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  1. 8 points

    Dir en grey

    Which legitimately no one said. I don’t know why The Inferno, or new Dir en grey material in general, triggers you as much as it does. It literally set you off into being a passive aggressive asshole out of nowhere when I commented on how much I enjoy the song. I get it, you’re upset I corrected you in our conversation a few days ago and this was your chance to get back at me, but please try to act less petty, ESPECIALLY when you evidently don’t know a single thing about music and the only term you remotely know is “motif” to make up for your lack of musical vocabulary.
  2. 3 points
    Not to rain on your parade, and I'm sure not all depressed people are like this, but... If you are severely, clinically depressed, it's hard enough to get out of the bed each day to perform mundane tasks, let alone get out of the house. Travelling in that case is out of question. And another thing people have recommended: the councillors or psychiatrists or therapists. Sounds good, but doesn't always work. And I don't mean the therapy itself. I mean being in a situation where you can see one. Even in the UK, where I live, it seems to be near impossible to get a referral to a psychiatrist unless you're literally moments away from suicide. I certainly didn't get one, and my depression is crippling, albeit not life threatening as it is. Then you have, of course, the private way. And hey, that involves money. Lots of money, from one session with a professional varying from £50 to £100. To have that amount of money to spare, you need a job. To get and hold a job, you need to be able to leave your home and expose yourself to strange or unpleasant situations. And if getting out of bed and taking a shower is sometimes and overwhelming achievement, doing all that is going to be quite difficult. I'm personally not comfortable sharing much about how my depressive mind works, but I have a little wisdom to give: Take the pills if you need them. It's a majorly annoying fad nowadays that people think pills are prescribed for no reason and they just make you sleepwalk through your life, or that you can cure your depression by going out and enjoying the world. If you have a serious problem; if your depression is taking over your life and you can no longer function properly with it, take the pills. The decision to allow yourself to be medicated for a serious condition doesn't make you weak. It doesn't make you "the sheeple of medical industry". If you need it, you take it, and it doesn't make you less of a person.
  3. 3 points

    Dir en grey

    Now we’re at the crux of the issue. Not only are you musically ignorant, you also don’t like the direction the band has gone (*cough* metal *cough*). Which is fine, you don’t have to like the direction Dir en grey has gone musically; but when you make arguments out of ignorance to inflate the importance of your half-baked opinion, it warrants correction. Just keep that in mind. Also, please keep your silly American politics out of this thread, thanks.
  4. 2 points
    I'm a lil bit overwhelmed, thanks to each and every of you for your replies. To make it clear, it's not clinical depression, it's much less than that. I've got no problems eating, interacting with people when I'm put in a social situation and such. Where it's really affecting me is in my motivation, my productivity, my drive and my relationships outside of people I interact with mostly on a daily basis. It's a state of me most of the time feeling worthless and feeling like I'm wasting my time everyday, not progressing in life, as if I've hit a wall. 80% of last year was spent mostly with uni, not really being able to work on what I wanted to do. The graphic design course doesn't have end of semester exams like other courses, it focuses only on assignments throughout the semester, so I can't really slack on that. When I actually have the time for myself, I feel too emotionally drained to actually get up and get to work on my personal life. I'm aware I'm mostly making excuses, and that's what's making it worse: I'm aware of it, and I want to be able to change my mindset. I'm 21, turning 22 in around 2 weeks. I'm already in my 3rd year of graphic design so I'll finish it, and I do plan on maybe taking on another course, but that would be when I leave the country I currently live in. I live in Mauritius, which is not bad of a country, but not really a good place to be if you're not planning to work "common" jobs such as accountant, manager, and such. I'm trying to slowly work on what I love, that is songwriting. I'm working on it in small chunks though, if I work for too long on it I feel mentally drained, especially since my personal problems are still dragging on my mind a little. Anyway, thank you for your reply Hey it's cool you know, it seems like you needed a small place to vent out too, so don't worry about going overboard here. We all need to let it out sometimes right? Thanks for your reply, this is the only place I talked about my depression, and tbh just letting it out here felt like it did lighten this burden a little. I do hope it helped you too to vent a little, we're all in this life together, so let's just try and make smth nice out of it. Hey thanks for sharing your experience, right now one of the biggest problems I'm dealing is overthinking everything I do. It's bad, most days I just sleep and eat when my parents aren't dragging me out of the house. But exercising did help me get out a little of this lethargic state. Hopefully I can find ways to stop, or at least reduce how much I overthink, because it's really putting a big burden on my songwriting. I agree with you, especially about the grind. The monotony of this cycle is something I've always dreaded ever since I first experienced it. Having your pay at the end of each month isn't really motivating, it's much more about survival, you gotta do it if you want to live in this society. I'd love to make a living out of music but I know it's not realistic, especially not where I live. I'm still going to work towards this goal though, while trying to find jobs in fields related to music, always good to have a fail-safe. I don't think I've reached the point yet where I need medication, I still have some fight left in me, I want to get better and I want to improve myself, and I don't want to spend the rest of my days hating my life and myself. Thanks for your reply. Meditation is something I've been contemplating for a while, I just don't know where to start. Where did you start learning kaizen? Online? Or somewhere near where you live? I think it would really help me especially with concentration and productivity. Heh yeah, doing what you like or being surrounded by people you like is really helpful, but sometimes I just fall back into it when I'm not surrounded by positive stimuli, you know? But as for travelling, it's something I'm definitely planning. I want to move away actually, I think changing my environment could help. I'm thinking maybe Canada. Japan would be someplace I'd love to visit someday, it's been my dream ever since I was a little weeb. Thanks for your reply I'm luckily not in the state where my depression is as crippling and/or life threatening. What it really cripples right now is my productivity and my motivation. Sometimes it happens that in quite short bursts I get the urge to actually do shit, and this usually lasts for 2 hours max, and then for a week straight I won't get the courage to do things. I'm trying to slowly work on this, and do small chunks everyday. I do hope that your case is improving, slowly maybe but surely, take care of yourself. Thanks to all of you for your replies, and sorry I wasn't able to reply to everyone here, the posts and support here are just overwhelming, thank you so much.
  5. 2 points
    www.rarezhut.net/stream/ RH $1 auction starting in a few min!
  6. 2 points

