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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. ˆ I think we've been through that already 


    Each to their own, you either buy it or don't. As a forum I don't think we have to collectively white knight for some high school dropout's rockstar dreams in 2020 when the amazon is burning and shit. If h00mans can't find a more sustainable way to produce and distribute music other than by manufacturing rows upon rows of plastic junk to sell for idiotic prices to fund all the parasitic middle men of that entire process who have nothing to do with the music anyway, then I don't mind if we just nuke the entire culture and go back to playing drums in circles.

  2. 4 hours ago, nullmoon said:

    If anyone needed the info, London had Kodou in the encore. The crowd went nuts for both this and Merciless Cult. Although the tracks from TIW were definitely more preferable live than on the album, the WTD tracks had so much more punch in comparison

    NEW AGE CULTURE and Merciless Cult were handily the highlights of the set and while I still think it was cool to see the album in its entirety, it doesn't make me crave for a set of old songs any less. They're so good live now that I'd go crazy for a TMOAB live even

  3. There's one guy making these top PV videos on youtube on a monthly basis and when you get through one of them you'll think "I never heard of any of these fucking bands" and they sometimes actually look like they got money behind them as well. 



    fantastic resource to see what's going on the scene as long as you know what you're getting into. of course most of the bands sound "generic" because the amount of bands is absurdly high and that's how this music always sounds like anyway with slight variations. 

  4. Extended gig report from Berlin since I did one from Warsaw a year and a half back.


    The scene: Berlin, shaking and dying, sporting a bloodshot visage from the night previous as usual, I had managed to score some decent vegetables from the bazaar at a rather handsome price for Germany, all in an effort to recover before the show, but I'm thinking: will these carry me over? Just how many gin tonics is too many? Either way duty calls and I head out to meet Gaz in a bar nearby, who already a few beers deep inadvertently encouraged me to go for one that was 15% and then it was off to the races. 


    The bridge to Friedrichschain; running to take a piss somewhere in the corner I step on human shit, I was thinking that the only way that this isn't the worse thing that would happen to me today would be if they played The Final for the encore. I take out 40 euros from the ATM and it charges me 4 euros for the transaction. Fuck it. I'm getting beer, and this is the only way. No one takes card in a conspiracy to bleed me dry. I see Whirlingblack and two of our mutuals coming over; I bum a cigarette; the line is possibly the fastest moving I've ever experienced in my life, especially considering just how long it was; turns out the reason why it was moving fast was the inspection for the ticket was literally the door man taking a cursory look almost in the direction of my phone and going "boom" and letting me in. I got the ticket just the night before and it was nice to see that was for nothing. Could've used someone else's and I'll remember that next time.


    Lots of merch; I get nothing; I get a beer and some shots instead. In Warsaw I got three, now I got four. I've upgraded. The plan is that the second the lights go out we'll just strafe by the wall and when it gets heavy we'll just muscle our way to the center for the pit. Works every time and did so again. 


    Okay, so the concert had exactly the same setlist as the previous, which is the full Insulated World album, World of Mercy, Merciless Cult and a rotating encore song. This was my first time seeing them with a set that was dedicated to promoting an album so I was moderately excited about that despite not being hugely into the fucking thing. This model works in a live context fairly well imo, like the mood is consistent and you get to see the thing in a slightly altered light; but most importantly of all that meant that this could just be the first time I won't get to hear The Final and an even better chance to never hear Sustain the Untruth ever again. The whole thing kicks off with Zetsuentai and the one marked difference from the 2018 tour is that the theatricality is even more present than last time. The first performances of Devote My Life and Keibetsu Hajimari went by like a blur in an underwhelming fashion, whereas now they've got synchronised head banging and a lot sharper performance by Kyo, who must've after performing all those songs like a hundred times now figured out how to make them work. The heavier stuff worked very well this time around and I wasn't the only one feeling the physicality since the crowd in Berlin was, for the most part, really good. Loud, energetic and the second I saw the pit was going I joined it and stuck by it til the very end. It wasn't even one of those usual weeb pits where you'll see people politely shoving each other, nope, it was the closest I've felt to a real one in one of these shows since 2010. Occasionally shit would be really tight like during Merciless Cult ( I actually in retrospect wish we would have gotten more old songs based on how good this was ) and Devote my life and although I'm just a bit saddened about no wall of death happening despite the chances definitely being there, it was still obviously really good; maybe even too good perhaps, because I do remember some of the looks from people nearby who weren't much having it. Too bad my philosophy is that leben ist krieg and if you're not in shape to hold your own, go to the back and sit on your phone there. By the end I remember one dude air punching himself a karate pit and at some point that enraged some other short purple haired dude; and of all the times to do this bullshit it was during the biggest surprise of the night which was NEW AGE CULTURE. I think eventually security stepped in on that dude flexing in front of his stupid girlfriend I guess.


