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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. A legendary epoch for me personally, even as far as my life really, was the heyday of the chat. I think I started appearing there around late 2011 and up until late 2013.  Anyone who was there at the time knows exactly what I'm talking about and how special that thing was.  


    At one point you could rest assured that someone would be there all the time, like Yasu or slsr or somebody else who seemed to be on the computer day and night. I pretty much spend as much time there as I could myself, and I when I left the house I had chat on mobile and when I got home I logged in with the computer! People who are new to this forum cannot even begin to imagine how many classic happenings took place there from those long running gags to all the fights like the big one that eventually sounded its death knell. 


    I try to relate a couple of favorite stories that I remember off the top of my head. I try to be as brief as possible so that people will actually read all this lol


    One fairly recent character was my boi Kahzooey Tunasama from Scandal Heaven, who upon introducing himself proclaimed that he was going to leave the forum in September of something. Then he kept post-poning his exit until he made the ill-fated thread 


    He showed up to the chat a couple of times too, but wasn't all that enthralling a person. We did go trolling on scandal heaven one day, and I think at least Cat and sai took the literal piss. I haven't laughed that much too many times in my life. 


    When raburr joined and dove-eyed and fuzzy tailed I hazed the fuck out of him in the chat. For the life of me I don't remember what he said, but I kept copypasting some nonsense supposedly under his name where he had said something to or about sai, and sai played along and pretended that what I wrote was legit. I'm surprised he even stayed after all that lolol great guy though. The ones I love I treat the worst.


    Back in 2012 I had to go and practice dancing for my lovely lady at the upcoming prom, and being the age of the chat as it were I was pretty much in there every chance I got. Chat when I rode the tram; chat when I waited to hit the ballroom; chat when I was at mcdonalds afterwards and before ( true og's remember I was at Mcdonald's every day, a habit I continue to this day god bless ). On one fateful day Maiku had bought a book from Barnes & Noble or some shit and had manage to get the dumb glitter ornament from the cover into his eye, and now he was going about it in the chat as I was leaving home. When I was riding the tram he was there; when I was about to start and when I stopped ceased dancing, he was there; when I went to Mcdonald's for like an hour he was still there going on about the hazards of gold dust and any possible lawsuits he might be able to undertake against barnes and noble. This might have went on for hours and hours without a pause. We don't have that shop in Finland, but if they have went bankrupt unexpectedly in recent years, now you know why.


    I'll write more as they come to me, and I hope some of the other OG chat members could contribute. This forum has been an instrumental part of my life ever since I joined, so like eight years. Over the years I've met like over ten yous irl as friends, enemies and even romantic liaison. I want to give a shoutout to all the original yellow name crew members. 


    Also thank you especially to all the characters that sojourned in the chat back in the day. I'd like to thank everyone individually, and I even tried, but honestly there's just so many and it'd be a great injustice to honor one and omit the other.  Even those who were only there for a couple of times but contributed to the laughs either with their wit, stupidity or both. You know who you are 







  2. I don't know, a lot of these seem like idiot weeaboo things to say rather than something people who are new to visual kei say. Youtube comments are rancid, but you may find out that they've been liking visual kei videos since like 2008. 


    Dumb western fan rumours are the worst. Yesterday after going through this topic a little bit, I went to see if there was anything stupid in the comments for Gazette's Taion ( the most entry level song I could think of at the time ) and literally in the first string of conversation there was a person claiming that Ruki had been raped. Citation needed


    Using supposed real names for bandmembers. Those Dir en grey ones are the most notorious since they've been proven to be blatantly false. 


    The complete abandon of labeling bands angura and eroguro. The last.fm tags for both are nonsense and I demand a Japanese source of any band outside of the two or three obvious raccoon white face bands having called themselves an eroguro band specifically, as some fans insist. I don't give a shit what idiotic brain dead gaijins call or deduce them to be, I want a legitimate source from a magazine and etc. 








  3. Get over yourself and have some dignity, man. Everyone here ends up taking a few L's eventually and gets called out on it, but this is a very forgiving and accommodating community that treats these things with good humour. So If you're interested in this stuff then please: discover new bands, enjoy the dl's and just talk rubbish like everyone else here, and you might make a few friends, have a good time and whatever else; if not, then it's beyond me why anyone would feel inclined to make an eulogy for themselves on a bloody internet messageboard before fading into lurkdom. 

  4. Nah, that's lame as hell. It's literally just Yohio's account that's making things weird, but other than that it's not something that people absolutely cannot live with. All the Yohio and BATAAR threads on this board were made by like the same two or three people, so it's just better to discourage them from doing more of them if it becomes more like spamming or bait ( in silver_yohio's case though, I think that line was crossed. ) 


    And I for one will not cease from talking about DISREIGN just because idiotic restrictions have to be put in place for some people who have been on this board for like two minutes and cannot refrain from putting their funny hats on and derailing threads. 

  5. 26 minutes ago, reminiscing2004 said:

    Finally, if anyone here is able to listen to the first 15 seconds of this newly re-recorded 絲 Ito and believe it sounds better than the original, I'm convinced your lying to yourself.


    New Ito was dare I say the worst thing about this whole debacle. It's been completely knackered into piss-stained grey pulp and I sincerely hope this is not the version they're going to play live. 

  6. 4 hours ago, nekkichi said:

    I don't really follow gazette fansites anymore


    I'm reconsidering having any association with this band every time I browse through their tag on tumblr in search of something. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Saishu said:

    Pretty sick set list aside from Cassis being thrown in there. 


    Reminding the guys that if they wanted to play a ballad, Hana Kotoba says hi. 


    Well they played that among everything else from Disorder during their fanclub tour that made into a DVD.


    I think after this live the really old songs they haven't played in a while are iirc: Machibouke, Okuribi, Red Motel, Kore Yokattan Desu, that weird B-side from Reila, Ito, Ray, Black Spangle Gang, Bite to All, the shitters song and Chigire. Everything else has been played in the last ten years.

  8. 16 hours ago, Nagisa said:

    How likely is it that there will be a new release this year? It seems like they are mostly doing lives and they just announced that they will be doing Burst into a Blaze 3 in the summer. As I recall DOGMA was already announced this time of year in 2015, so could it be that they won't release anything before the end of the year?


    Maybe by the end of the year? Afaik the Dark Age concept is now finished so they'll most likely recalibrate a little bit and come back with something different. In all honesty I've disliked this last spur of releases so much that I'm downright begging they'll go back to something more light hearted and jovial. 



    Unjustly unheralded Gazeballad. This one really gets what they used to be about; they're [the gazette] like a middle schooler writing notes class about girls and running out of allowance. Every once in awhile this entity runs away from home to see concerts at smokey concert halls in 90's Tokyo and ends up passing out while sneaking a ride back home in a lorry. Such a sweet voice Ruki used to have, as opposed to the consumate professional of today who takes classes and pays his taxes. 

  9. I may have had a bit of a falling out with them, but they're #stillmyboi even in defeat so today I'll bang Godzette all day. First going to riffle through the last DVD that I never bothered checking out, then hit the Stacked era B-sides and finally do the first two DVD's straight. Aside from that I'll do miscellaneous tracks from here than there that I haven't listened to that much. I wish I had beer to do this with in anticipation of today's setlist.





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