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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. 18 minutes ago, Jigsaw9 said:

    ^ It's already out? I was under the impression it'll be released in, like, late July?

    I swear I thought I saw it uploaded on here but apparently not haha sorry about that. Anyway for some reason it's on jpopsuki and I don't know if it's just me but everything sounds infinitely better than what I remembered, maybe it was just shitty rips floating around all along or they just jacked up the sound throughout. 

  2. Usually I appreciate these crazy cats for what they are and I consider being a rock performer a full time performance art project anyways. For example I find all the stories I’ve heard of tzusuku very amusing and I love that shit and Kisaki is just crazy he does what he do


    but Mamo’s lame ”gays r gross but lesbians r gr8” comment is where I draw the line. It’s kind of like I think a totally overblown GG Allin esque character is a lot more interesting and politically palatable to me than let’s say a bandman going like ”hey I even have some black friends, but... ” which is imo ten times more harmful and problematic 



  3. 15 hours ago, chemicalpictures said:

    I think that was the general consensus here? Shit tons of potential, less than favorable delivery...


    I do enjoy a song here and there tho, tenten will always be a favorite

    To me it seemed like people were disappointed right out the gate when it didn't sound like MBHI and then that those that found the first PV acceptable were deterred away in short order once it turned out they weren't going to be heavy for sure. I liked their style and I wish they could've kept doing more or less what they did. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, Lestat said:

    He has written an absolute bulk load of memorable music by himself – both for his own bands as well as others.

    This is why I have to go with Kisaki as well. His songs are unmistakable even when his liberally borrowing from Laputa or something, and it's not just one band but like a dozen. 


    Both Deg and Kisaki's ouvre are towering figures in vk in their own ways, but Toshiya by himself isn't so it's not even a difficult choice here.

  5. Anyone wants to clue me in on what this direction is that everyone talks about and how it manifests itself in music exactly? Apparently it's definitely not exercising their sound and aesthetic because that they're doing plenty as it is. 


  6. After quitting my day job I thought I'd get ten times more productive with my other endeavors. Turns out that isn't the case, and whatever hours were spent laboring before are now spent largely idle in want of something to do, agonising myself between fifteen different projects and goals. I'm not passionate enough about anything in particular that'd make me give it the solitary focus that's needed to really _do_ anything worth doing. I'm not even drinking or moving from country to country anymore, so I just sit home and read books and watch movies, go to gym for one week out of every month with 4 weeks of sitting on the couch in the interim ( because what's the point if I can't be pro-athlete/the best. ) I still remember when taken to my first football practice as a little boy and immediately after it had ended I walked up to my mom announced that I'm retiring from football since I didn't score a single goal, and I'd surely be too much of a burden to the team to come back around the second time; and since then I've adopted this philosophy holistically to everything I do. I spend a day pondering over which book should I read in order to get the most out of it or fit into a project I have going on currently... I decide on neither and waste a day. I'm confident in that anything I'd decide to do in life I'd be decent enough at it to not feel like I made the world a worse place to live in while supporting myself both financially and emotionally in the process, but I can't get up from the couch after the first shadow of a doubt comes over me; nothing means anything, but it's both a freedom and a curse all the same. 


    If nothing else I'll be changing scenery in about a half a month to live in Kiev for a while. I can't stay in the same country too long without exploding. 


    As I wrote this I forgot the buckwheat on the stove and I burned it

  7. 15 hours ago, yomii said:

    i actually find pretty toxic the same never ending discussions here of how shitty certain bandmen/fandoms/fans are

    like its not even a year since ive been an active member lol

    Yeah to be honest a lot of people who are allegedly so repulsed by the fandom, tanuki and bandmen being bandmen seem awfully preoccupied by them. I can't even wrap my mind around the idea that people would voluntarily expose themselves to people that they already pretty much know to be certain way; like, if you don't like the drama then why incessantly hover around it on twitter and tumblr and etc? If someone goes to lives then maybe shit gets annoying, but first of all who are you to tell these people how they should behave and what is toxic and what isn't unless you're willing to hear some opinions that are on the contrary. 

