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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Wait, everyone is entitled to their opinions except this one? Unless one cries out #allvkmatters then the breath exits the realm of acceptability and becomes free game to be called butthurt etc. ? 


    I've always written like this with this very same tone by the way, and I like arguing with people who's education and taste I don't respect both irl and online. The only people who take other people trashing shit they like seriously enough to comment with such shite are the ones who are out there either to swipe under the rug their inferiority complex and lack of argument or white knight some shitty band that will disband in two years without a wikipedia article with the balance book of bataar. 



  2. You can also go through my posting history where I like things both new and old ( or ask anyone on this board who’s been here for longer than two minutes since they ought to know me if not in person then through the chat and my presence here otherwise) despite mainting a very firm stance on when things were better; and in addition to this I refuse to placate to the people and their opinions who I wouldn’t even piss on if they were on fire, and I most likely wouldn’t have to do that since by the time I’d get there to piss on them, these people have moved on to some other scene to adopt a new identity for themselves.

  3. On 9/12/2019 at 10:14 PM, Milayou said:

    I think i've officially lost patience with DAS:VASSER, I tried giving their stuff a chance for years but they simply don't do anything for me. A lot of VK is derivative by nature but most bands manage to save face by having a little something special to offset this. I just don't get what that special something is supposed to be for them (and to make things worse the production on their albums sucks).


    Also this could probably get me beheaded if I told the wrong people, but it makes me furious that the more elitist fringes of VK fandom will hype up middling crap like this yet deliberately overlook an album like Missa because they wouldn't be caught dead listening to DEG. I don't consider myself a hardcore Diru fan at all but "Kiri to Mayu" and "Aoi Tsuki" alone blow anything DAS:VASSER have written out of the water.

    I've also had the same experience with Das:Vasser. They came up a lot on youtube and everywhere else back in the day when the algorithm still wasn't total shit, and their old looks, name, track titles etc. were all really cool so naturally I gravitated towards everything... except their music. I don't want to say anything definite because my relationship with a lot of visual kei develops and even metamorphoses throughout the years and I've turned on and to bands I never expected to, but what I can say for sure is that Das:vasser I've definitely tried to get into the longest. I think it was last year when I was browsing some compilations when I was first impressed by anything they did ( which might've also been the first time when I approached their music with a sober mind ) and I have to give them credit for unusual bravery when they make these 6 minutes songs from very little. It's the Kisaki song writing syndrome ( pun )


    This is cool, and absolutely could've been only 4 minutes long. Anyway, it's cool and raw as fuck so automatically better than almost anything released in the past 5 years at least



  4. I'm tagging along the mob as well. I hold Shinya partially responsible for holding them back after DSS which must've been one of the reasons why they finally became an old man band when they started side stepping instead of taking leaps forward like they used to. The guitars are still farting along but at least that one riff around half way point that comes back by the end is cool for them. 

  5. You could say it's the best that the brutal kei scene has to offer, or you could say it's the only that the brutal kei scene has to offer because there's no other bands even making music like this anymore. Rest in peace vk metalcore and shoutout to all the people who thought people would still care about it in a few years. This band will flop too despite it already at least seeming to be better than Jiluka, Dexcore and Deviloof ( then again that's not much of an achievement is it )

  6. 1 hour ago, Zeus said:

    This is the most active band I hear nothing about.


    I'm not silly enough to believe that we have anything to do with the complete radio silence on Initial'L. Lycaon was around for a few years and they were known and loved by many. I also believed that they "disbanded" to get away from their label, and Initial'L was simply the continuation of Lycaon. I know they didn't part ways with their label very well as Lycaon, but usually new bands that form from the core of an existing band keep some momentum. This is a notable exception. Are these guys blacklisted by a portion of the industry or something? It doesn't make sense that they've released all this music and I didn't know about anything past their second single until right now.


    How depressing a turn of events. I used to love these guys. I still spin early Lycaon on occasion. I like Yuuki's voice when he doesn't force it. I just can't get into a majority of their post-eve stuff.

    I remember someone writing on the forum that a lot of their old fans turned on them and probs didn't get any new ones to replace them either. also they ain't sellin' nuffin but tbh I can't decide if they already called it a day and just decided to play music til retirement like this to no ones interest since it's not like yuuki's VANS budget eats that much out of his salary at 7/11 unlike what they used to wear. 


    https://www.oricon.co.jp/prof/448073/rank/album/ Essentially went from selling the best they ever did to the worst with interest still declining. I don't know how or why this happened but I'm just as puzzled as anyone else. It's not like the other guys bailing on the shimizuya yakuza had to retire from vkei 


  7. 17 hours ago, Jigsaw9 said:

    Haven't checked out the new Mgła album yet (will do it this weekend!), but just saw them live two days ago at the start of their tour. They were pretty good as usual, tho the sound of the venue could've been a bit better. They played for about an hour and, truth be told, I got a bit tired by the end... and I dunno if it was just the song selection or what, but I've never noticed before how damn similar/samey their song structures are, lol. Was kinda comical after a while. In any case, it was an enjoyable show.


