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Status Replies posted by suji

  1. @suji Thanks for your youtube you've allowed me to discover "DiSPiИA"  I'm subscribing and you're fuckin' awesome! Also you're the first vk related channel I've subbed to ever.

  2. @suji Thanks for your youtube you've allowed me to discover "DiSPiИA"  I'm subscribing and you're fuckin' awesome! Also you're the first vk related channel I've subbed to ever.

  3. @suji Thanks for your youtube you've allowed me to discover "DiSPiИA"  I'm subscribing and you're fuckin' awesome! Also you're the first vk related channel I've subbed to ever.

  4. @suji Thanks for your youtube you've allowed me to discover "DiSPiИA"  I'm subscribing and you're fuckin' awesome! Also you're the first vk related channel I've subbed to ever.

  5. eyR8VFI.png+maDoZWD.jpg




    *getting this out of my system*


  6. Am I the only one NOT hyped by La'Veil MizeriA?


    It's not that they are bad, I just don't dig that type of sound and I don't see the need to bring it back XD

  7. I finally got electricity! ;-; 112 days

  8. hi ya ^^ whose the  band in your siggie ? They look familiar :o

  9. what was that cali-gari song you were playing on plug? sorry i couldn't stay up longer to hear it ;w;

  10. One word for tonight: Damn.


    Happy New Years Eve to everyone.

  11. Koichi deleted everything on Instagram. Wtf?

  12. Happy Holidays to all.

  13. It's kinda late for me to say this in my timeline but, Merry XMAS to MH then.



  15. merry christmas everyone!!!

  16. Merry Christmas guys!

  17. Merry Christmas, people!

  18. It's Xmas. I'm a emotional wreck and my thoughs are bout if I should go back to my good old teeanger times and start self harming and pro-ana again lolol. 

  19. Welp, for those of us living in the US, Net Neutrality was taken away. 

    Greedy Rich People can now make us pay even more out of the ass, but this time to access certain content over others

  20. Thank you Noulla for shutting down my yt. I can't even get my liked videos, *long sigh*

  21. Missed you guys, hello once again~

  22. Why haven't I paid attention to Bless This Mess before, they're awesome.

  23. Man, it's my first day actually on this site since I registered but I find the forum so confusing XD 

  24. Man, it's my first day actually on this site since I registered but I find the forum so confusing XD 

  25. Man, it's my first day actually on this site since I registered but I find the forum so confusing XD 

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