  8. 13 minutes ago, JRD said:


    The most toxicity I've seen are from foreign fans fighting over dumb ass genres like: I hate x band because they're Osare, they're too bright, kirakira sucks. While in the meantime stanning bands like Aicle(who are KOTEOSARE KEI) that plays heavy music, but also poppy music(Which is a Koteosa staple). Let's face it, foreign fans care too much about something being cute, but if they play heavy ass fuck music, they'll look pass the hypocrisy. 

    This has definitely become less common in the past few years. I think it's both that the lines between the "styles" as the gaijins perceived it having become even blurrier than they were before, and people just getting older and more phlegmatic about everything. I'll never forget how much people really shat on oshare kei bac in the day, often without really knowing what it is or what it really entailed other than just colorful clothing. It was like the "i like everything/visual kei except rap/oshare" of visual kei in the west at one point. Still, I think pretty much everyone was listening to An Cafe in secret and people are much more open minded nowadays... but again it might just be because there's far less of us and the ones that stuck had a wider and more refined palate to begin with. 

  9. It's cool-ish, although now it's still promises yet unfulfilled but we're getting there. The title track is my favourite and it shows the most stylistic development from the Ktk sound with some core techniques put into it. The rest are straddling a line between where that track is and Kuroyuri ( rudra sounds eerily close to some ktk tracks even? ) 


    Where I hope this band will develop is in line that with that I know of Mei already. He seems to have a good aesthetic and all this retro jpop eroguro shit he's dabbled in sounds fucking great to me. Bring it on etc. 

  10. I can't but think of the people here going through an album's production with a fucking tape measure and a try square looking for some hot takes as utterly ridiculous dilettantes who are on a quest to rate and evaluate everything they come across from dogs to cats to hotdogs and shoehorning them into some system of cosmically applying universal worth, like a senile bookie trying to get one over the plebs of the board that has rigged the game so many times to his own favor that he has come to believe that's how it's supposed to be played. Unsurprisingly this takes place mostly on the threads related to Dir en grey in one way or another, and I hope that one day whoever supplies the audio equipment to these people decides to send them boxes of tapes containing different bass frequencies and one note sounds recorded with different studio presets, so that they can spend the rest of their lives busy with their ear pressed against the speaker being fully content about that crystal clear HQ sound, because god forbid we'd have to see these people writing about music again when they could be spending their parents money on audio jacks and Pepsi instead. Some of the best releases in rock music history sound like they were recorded with an Xbox 360 headset so fuck off already with this shit and go watch the past seasons of american idol on VCR and pretend to be Simon like you really want to.


    Considering what vk has been doing from X's look to Kiyoharu's simulated hanging on stage to today, I don't think the word edgy has a place in the conversation with any other role than as a praise full of positive connotations only. While some people sure are eager to please and orientate themselves towards the lamestream taste with their hands and knees begging for their family to listen to their shitty japanese music at family gatherings and hand out positive affirmations, the rest ought to know that the only thing that really matters to any autonomous subject is the sincerity of their self-expression and the intellectual integrity that's solely their own. The general impulse of the public is to take the edges out of everything and grind them down into submission and guilt over being "lame" and "embarrassing," so hopefully instead of edgy music the people here can find things with the coarse edges done polished down so smooth that they'll trip and fall on their heads, becoming completely paralysed and unable to use their hands to write anything as stupid as they are in the future. 



  11. The only one I actively regret to this day is missing out on Aicle when they were somehow brought to Finland in 2009, and that's when they pretty much peaked musically as well. It would've been the only time for me to see one of my all time favorites in their prime, but unfortunately I was too young and stupid to appreciate them back them so I decided to not go. The rest I can live with. 



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