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Status Replies posted by suji

  1. Sorry I haven't been around in the forum much lately. In related news, I'm getting married in 6 hours!

  2. me then: *spent the whole time bitching about Labaiser's Imperial Propaganda*

    me now: FUCK I LOVE IT


    ((the mixing quality still sucks xP))

  3. wtf, coldrain's new album leaked on some Russian site. O.o

  4. was in a bus accident today. entire thing flipped over sideways & landed in a ditch. miraculously, nobody got hurt... still, wtf though. felt like everything was happening in slow-motion for a bit

  5. Goddamn this year has been WEAK vk-wise. VK IS DED

  6. I survived Maria with only a broken finger. The damage is bad. Really bad. I have already seen a couple of looters. We have been told we wont have power for at least 4 - 6 months. :(

  7. why is nobody sharing Merry and Liraizo?! :-( my copies take ages to arrive T_T


  9. Today my Fucking Birthday 

    (I hope best day ever )

  10. When your brothers gf asks you what Pokemon son-goku is... I love this woman lmao

  11. My nightclub was a huge success. It's an amazing experience to see a whole dance floor rocking out to visual kei music. There will be pictures.

  12. the gazette funny moments

  13. I think it goes without saying that MH attracts some of the craziest people to ever grace the interwebz. Thank you for your service

  14. had a mental breakdown right in front of my doctor and now I have to stay at home for the whole week... I'm so scared that I'm going to lose my new job because I'm already missing in my fifth week ...

  15. had a mental breakdown right in front of my doctor and now I have to stay at home for the whole week... I'm so scared that I'm going to lose my new job because I'm already missing in my fifth week ...

  16. Nero hugged me...I can die happy now

  17. Which vkei bands are the most popular now in the overseas VKEI world?


    The Gazette





    DIR EN GREY ?? <- or can they be kicked off by new comers?

    ALICE NINE (A9) even tho I believe the hype is over?

    NIGHTMARE <- maybe they can be kicked off the list? XD




    Avalchain Karma ? 



    I need 10~15 names.

    So any suggestions?


    I wonder to put NightingeiL on the list? they restarted, where loved. Cell was also nice loved.

  18. Yoshiki lookin rough on that japanese vogue cover x6803810678D-CE92-A75D-024795FD2F8613AB.

  19. You're stuck in an Island with 


    Vocalist from GRIMOIRE 

    Vocalist from BABOO



    Who do you sacrifice to the island's gods first? 


    For some reason I find myself thinking about that scenario a lot lately. 

  20. You're stuck in an Island with 


    Vocalist from GRIMOIRE 

    Vocalist from BABOO



    Who do you sacrifice to the island's gods first? 


    For some reason I find myself thinking about that scenario a lot lately. 

  21. I can't shake off the feeling that a9 will be gone next, but they were so vehemently denying it less than a year ago…


    what do you think, MH, are they ready for the final flopdown now that's it's middle of 2017?

  22. Whyyyyyy are all these shitty transcode posts popping up again? I feel like I'm back in the days of Demon Android

  23. The production on VEXENT's new album is so bad... like one song sounds cool and then the other one sounds super badly mixed, kinda tragic

  24. Its my bday today but busy working on vstar staff!

  25. You know, GossiP just needs to abandon Yukika and Ains. Why? The Flyer Designer for Ains printed "AKASAKA BLITZ" as "AKASAKA BILTZ". *Facepalm*

    You only had one job, Yukika!

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