really fucking with monophobia when I first became a weeaboo. I'm still partial to Juka even though I dislike all the other constipated aristocratic vk vampires 

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