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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Discovered tinder. Can't stop using it. I even walked through a museum left swiping scrubs like, thank you ancestors for letting me have this


    I've yet to date anyone because I'm just about to change countries, but in the next one some shorty just about to be ready to quit her day job if she puts in work


    #stackinbandz #finnishMONEY #10sonly #fucboi #overcompensating

  2. Right now in a piss-stenched ship cabin recharging my phone. The life.


    I'd rather just die right away than be in the same place doing the same shit every day. For so many years I was just grinding in my shit flat, trying to introduce variety by going to different cafes, pubs and restaurants every day and really at the end of the day doing fuckall. Now my work allows me to do the lion's share on the laptop, so fuck Finland lol. This year I had a good month in Europe and this is my second tour. I would have gone earlier had terrible luck with my health not intervened ( thanks to the variety of different foreign bacteria in foods abroad for one, barf. ) This time I'll be away for about three weeks going around in Hungary-Serbia-Ukraine and then I'll hit back home for a little while, and in May I'll do the Baltics in succession. I try to save as much money as possible by staying in hostel dorm rooms and such, and it's not as bad as one might think. I really enjoy meeting new people anyway and so far all my experiences have been excellent. Really the only cons I have come across have been: 1. Don't let anyone else do your laundry. They will ruin your clothes 2. Too much drinking 3. Not that much exercise if any 4. Having a good diet is hard. This time I'm going to have more salads, less vodka and do push ups and shadowbox when nobody is around. It's still worth it of course. 





  3. My biggest gripe with the Dir en grey live recordings of the past god knows how many years is the mumbling and garbling. I think Kyo has improved leaps and bounds in this department as of late, but there are still times where the growls aren't very clean and half of the vowels end up stillborn. I'm not asking for a technically sound performance ( Kyo of 2003/2004 mumbling and leaving out words was awesome ), I just loathe how it sounds to my ear. 


    There's some highlights on this though. I like the way he does the chorus for Embryo, Umbrella is really intense and nice renditions of FILTH and Audience Killer Loop as well. MARMALADE CHAINSAW is so much better here than on the Arche DVD. Disappointed about the new versions of Bottom of the death valley and Obscure, and why are Inferno and Un deux on this thing when Ugly isn't. 





  4. Latest single wasn't that great. Wouldn't be caught dead listening to the title track and the B-sides were the average fare for these guys. The EP before this though was their best release and I'm not willing to deter my anticipation based on one shite A-side.  They have a sound now and they better not go fuck it all up. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, rekzer said:


    i think it's on par with Born to be free's shit fest 




    I dare people to listen to that thing from beginning to end. That kind of flaccid low testosterone arena rock is just about the worst thing in the world next to poverty and cancer. I don't think it's as spectacularly bad as born to be free, although I wonder who on earth would listen to it in 2017 for god sake.

  6. 5 minutes ago, rekzer said:

    HERO (worst song ever)



    I haven't heard this one, but I have a hard time imagining it could be any worse than Born to be free, the corniest fucking limp dicked ballad from a bunch of old rockers with one foot firmly in the retirement home bingo room. I sincerely could not imagine a song that's more reprehensible to me in what it is and what it represents.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Dudemanguy said:

    Oh sweet. I'm just now getting into them (dunno why it took me so long...). This should be interesting.


    Same. Well I've been lukewarm for a while, but now they're up there as my favorite active vk band. The latest live dist was flames

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