    [REVIEW] ya ya ya's BEST OF 2017

    Hello MH ppl, like I basically make every year, this is my list from what I enjoyed the most from 2017, I took more than I expect to create and elaborate it due to some things related to my university, but that is now fixed. This time I have done some changes on it's structure and to look more clean with smaller pictures. I did a top 10 for singles, mini albums and full albums, with small reviews for all of them. Check it, give me some feedback if you like it, and if you have shared the same feeling in one/more releases below. Also, later check HERE to see what are my "all starts" rating for what I have listened during the whole 2017, and if you think I'm missing a release, let me know so I can look for it and listen. SINGLES: 1. RAZOR - DNA First note for the single, I don't like the DNA song, but I felt in love with the songs for ネイキッド (Naked) and 嫌、嫌、嫌 (Iya, Iya, Iya). The major guitar riffs from 嫌、嫌、嫌 and all the worked with the music composition was already a gem to make an entry to my favorites releases from 2017. But during my first listen to the single, most to point right after 嫌、嫌、嫌 , there was ネイキッド to start. During it's first seconds I knew that this would be interesting to listen, and during every moment from this song I felt thinking, "IS THIS REALITY?". I didn't had that feeling in a long time. That feeling with the already great 嫌、嫌、嫌 one, made it to be my favorite single, and as well my favorite release from 2017. Favorite inside: ネイキッド, 嫌、嫌、嫌 2. REIGN - COBALT A surprise, but not so suprise because it's Ikuma's related. I do like his vocals since the first days on the band アンド (Ando). I personally had no trust into REIGN when they debut, I found their first singles kind boring saving maximun song per single, but when Kaji (drummer) left and Rami joined the band, they changed drastically changed their music, for me, they changed for good. Later Rami left and Kazuhiro become their 3rd and newer drummer. Kazuhiro perfectly fits on them. I couldn't expect REIGN would grow that much with him. COBALT is unbelievable my favorite work from those guys. The single carry a mystical intro with VENOM and his full music set, followed by Death Mary which is a very well made jazzy song, and so MOON CHILD, a great ballad song. Favorite inside: ALL 3. ラッコ - 虫入りチョコレート Great part here knows I'm one of Tenten's hardcore fan club listeners, so It wouldn't be a yaki's list without he being part of it. 虫入りチョコレート (Mushiri Chocolate) is still my favorite from them from 2017, I'm still missing their 数の原理 , 溝鼠賛歌 and 弱肉教職. But 虫入りチョコレート songs style is what I expect ラッコ to make during their next release acts. ラッコ by far isn't my best Tenten, and probably won't be. No doubt they need some improvement for future, and they have potential for this, their line up members are great and skilled. Hyped to meet their future steps. Favorite inside: 雨の怪虫, 液体, 幽囚谷のバッタ 4. RAZOR - LIQUID VAIN Being RAZOR's second single, they was successful at building good release, and a stunning song main song, LIQUID VAIN is a almost 6 minutes long song that doesn't leak it's quality from the began to the very end. I also like 邪崩 (Evil) and ADAMZ a lot, but it looks like they don't fit very well in the same pack. Waiting for their next single, and what color will be feature. Favorite inside: LIQUID VAIN, 邪崩 5. DADAROMA - いいくすりと、わるいくすり After getting a bit dissapointed with DADAISM#3 in earlier 2017, I become into a possible hopeless about what they would make, and if this kind of style were going to be into next releases. They got my trust again with on them with their following single, but yet nothing compared to what DADAROMA did so far on their past years. Later, they made an info report for いいくすりと、わるいくすり (iikusuri, waruikusuri) to come on November. いいくすりと、わるいくすり was their best way to close DADAROMA's year, songs like いいくすり and アリス イン アンダーグラウンド(Alice in Underground) and 2017年 7月 21日の日記 makes me proud of this band. Favorite inside: いいくすり, アリス イン アンダーグラウンド, 2017年 7月 21日の日記. 6. アルルカン - 影法師 What to say about 影法師 (Kageboushi) that isn't related to high level music? Love at first