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Status Updates posted by platy

  1. Just started my JoJourney and I think Joseph Joestar is my favorite so far (I know there's a long way to go). Is he popular on the Jojo scale? 

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    2. seys


      After you finish the anime, be sure to read the manga! The parts that haven't been animated yet are much better.

    3. platy


      @seys I actually started buying the manga. The editions here are really beautiful and truly a collector's item, but for that reason also very expensive so I only have two volumes so far 😄

    4. Manabu


      Jolyne and Johnny are my favourites, I'd suggest reading the coloured versions of the manga as well.

      You could skip a few episodes in Stardust Crusaders because the story is quite simple, there's no filler but you'll miss out on some great fights and character moments.

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    In what world is that okay, EVEN in visual Kei standards . 

    Ruined a perfectly good look 


    1. Aferni


      more like a mini wig

    2. Komorebi


      I can't decide who looked weirder with that new look.

    3. platy


      @Komorebidespite everything , I'll say Tomo has outdone himself. 

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  3. I finished watching Assassination classroom and my heart is melting. 


    Why can't more anime series have solid endings like that?  Seriously one of the best endings I've watched in years. 

    I think I'm healed from the bullshit Tokyo Ghoul pulled. 

    1. platy


      @Zeusexactly my thoughts! The author laid the rule from the start. It was the only thing everyone was sure of and Nagisa reminded us every episode. 

      I kept thinking. . . Is he gonna become human again? Will he leave the earth and explode in outer space? Maybe the earth will learn to leave in peace with him?  I'm used to seeing endings were the creators pull some bullshit despite the laws of the world they created.

      But when the inevitable came it was so well done and emotional. Because of their bond, it just had to be done. Doesn't matter how much we love him, it's because of that that it has to be done.:cry:  Must have been hard for the author. 

      Yeah,  creators keeping to their own laws isn't something we get often, they love pulling the 'wait! This character has one last ultimate secret power'  card. 

    2. platy


      Also can't forget to mention how on point every opening theme was.

      1st season they were all energetic and fun. 

      2nd season,  determination and the 2nd one  just really nostalgic and depressing. 

      All are great nevertheless . 

    3. Licio123


      Gotta watch the second movie, thanks for remembering xD

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  4. Add me on Animal Crossing Pocket Camp~


    1. plastic_rainbow


      adding you both! here's mine~
      7682 6529 905

    2. platy


      @plastic_rainbowyour decour is so nice! ~

    3. peffy


      i'm gonna add you guys. my name is peff, id 6679 4675 126

      I just started playing like 2 days ago..

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  5. I recently discovered there's a Kingdom Hearts Orchestra and they happen to be doing a world tour in 2019! I saw some live videos and it's an amazing experience, but badly promoted. Don't miss out!! They're touring Europe, Latin America, US, and more. 




    1. monkeybanana4


      @platy I felt the same way when I heard them play Roxas's theme. So many feels 😭 They also played Xion's theme as well, which was super sad! Ugh, the whole concert was emotionally amazing ;w;


      Are you going to go to the London concert? 

    2. platy


      @monkeybanana4 yeah!! I hope I can get a ticket. How about you? 

    3. monkeybanana4


      Yup, same here! Definitely going to try to get a ticket when the pre-sale opens up. Wouldn't want to miss hearing KH music being played live ^^


      Although, they didn't say anything about seating. I wonder how it'll work this time 🤔 (Last time, they had a huge detailed outline of how seats were going to be divvied up in advance)

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  6. Remember when everyone was willing to pay hundreds for mamireta's sold out singles? That was only a year ago.


    Things sure changed quickly. 

    1. 123Sandman321


      @tetsu_sama69oh, I'm not surprised at all, I just never liked the concept. Also, could you cut the patronising, oh ancient one? :D 

    2. Doesn'tEvenGoHere


      They've only been around for 2 years, so a year ago is half of their career. I  do feel like people are too hard on them though. They're still technically a baby band but because they started off strong, people expect masterpieces from them even though they've only been around a short  while and this is their first band (except Karu). 

    3. 123Sandman321


      2 years is already well past the average VK band life expectancy. They should be collectiong pension and feeding ducks by the pond, by now.

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  7. Why did I remove DOGMA from my ipod just to add some shitty gosan music. #Regrets 

    1. YuyoDrift


      ??? Whats the storage on that iPod?

    2. platy


      It's a 2010(?) 8gb iPod. Nice for when I want to listen to music/audio books without being attacked by phone notifications, but I have to be selective with what's on it and rotate the material

    3. YuyoDrift


      Wow it still works? lol I mean the one I used to own had the battery die so I just jumped on the iPhone instead for a 2-in-1.