    So yeah as far as the band goes, I honestly don't remember any moment when a complaint would've registered. The sound in the venue was good and that made it already just a bit better than the usual, and looking at the clips on youtube I'd say yeah, it's the usual for 2020 Deg. They're really good live rn imo, way better than before the mode of tours. One thing that has to be said tho is that Kyo did sound just a liiiiiitle more constrained that what I remember from last year. Followers is a rough fucking song to pull off, and World of Mercy has some difficult parts as well. I guess it just comes with the territory, doing all these tours like this; my opinion on the matter is that if you're actually minding shit other than your phone recording, you don't really care that much. 


    The shows ends after the Followers, NEW AGE CULTURE and Utafumi encore that got such a loud reaction by the end that I was almost hoping for them to come back for a second encore. This was not to be however, so after picking up Die's pick from the ground by accident and waiting half a century for my jacket we scatter off into whirlingblack's hotel that was just around the corner, and what better way to cap off the gig other than washing away all the memories and a few others with a rather absurd and expensive haul for the already overpriced kiosk downstairs; and by the time I got back to my hostel all that red wine, sparkling wine, beers and a few others went back to where they came and where I should've went myself: the toilets of Berlin.



  5. 6 minutes ago, Kerin said:

    I think it started when The Gazette were roadies for Dir En Grey. DeG thought that The Gazette were too good to be roadies, so The Gazette was formed as an official band. I guess DeG fans used the word roadies against Heresy to serve as a reminder that without Dir En Grey, that The Gazette wouldn't even have existed.

    This must be the most outlandish and fantastic fan theory I ever heard. Like aimi said according to every interview they've ever put out that I've read they pretty much were dudes in the local scene jumping from band to band and eventually the present formation sans Kai formed out of the corpses of these local bands. They were never affiliated with each other in any way since they were on totally different labels and based in a different city. All the bands that have deg associations are from the Dynamite Tommy family like Merry and Rentrer En Soi. If I'm not mistaken some Gazette members like Kai and Ruki had day jobs before making it big too, so any roadie story is just unlikely when deg was consistently touring the country from the moment of their inception and gazette dudes had barely had their first bands by the year 2000. I think the rivalry is the invention of western fans because in Japan they have nothing to do with each other



  6. I don't know, it sucks. People are right saying that What's Up is just a rehash of Vanitas and Rijin that just wanks more, and for the rest I just... couldn't get interested in. The first track after the SE is fucking terrible and Funny World is trash as well. It has its moments a few times but I can't get into them in this context. It's a thumbs down from me. 

  7. I dunno guize, to me it's still the same band that just decided to go in the indie rock dezert direction but just math'd up the song structure and riffs and jammed as much material in the four odd minutes as possible. I think in this case all this talk about whether it feels like its all there or that it's a mess or whether it has soul or not is just nonsense. I understand if someone thinks all the time signature shit and transitions are in bad taste, but at least in vk that's pretty novel. The chorus still 100% carries in the entire thing and that could've been in their old songs just as well as in this one. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Tanishi said:

    Ah so it's about phones being bad. The low bitrate sound symbolises how by being addicted to our phones, we are experiencing a low bitrate version of life. This is very DEEP.


    Edit: but I guess me listening to this sample over and over shows that I'm still very hyped for this album.



    I wish I was this woke

  9. I'm going to shape up this year and go back to my roots. I'll spend a week in isolation in Berlin and it'll be just me, strangers and adventures and total debauchery. I've been using my girlfriends spotify and I've noticed that it has both made me complacent and unwilling to explore the deeper reaches of my interests, and that's why I'm going to go old school; all the music on my computer will head straight to the bin and I'll soulseek the shit out of something unfamiliar that'll scare me back into taking control of my life and art


    Speaking of taking control and complacency, it's some sad shit what happened to youtube and internet in general. Homogenised by corporate interest beyond repair. I remember when I could spend hours diving down the rabbit hole of related videos from vk pvs whereas now you'll only get videos of the same channel, videos you watched in the past and then videos popular that are vaguely "related." This really killed it for me as far as finding new bands, it's now all on the shoulders of that one guy who does these top pvs of every month. 