sight and listen, this is still one of a few singles that I listen on it's full size on repeat, without skipping or getting tired. No doubt this is the kind of music I enjoy the most for them to make. I wish アルルカン would be able to keep 影法師 and ジレンマ style for some upcoming releases, which are my favorite releases so far. Favorite inside: ALL 7. アクメ - マグロ解体チェーンソー After DIV's sad disbandment and seeing months passing by, and nothing about Chisa to return to the scene with a new band. I suddenly got bumped by an info reporting a band to debut, and guess what, Chisa was on it with Shogo. I become totally fulfilled the most when listening to アクメ's マグロ解体チェーンソー (Maguro Kaitai Chainsaw). The full single vibe turned into an blend/mixing with electro and rock. This was probably Chisa and Shogo wished to keep for DIV. マグロ解体チェーンソー is an impressive main song with a good composition work and also back vocals that worked incredible well. Followed by Cry Wolf, that carry a heavy beats and riffs. Favorite inside: マグロ解体チェーンソー, Cry Wolf 8. DEZERT - 撲殺ヒーロー I started to listen DEZERT when they made their debut into the scene, but never became a fan from what they released later. At a most recent status, I gave them another check for them with their two occult best albums, and their music finally triggered on me. I got even more interest when Vivi (ex.Moran) joined them. Vivi turned into Miyako, and he put on the table heavy skilled guitar, something he never made with Moran. Their 撲殺ヒーロー (Bokusatsu Hero) single, is a very balanced release and gave some fabulous and yet unknow feelings for DEZERT. Favorite inside: 幸福のメロディー, ヘドロママ, 遭難(piano version) 9. lynch - BLOODY THIRSTY CREATURES With the news regarding Akinori left to fix some personal problems, I got feared about what this could affect lynch and their future endevoures for music in general. Something like lost of their remarkable style didn't happen and BLOOD THIRSTY CREATURES was a blast for all of their songs. This single got me the same feelings I once got with I BELIEVE IN ME single years ago, which since that time is still my favorite single. Favorite inside: ALL 10. ZON - Mr.GONG I still remember when this band came to start activities, I got to follow those guys for their look, later became interest on their music when they first released "Heads up!", I wasn't mistaken to keep listening to them. Mr.GONG is an amusing single, the main song and replica is what I look more into. Looking foward to their upcoming mini album and futher music releases to those guys. Favorite inside: Mr.GONG, replica
  7. 2 points
    New video recapping my weekend seeing Dimlim and Nocturnal Bloodlust! The reviews will come soon after
  8. 2 points
    Oh hell yes im ready for the mini and another live distro... not ready for that
  9. 2 points
    My way of dealing with it was to develop an iron will through meditation, will strengthening exercises and the Japanese concept of 'kaizen' (seriously google this). Now at every moment of the day I am using these concepts for working on ways to make my life better and avoiding thinking about any negatives aspects of my life. Right now I am learning Japanese, writing a book, and going to the gym which are my three main hobbies. The hardest part is at work because work sucks but I am using willpower to apply for other jobs and meditation has helped trained my mind to avoid thinking of work outside of work hours. I guess it is just distracting myself but that's how most adults live anyway and if that distraction can lead to a positive outcome then it is definitely a good thing. I know this different from how most people deal with it but the first step is to work out if your depression is a chemical imbalance or caused by your life sucking. If its the former I don't have much advice except see a professional. This is coming from a guy who was a NEET for over a year and has been depressed for years. Since about June I have been mostly happy.
  10. 2 points
    only gives you happy feeling dor short time or it gives you an even worser feeling.... XD
  11. 2 points
    So I guess they want to play a game...
  12. 2 points

