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Status Replies posted by suji

  1. The Tumblr portion of the GazettE fandom reminds me why I left that platform to begin with lmaooo Ahhhh. well hello, everyone.

  2. Me: I hate synths in Vkei. 

    Also me: *Enjoys Puella, Taiheiyou Belt and Metronome*


    we stan a feminist :old-pervert-59:

  4. does anyone in here have niconico premium members  outside japan ?

    can use credit card outside japan ?

    and how to records niconico program ?

  5. Who is/was the best pig squealer on the scene?

  6. @suji  have you listened to  アンドゥー yet?

  7. What's your favorite loanword (from English, French, etc.) that appears disproportionately often in Japanese music? Mine is "qualia"

  8. Happy birthday, birthday bud! Hope you have a wonderful day! ♥ :neko:

  9. Happy Birthday suji-saaaaaaaan!

  10. Happy Birthday! 

  11. CAT5

    CAT5    suji

    I hope you have a very "MERRY" Birthday! One that you can "MARCOff" on your calendar as great! 




  12. Happy Birthday!~

  13. Happy b-day Suji! <3

  14. omei de'toe goza imasu

  15. Happy bday suji! ;D

  16. happy birthday to MH's one and only mod! <3

  17. Happy birthday!!!!!!

  18. emmny

    emmny    suji

    happy birthday to the visual QUEEN

  19. Mamo

    Mamo    suji

    Happy Birthday Suji!!!!! Have a lovely day.

  20. Kathy

    Kathy    suji

    Happy birthday!!! I hope you have a good one! :tw_heart:

  21. Wow.... been absent from this place for like 5 years and it looks nothing like I recall it anymore xD

  22. Is there some people intersted in hearing BUK BUK single "透明になった○○" ? I've had it for a long time but too lazy to bother uploading it lol

  23. YAY, today's the last concert of MERRY's tour. so happy for mah bois and for selling out the tour final too

  24. Something rather important I thought I’d let everyone know here. On the 1st, I’m getting an intense jaw surgery, so I’m not gonna be on for about a month. I may pop on every now and then, but uploads will be on an indefinite hiatus till around early March. I do have some more goodies lined up for around that time, and I plan on having a huge upload splurge when I come back. I’ll be on this weekend of the RH auction stream, and then the preparations begin =__=“. Just wanted to give a heads up and let everyone know since I don’t think I’ve ever been MIA that long on here before. So yeah, other than the RH stream, I’ll catch ya guys in March!!

  25. Does anyone know what happens if you don't make your outstanding payments to buyee?

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