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Status Replies posted by suji

  1. [extremely dramatic sighing ]

  2. This Photographer Took Photos of Bandomen Before and After Telling Them She Uploaded Their Live Dist. Singles Online

  3. tfw ur order gets mixed up w/ someone else's, & u end up getting a jpop boy band pamphlet..........

  4. tfw ur order gets mixed up w/ someone else's, & u end up getting a jpop boy band pamphlet..........

  5. tfw you realize Phantasmagoria and Megaromania will never come back. The nostalgia is too much omg

  6. Why don't all vk bands put their music on itunes or amazon or something? Does it cost a lot of money to do this or something?

  7. Why don't all vk bands put their music on itunes or amazon or something? Does it cost a lot of money to do this or something?

  8. So what's this about Pentagon performing with Akon???

  9. i wish there was still good midi music out there that sounds like Misa's :(

  10. i wish there was still good midi music out there that sounds like Misa's :(

  11. i wish there was still good midi music out there that sounds like Misa's :(

  12. Got a copyright complaint for putting up a song by the super obscure VK band Reve by some assclowns named Foster Music. Looked them up, only thing I found was some shitty, 5-dollar budget looking used CD shop.


    In short, I didn't know that Japan had inbreds too :-)

  13. chaos of dystopia oh LORD 🙏🙏🙏

  14. Anyone know much about Atmos*note?

  15. I love it when I have my light on at work and I'm helping people, and people still ask me if I'm open.

  16. remember when someone said they needed a lossless rip otherwise it would cause their mental illness to flair up

  17. remember when someone said they needed a lossless rip otherwise it would cause their mental illness to flair up

  18. Now where the hell do I go to throw my money at Crucifixion's singles??? I don't see a webshop anywhere!

  19. Dear Nihon Ongaku admin: since you erased my request to take down MY rip AND banned me from the page, you made this personal. I will get you reported, even if it's the last thing I do.


    Anyone else who wants a VRZEL song can buy it :3

  20. Dear Nihon Ongaku admin: since you erased my request to take down MY rip AND banned me from the page, you made this personal. I will get you reported, even if it's the last thing I do.


    Anyone else who wants a VRZEL song can buy it :3

  21. so i guess no one's noticed registration is open again...

  22. Can anyone recommend a shopping service that places orders very quickly after you request them?

  23. I already gave up of requests, If I want , I myself buy the cd

  24. we have a "requests" forum for a reason...

  25. Does anyone know if Sherow Artist Society is still a thing? There site still hasn't been updated since like 2008, so I'm wondering if the label is still responsible for anyone

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