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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. On 3/3/2017 at 2:16 AM, Saishu said:

    Just realized all the youthful energy and emotion is completely missing from Reila. Kai sounds especially lifeless in that one. 


    Fuck this is making me mad. 


    That's the story of this band now isn't it? It's all stylistic slic, but a desperately hollow exercise like painting the brittle nails of an old woman with osteoporosis. Dumb syrupy violins blaring bloody murder while Ruki's erasing the Engrish as if they were assassinated party members from publicity photos. It's all loud as hell by the way. Dogma stinks. God they suck now. 



  2. As far as black metal recommendations go, I'd suggest for you ( and everyone else ) to just go through all the important bands chronologically, and I mean more than just the Norwegians, if you haven't done so already of course. It doesn't really matter if you like them or not when you develop a good frame of reference and a fine palette as you're doing it. Wikipedia probably has all the essential listed, if one is too lazy to google. 




  3. 19 hours ago, nekkichi said:

    I appreciate fetal alcohol syndrome chanteuse’s commitment to performing.
    an amazing inspiration and a much needed reminder for everyone thinking that prenatal mistakes of their parents are hindering them in any way.

    that’s about it.


    what do you think about this piv?



  4. Tru fans assemble



    Oni no men live from I don't know where. It says judgement day, but I'm fairly positive that it is not included on the DVD, at least the press I have. Plenty of other old gazette attractions on that channel as well, like an old bootleg recording of a show from 2003. God bless youtube.



  5. Fuck, I'm starting to like them. I knew this would happen. It's either that I get used to a band's concept or I just want to like them out of spite for everyone on this board. I realise they're really all over the place, but that's kind of VK's lot innit? It's low attention span rock music and if a band feels like throwing out inconsequential flourishes by the boatful, then god bless. Their musical identity is tenten fronting vk nu metal with that chemical pictures, jazz kei[citation needed] instrumentation as contrast. I never disliked this in theory, and yet initial listens for me were in from one ear and out the other, but the more I listen the more I find things to grab a hold of. Tenten gives a commendable vk performance on 雨の怪虫 , and it just so happens this is how I rate my new visual kei bands:


    cool sounding vocalist ( 8 out of 10 points )

    breakdowns ( 1 out of 10 points )

    cute members ( 1 out of 10 points )


    this band is scoring high


    I also despise these quasi-artist threads with wacky titles. I'm all for modifying the OP and the title, and transporting it back to the artists section.


    edit: the more I listen to the new single the more I fuck with this band


  6. D'espairsray, who coincidentally were also the first vk band I ever heard. After they lost me with the post-Mirror singles I think it was An Cafe a short while, and then finally Dir en grey. After that I pretty much stopped having any favorite bands 

  7. Single, and feeling great. 


    I'm absolutely mortified reading a lot of the stuff on this and the virginity thread. I suppose I can understand to a lot of the anxiety and moping because I was the worst when I was a kid. Every woman who even looked at my general direction I thought was my last and only chance of getting laid ever, and the kind of grand theater I went into after a relationship ended is something that I sometimes get flashbacks of years afterwards, and those still make me want to bury myself alive from shame. Now I've just been around the block so many times that I know for a fact that there's millions of people on the planet who are your soulmates, probably moreso than the dullard you're with right now. In addition to that I just don't need the kind of affirmation I did years ago; I'd hound over every broad like a buried treasure with texts, calls and 24/7 jealousy that's just born out of poor self-esteem. I'll forgive myself because I was like, 16 and 17, but I can't relate to that person at all anymore. 


    I'm still a neurotic mess, like after every night out I'm absolutely terrified of getting herpes, HIV, a call about a pregnancy and etc. But that usually only lasts a week after the fact, and if I see a person coughing in the street I'll be thinking of get a cold for like the next three days, so that's just how I am. Other than that, I just really don't care about anything other than my own private space and projects. If I was to go into a relationship, I'd rather not enjoy my partner's society more than on a weekly/bi-weekly basis and it'd be preferably be an open relationship at that. At this stage in my life I'm more dedicated to myself and what I do, and despite being fond of the thought of having someone to fuck and talk to at a moment's notice, I know in my heart of hearts that I prefer not having to entertain and worry about anyone else but me, my immediate family and my cats. 

  8. Thought about doing myself a personal heavy metal canon for future reference, whenever I'll feel like seeing what I thought was worth a damn back in 2017. This has encouraged me to go through all my favorites that I haven't given spins in a forever to see what's what. If I get it done ever I'll post it here. notes:


    South America and Poland are far more prevalent than they used to be five years ago. 

    One day I'll think Obscura is alright and on another I think it's complete shit.  

    My Norwegian favorites keep shuffling around. Emperor hasn't been there for years, I do a 360 on Burzum on a monthly basis,  Darkthrone and Mayhem remain consistent favorites. Very recently I've been smitten with the Gorgoroth demo.

    I like Judas Priest and Mercyful Fate far more now than I did as a kid

    Completely disillusioned with Sweden, apparently including the childhood favorite AtG debut 

    Seminal grind holds up

    Very sympathetic towards Classic US(c)BM. Profanatica, Blasphemy, GBK. 


    If anyone else dares to try it; have you noticed any changes in yourself or done any re-evaluations of old favorites?  




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