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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. 8 minutes ago, TheZigzagoon said:

    Gosan were never the pinnacle of good quality music, they have some decent songs, but how did they let their quality slip this much? 

    That's the mystery here because I also think some of the old stuff holds up. I recognise it's the same band and all their stuff is quite similar, but something happened somewhere along the line. Even the breakdown that I'd usually be all for does nothing for me when it's sandwiched between the same chorus they have every time, or something I don't know. 



    Maybe stuff like this is still more structured with less gimmicks, just early Arlequin/Morrigan esque thirst for blood with a tinge of oshare. 

  2. On 3/17/2019 at 8:42 AM, Triangle said:

    Honestly I don’t remember hearing about this. But since he got involved in the Japanese Communism Party and was low-key interested in Marxism during his younger times, I guess Maoism wouldn’t have surprised anymore XD

    If you think of No Longer Human as a thinly veiled biography and take his word for it, then probably not or at least not an ardent one lol. 


    Anyways, in the middle of a Cioran reading project and what I have left are New Gods and Fall Into Time. Definitely prefer On The Heights and Tears and Saints to the later work, with History of Decay coming in as third. Cioran is coming out of my ears now so I'm refreshing myself by reading some poetry in Finnish so I started an Uuno Kailas project also. 

  3. How come are my bois buried on page four?  😕 What did people think about the new album


    My general impressions are that it's a bit more ferocious than the last one which suits me quite fine, and the singles are great and that's like 50% of this album at least. There's not a whole lot to be said about a band that hasn't really changed on any fundamental way since like two albums ago, so what's left is just to keep track of the shades of different colours that've appeared and disappeared every time they put out something. It's like keeping track of birds... Anyway, only two ballads and the last one is nice, the kind of head banging live tracks that were not singles range from tolerable to quite ok while still being totally left in the shadow of the singles like Toge, DOUBT and the long title that fucking rip. At its best this band is as crazy as it can be when the guitarists break out from their torpor a little and funny vocal effects are piled on layer by layer, although here the ballad at the end is kind of a testament to the fact that this band can do more than just one thing while retaining its own sound. Anyway, decent effort while not as good as the first or the second albums. 

  4. I think a lot of people here, including myself lol, don't really understand how all this stuff works in Japan in the vk scene especially also in relation of the general public in Japan. Afaik, vk is already perceived as the last refuge for people totally unfit for society, an whether some bandoman is guilty of this and that over there is not really something to cause much attention, probably because the perception of the vk is pretty much true and all these dudes are just really shitty when it comes to treating both women and each other, I mean just look up stories of how they treated the vocalist from Screw back in the day and imagine if something like this came out involving some lamestream band in the west, like that could pretty much be the end of everyone involved; and this is only the beginning, like I think we've already heard tons of stories of really dodgy stuff which while shocking to people in the west accustomed to a totally different kind of culture and conduct, especially when it comes to regarding an elder statesman of the scene like ki$aki. This is an underground music culture of rejects that had a flash in the pan moment 20 years ago that brought it to the surface, which while an important moment it for sure didn't change the general makeup and reality of the scene, which is a large prostitution racket ran by yakuza and horny guys wanting to play shitty rock 'n roll to a fanbase consisting of people with as many issues an the bandguys themselves.


    And to add to this I think everyone knows the Japanese think we are joke and that some gaijins are rustled is literally no concern of theirs, unless you're willing to fuck or buy them some chrome hearts of course.

  5. On 3/6/2019 at 6:11 PM, PIZAZ said:



    Old Dolly felt like they had an infinite resource of great vocal and lead guitar melodies. I don't know about their lyrics and so on, but for some reason the domineering mood that's in shinshoku rosetta was always an undertone in the rest of their stuff as well, or at least I'd never call them just straight cut cotton candy oshare. 



    I was spinning the Evil/Moonblood Fuck Peace/We're at War split earlier and it turned out the Moonblood side was some of the worst stuff I've heard of them, I decided to put on Satanic Warmaster's debut that I've been listening to for the past two days. I've been on a C-tier metal kick for a while now and Strength & Honour is all about that. 

  6. Lol I have to wonder whether the guitar sounds like that on purpose or not. The underwater 96kb/s transcode tone is almost a little psychedelic, which is not me saying that it'd do them a huge favour to ditch it for something more organic sounding. God damn this studio metalcore guitar in vk is killing me oshietee


    better than the stuff I think ( ? ) I've heard from them previously. long ways off from being a good band tho

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