      I'm in too deep at this point lol.

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  8. Best Disney movie is Emperor's New Groove 🦙👑

    1. Himeaimichu


      That movie along with the show it spawned was my childhood

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      One of the best!


      Another fave is Sword in the Stone for me.

    3. platy


      @psychonnect_rozen up is a classic, but is it the best? No ma'am!! 

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  9. This is the closest we'll ever get to Tsuzuku growling again.


    Track 5 "down".



    1. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      Did anyone say dickland yet

    2. ricchubunny


      I actually enjoy this album lol

    3. Aferni


      I want to DIE listening to this.

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  10. Raid's vocalist sure looks 100% punchable in their new PV. 

    1. Bear


      His looks were almost as bad as the music itself, and that kinda says a lot. This is some sort of a parody joke band, right?

    2. platy


      @Bear I can't tell anymore. 

    3. seys


      Yeah I don't know, the music was as jarring as his face lmao

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    FF 16!!

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      MMO? I disagree, it appears to be single-player with the same combat system seen in 15. 

    2. platy


      @Total Saikouthe graphics look like FF14 but even lower, that's why I thought of MMO. I'm hoping it's because it's really early days in development, but I'm not the only one who thinks it's graphically disappointing. 

    3. 123Sandman321


      I was horrified in the first minute, but then it very slowly won me over.


      I don't know how you imagine the graphics would improve in terms of character model and texture quality with the art style the last few games have gone for. All the lighting, shadows and other effects looked amazing. 


      What was a bit jarring, tho, was that the supposedly main character was shown fighting the monsters alone and not just once.


      But, I mean, who gives a fuck, we ain't gonna play til 2030 rolls over, at minimum :D

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  12. Finished Diamond is Unbreakable and started Part 5. Some thoughts:


    Josuke almost gets first place with Joseph for favorite protagonist so far. Almost.


    Some amazing animation in part  4, but also painful fillers. 


    Kira vs Koichi  was a sick fight.


    No one can tell me Giorno is 15. Not even Araki himself. 


    Part 5 has the worst opening and ending. What's with that low-tier sex scene song with the gay posing for the ED? Skip skip skip.


    It's bizarre seeing Koichi again, the style difference is huge. I think Josuke would look great in this style.

    1. Tokage


      Sadly I think you're gonna be stuck having to deal with/ignoring WAKE UP FEELIN SO HOOOOORNY for quite a while. I can not BELIEVE they went with this song instead of Gangsta's Paradise smdh 


      Luckily Golden Wind's another one of those seasons that has multiple OPs and EDs & the second ED is waaaaay less goofy than the first one. The way the sequence evolves over time is v. cool too so look forward to that.  Second OP is also waaaaay cooler than the first one IMO

    2. Manabu


      I'm pretty sure they used freakin you because one of the members of the group is called 'JoJo' but I agree, you compare the other ending themes and they've all been really good choices, freakin you not so much. As for the opening, I liked it but I think it got hyped up a lot because it was the same guy who did bloody stream.


      iirc part 5 is quite battle heavy with little filler, I'm quite interested to hear who your favourite character from part 5 will be!

    3. platy


      @Manabu So far Abacchio and  Bucciarati - obvious choices, but now I understand why they have such a huge fanbase. Also I'm loving how anti-drug part 5 is. ''It's okay to make people drink your piss, but selling drugs to kids is a NO!'' basically the message I'm getting

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  13. I need help finding a band.

    I saw this band called more.

    I want to know more about them, but theyre called more.


    They're really dark, when I saw them live during summer they had this sea theme, or boat crew thing to them? 

    They were really melodic and depressing, think 9GBO.


    1. platy


      @Tokageis there a website for them, please? 

    2. anakuro



      when in doubt search the band name + OHP in google and it will most likely come up.


      More's pretty good. I really like Loki's voice. but at the same time seeing them once or twice a year is my limit because at the same time wow boring

    3. platy


      @anakuro Thanks ~ 

      Yeah as much as they sound great there's not an awful lot to see :|


      @Tokage Thanks for the help as well c:

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  14. Throwback to 200X

    √eight was a decent group


    1. platy


      It's a good album but even so, I listened to it once today to remember good times and now deleting it aurrevoir Veight

    2. Hakoniwa


      Are they still active? It was really good indeed, I -almost- added them to my mixtape... then decided against it. lol

    3. Zeus


      no they broke up a long time ago

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  15. Got a PS4 for £199 + 2 games. Couldn't wait for day time offers to come



    1. YuyoDrift
    2. platy


      @YuyoDrift finally set up my online shit. What's your username? 

