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Status Replies posted by suji

  1. for the love of God, please keep screencaps of all potential drama incumming, tyxoxo

  2. for the love of God, please keep screencaps of all potential drama incumming, tyxoxo

  3. can somebody please tell me roughly what these tweets say ;^;




  4. Why haven't there been any more VK anime cover CDs lately :<

  5. Kinda question to everyone:
    Would you move to a land u never visited before? 

  6. Today i had a photoshoot with my friend Tsuu who used to play in Phantasmagoria/spivstates as Iori! :)


    It was so much fun! He's an awesome guy and was happy when i told him that he still have a lot of overseas fans even now!



  7. happy 420 u buttsluts. enjoy the best dank

  8. I just thought I looked like a cowboy. How did it become this?  lol

  9. alternate universe where slipknot was a wildly unsuccessful visual kei band.

  10. After 2 wks, I FINALLY got my packages from Amazon JP! Never again!!

  11. After 2 wks, I FINALLY got my packages from Amazon JP! Never again!!

  12. After 2 wks, I FINALLY got my packages from Amazon JP! Never again!!

  13. After 2 wks, I FINALLY got my packages from Amazon JP! Never again!!

  14. New Kuroyuri single releases today!!!

    I wish I could buy it from the webshop, since I do believe it's on the webshop. But IDK if they ship to the US. Probably not. 

  15. 3 dead so far in a possible terror attack in central Stockholm. I live in Southern Sweden so I'm fine. I hope all Swede's here on MH (if any of you live in Stockholm) are fine as well;-;

  16. i just like to have fun ^^ #famouslastwords

  17. tanoshikata! until next year oyasuminasai!

  18. I hope today ends so the forum can end this shizzel... ishiki is such a sweet guy from the emails we have exchanged...

  19. as always mentioned, people do not cherish VK bands when they are still active...until being saddened when disbandment/member departure

  20. blackdoll has also been unleashed today. not a joke tho.

  21. I still need contributors for my blog to write reviews and band profiles, please PM me

  22. I don't understand presence of all these "troll" accounts on MH today with their bothers. seems mods are unable to do their jobs today...as usual.

  23. as always mentioned, people do not cherish VK bands when they are still active...until being saddened when disbandment/member departure

  24. as always mentioned, people do not cherish VK bands when they are still active...until being saddened when disbandment/member departure

  25. How much do I have to pay to meet Kiryu ?

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