    Exactly the same feeling from when I saw them live. I left during the last or second last song iirc to skip the crowds. 


    I fucking can't with the lyrics from this album tho lmao


    "Herostrates for the modern day High on good conscience A noblest of sufferers On disinformation highway"


    "And the last of misbelievers Will be trampled in the greatest of marches Toward the radiant future Where sheep are promised fangs And only after the graves are filled With remains of dissidents And the frame of reference is torched Together with forbidden thoughts"


    "And the assassins in rose tinted glasses At the wrong end of the tunnel of light Practitioners of paramount scorn And those who'd rig moral compass rather than bridges"


    I can't believe that in 2019 we have black metal complaining about liberals on the internet. Embarrassing.

  8. 3 hours ago, chipathy said:

    One of the b sides on the flashback single is heavy

    Also from Erogro. 


    This band is not really about that tho. Their earliest stuff is pure nu-metal vk that's unfortunately not all that great. I like the Gazerock sounding songs around the era of the first album and then hopped back on around syojoshoushitsu. 

  9. That song would be nice if it came out in the context of this Aicle, early lolita sounding discography, kind of like Kore yokattan desu on hankou seimebun. The synth is really ghetto and the vocals more or less on point for what we ought to be going for. It's just too bad that this band is still searching for its identity and aside from like three songs their discography is a flaming, amateurish and unremarkable mess. They'd probably do covers of Girugamesh' GO era if it made them some cash

  10. 2 hours ago, Milayou said:

    Does anybody remember this band that was put together in Japan to be marketed in the west? They folded immediately after failing to garner interest and instead of listening to the fans telling them "this is not actually what we meant when we said you should bring VK overseas" the promoters blamed piracy culture for the death of their little experiment.


    The whole period was a hilarious trainwreck on many fronts but that tiny bit of visibility still felt like such a ray of sunshine, little things like the PV for Saku getting voted all the way up to #1 on some european MTV chart really testify to how large and optimistic the fanbase was around then.

    Are you referring to Xodiack by any change, or to something even older? They started out in association with HearJapan that was going to be the place for all your jrock visual kei jpop and probably kpop in two years needs and then obviously people just pirated it and HearJapan threw a fit. Google tells me this was 2010 so I'm not sure if you can still get to the polemic that it caused here because it might've been gone with Tainted World. Anyway, I still remember it vividly and I was surprised any of those dudes managed to have a career afterwards ( Eros/Ice )

  11. Instead of having the scene go around appropriating gimmicks I'd just rather have it go back to what it used to be. It's not like anything has happened in rock music in over ten years other than metalcore dying and a collective turning back the clock to feed on nostalgia, which then as a result synthesised what he have now with our impression of the past. It happened in vk too sort of with nu-metal coming back and bands getting darker and edgier, but it petered out finally once AINS was gone and now what we got is r-fucking-shitei and raido cutting themselves in music videos. The best thing that I could hope for is bands like that we got with that wave but just better, and with more (post-)punk and definitely less metal. I think a lot of band guys miss this old school attitude and music too from what I can tell from interviews, and yet they seem to be hopelessly inept in realising it. I guess they can want what they want but if the gya ain't buying it, they ain't going to do it. And since we're here I wouldn't mind something going were bands like La'cryma christi, Luna Sea, L'arc and Eins:Vier were going at their most ambitious but this will never happen.


    Either way I want something darker, visceral and ambitious done with the genre's already existing foundations instead of some fucking flavor of the month metal gimmick. I mean come on that's just terrible.





  12. 1 hour ago, hopefully_benign said:

    I'll listen to music recorded on a 4 track tape in an outhouse if I like the songs. My issue with DEG is that they actually seem to jump through expensive, time-consuming hoops specifically to make their albums sound shitty. Egregiously fake, soulless sounding drum trigger samples and Death Magnetic-tier compression isn't some romantic case of off-the-cuff, spirit-over-professionalism passion or whatever, it's not fucking lo-fi black metal, it's just good* songs turned into plastic by shitty production/mastering. People here aren't audiophiles for being bugged by distractingly shit sound anymore than you'd be a snobby food critic for not wanting cat litter poured on your spaghetti.


    * Well, some people seem to think so. I'm a lot more impressed by their 'generic vk' era than their middlebrow Mike Patton-meets-shitty-deathcore era.

    I don't know if you've someone's alt or have been lurking here for how long exactly, so in case you were not aware I was referencing the way people here write circles around the production of some shitty Japanese mallcore as if dicking around with a few sliders and switches would've made it any different. Even if The Insulated World didn't sound shitty it'd still thoroughly retain it's fundamental essence, which is shit. 

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