  10. Alright, first ratings are up. Same rating system as last time








    蘭図 -  九相図

    A tough rate for me, a something that could be good on one day and a meh+ on another. Did I start liking them just a bit less? I just might have, because the strongest material here I would have no qualms ranking besides their strongest. Tracks 4 and 6 stand out in particular in weaning out from the norm, a norm that its worst is not much removed from some La'veil pizzeria tier anesthesia mediocrity. Their other mode, which is largely represented by A-sides, that poppier melodic 90's sound is not as present here as I thought it would have been based on Solaris, but do I like this a whole lot better than that? Did the loss of momentum coming from the singles color how I feel about this one, 'cause it is still just kind of the same. Well either which way it may be, I like this just without being as ethusiastic about it as I might've been an year ago. 




    mama. - 哀々傘 (2020.01.15) 

    I guess fate just had it that 2020 would be kicked off with the most aggressively mediocre way possible. Ex-Morphine, present mama. is the quintessential hopping on a wave and seeing how they're able to ride it before the two fans they have find something else to do, and they sound every bit the part with all the lalala's and bloodstained clothes checking those boxes. There's no need to talk about the funny synth or the same fucking metalcore riffs that every other dime a dozen band is using, but the vocalist does have seemed to improve somewhat, like the melodies in the chorus are not that terrible and he's just breaking out of that one tone voice even if just a bit. It's still boring and shitty, no matter how good their aesthetics are. I wonder if by 2025 we'll have any of these bands left. 


    エンヴィル - デス・パレード

    Two bands in a row that decided that rebranding their particular brand of mediocrity into another brand of mediocrity is a sound idea, albeit this time that's is where the similarities end. The core of their sound is formed by the same metalcore riffs of the dead horse variety, even if not doing it as bad as mama. is.; see where mama. seems to get their influence from is a bit more in the direction of those nu metallier bands, whereas ENVYL is looking at the direction D.I.D and if that wasn't obvious when the dude started belting out his best Akane impression, then it should've been when they put out a song called literally D I D. As a result, the synth and vocals are both crazier and the variety in the guitars and song make this band a lot better than mama., but that's not saying much because mama. is trash and this band just manages to be the king of that particular hill this time, a low hill but a hill nonetheless, like a pile of rubble in the netherlands or something. 



    This album really is a piece of shit from guys who could've been doing something a lot better. It's actually full of ideas, sections and melodies that could've done well in their last album, or especially on their last single that's the closest thing we got from them to this prior. The thing is that sounds so unfinished; no bassist! Only Retsu filtering his esoteric western and indie influence through his warped "i'm not vk lol jk i am" filter. The transition to his impression of math rock I guess came naturally for him when all the stylistic flourishes still come from the metal influenced music they used to do, just at the cost of the impact and weight the chugging gives to the music. It's like the spine of the song is missing, and they're playing circles around it. That might've been for the better since when it only noodles and meanders, I'm alright with it, like for the Future and What's Up could've been their songs in the past if you squint your eyes just right... but fuck me, Funny World and Before It's Too Late sound like DIMLIM channeling their inner 2020 Girugamesh MUSIC era that I think would show up on a MRI scan. The influences from electronic music are also especially funny, like the Gazestep from the 2010's channeled to this decade. This really sounds like Retsu made it in his shitty 10x10 flat, and I think that's because it was. 


    魅裟 - dp (2020.02.03)
    I've never listened to the non-Ayame Missa before outside of peeping at a PV spot or two some years back. Well, at least they do stand out from the seas of menhera bands with the kind of disgusting synth and vokills that you could only expect from a band that's on Starwave, and I guess that's how they effectively set themselves apart from the rest, by being on Starwave and sounding v much the part. Fairly boring stuff to be honest, especially the ballad at the end my god.


    Cula - 絶痕 -Pride of the clan- (1.1.2020)

    Nipping right on the heels of David as the worst project Sui has been involved. Starwave production, dumb heavy riffs and with the exception of the chorus of Dracula he underperforms. I don't think there's any vk vocalist that ever managed to sound better after polishing his technique, maybe with the exception of Kyo as of late where he's almost as cool as he was in 2002. The riff on Knight Pride is a monument of how this genre refuses to evolve unless its dragged kicking and screaming into a new decade. 


    Astaroth - Fantasia -Ideal&Reality-

    Fucking shockingly, it's not that bad. Imagine Megaromania on Starwave or something. A-side is lame, but the B-side is actually pretty cool!




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