    3. YuyoDrift


      Same as my username here lol

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  16. Are even Kiryu themselves able to read the titles of their songs? Jeez...

    1. platy


      @seuronglmao, thank you for reminding me 

    2. saishuu


      Isshi's spirit can't help them with that

    3. YuyoDrift


      After watching some videos of them, I'm going to say probably not haha.

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  17.  "Karma fans are annoying!" okay, but has anyone seen TenTen fans? As a neutral bystander, they're  just as bad if not worse. 

    1. Chi


      fans of anything +1

    2. Tokage


      all stans are shit +1

    3. Elazmus


      Fandom is cancer. VK  and everyone on this site has it untreatable, tbh no one outside can even tell us apart~

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  18. Shiin:Mushi is sold out on cdjapan. Time to try this proxy shopping thing I guess. 



      their cds are always sold out (`・ω・´) even at the pre-order stage.

    2. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      Noo...bad time to not have a lot of money ) : (I really want to track down a copy of お邪魔します but Ha. Ha. GL with that)

    3. platy


      @karai · ebihah yeah I don't think it's happening. There's a few users on that quest already :'^) 

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  19. Why do vk artists release live footage but put a pre-recorded track over it? 

    1. Himeaimichu



      A. Engineering audio for live tracks is really hard, and often expensive. Sound is more likely to distort, bleed is more likely, etc. So they probably can't afford to have a good enough sound engineer with the patience to process live recordings

      B. They can't play for shit and have to cover it up somehow lol

      C. Too cheap to film a regular PV

    2. platy


      It's a huge mood killer, whatever the reason. These cheap mfs. 

    3. Komorebi


      What AimiGen said.

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  20. Opening a help line for anyone who lost their shit after the latest ep of Attack On Titan.


    Let's screech together. 

    1. CAT5


      I gotta catch up. Started season 3, but trailed off.

    2. platy


      @CAT5 it's been slow, but man... It fucking paid off. Hands down best ep of AOT ever aired. 

    3. CAT5


      I thought Season 2 was fantastic, and a huge improvement over season 1 - in just about every regard. I even started to warm up to some of the characters, whom I previously considered 1-dimensional as hell. Season 3 def. seemed slow from the outset, but i'm glad to know things picked up.

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  21. What kind of theme are we feeling for the October trade off? 

    1. platy


      Yessss the anime OST one was great fun 

    2. CAT5


      I loooooooooooove soundtrack-related themes!


      Not sure if this is exactly what @Zeus was thinking, but perhaps since the seasons are changing - maybe a theme about life and death???

    3. Seimeisen


      @ghost we actually did the horror film soundtrack theme back in 2015


      That being said, I'd be down for another soundtrack theme, or a spoOoOky szn theme

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  22. Lemme know when one single good band name shows up this year

    1. platy


      @YuyoDrift neither. It's just whenever a new band shows up they have a dumbass name that makes me embarrassed to say with my own mouth lol

    2. YuyoDrift


      Well I read your status completely  wrong then haha.

    3. platy


      I think many people might have. I'm not one to complain about new bands in terms of sound, I've found plenty I like in the last few years. 

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  23. Upper moon 1 arc...oof...


    All I can say is that if ufotable keeps doing their thing, this is gonna be too painful to handle.

    1. platy


      I'm on a 180 I think. Tanj just

      came back to life



      although I think

      just a theory, I think Tanj is dead, the only thing moving him is like...the slayer spirit. Once Muzzy boy dies Tanj is gonna go too


      sigh, Nezuko arrives and burns away the evil poison so all the hashiras get a +1 life revival sighhh


      You're well ahead of me lol so no point dishing out these theories, I just don't know anyone else who reads the manga ;_;

    2. platy


      Ok I’m caught up and IM TIRED! 

    3. Aferni



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  24. “Diamond is Unbreakable is a slice of life”




    *rapist eats a dog’s face on the 2nd episode*


    Jojo subverting genre expectations again I see.

    1. platy


      @Manabu I’m glad I watched all of SC, I laughed so much. It was great to see slapstick cartoon nods with the Mondatta and zenyatta brothers, Death 13 arc and feeding a baby his own shit, Polnareff and the never ending quest of finding a decent toilet was relatable and anxiety inducing because I have a irrational fear of toilets that are less than pristine lmao Was sad to see best man Avdol go :( basically, this is one of the most creative series I’ve ever seen. 

    2. Tokage


      i still think that YES YES YES part in SC is one of the best parts of that entire season lol

    3. Jigsaw9


      Glad you enjoyed SC, once it gears up there's no stopping it! :')))

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