    Favourite VK/J-rock guitarists :)

    Hope you're all having a good day I wanted to start a tread about your favourite VK/JR guitarists. It doesn't really matter what the criteria are for you, whether it's jaw-dropping technical ability, songwriting, versatility, influence, originality, sound or just looking really damn cool. The guys or girls who can start playing and have your attention from the first note, or who can crank out that favourite riff that makes your heart open up like a flower. Tell us who and why In no particular order: 1. hide (there's a shocker!). For just about all the reasons above. For sounding cool and passionate whether he's doing early X-Japan speed metal, Zilch-style industrial metal, groove-laden rock tunes like 'Pink Spider' or just high quality pop like 'Tell Me'. For throwing in technically flawless neo-classical harmonised leads, twangy country licks, 50s-style rockabilly phrases or even dipping into reggae, ambient and drum'n'bass. Such a wealth of talent and creativity. 2. You (Yuji Adachi) from Dead End. A very underrated player from a band that's influenced just about everyone. A mountain of cool metal tunes, as well as eastern-flavoured emotional ballads like the incredible 'Serafine', and some simply jaw-dropping effects-laden rippling guitar lines in 'Good Morning Satellite'. He can shred with the best of them, but saves it for when the song needs it. Successfully updated his sound into a hard-egded contemporary metal crunch full of complex riffs and squealing harmonics. 3. Cypher from D'erlanger. Despite being early icons of the VK scene, he doesn't get much credit for his raucous blend of rock, glam. punk and goth that sounds like he's fighting with the guitar rather than playing it. And he does look damn cool while he's doing it. 4. Kaoru from D'espairsRay. A master of industrial metal crunch, constructing pummelling but sometimes almost funky big rock riffs, but fully capable of bringing in the melodies where necessary, as well as cool high-register synth-inspired lead parts. 5. K.A.Z. from Vamps. Not a flashy player or prominent lead guitarist, together with Hyde he turns out big rock riffs that stay in your head for days. It's mostly fairly straightforward 5th chord, drop-D stuff, but even a few ill-advised ballads can't hide the fact that he's got a big flair for huge choruses and an overdriven but melodic sound. You could dismiss it as party rock, but it always gets me in the mood. Of course, there are plenty of others- the criminally overlooked Pata, post-punk-inspired masters like Hikari from Der Zibet and the guys from Buck-Tick (and on and on)- but these guys would be my top five. I'd love to hear what other people think!
  13. 2 points
    「高潮トキシコーシス」album cover was published~ Also they will be distributing 「未練雪」 at their one-man live on 02/12.
  14. 1 point

    How do you guys deal with depression?

    Hi there people, it's been ages since I've been on this website. I've been a member for a really long time (maybe a few of you might remember me), but during the last two years or so I started having depression, and this made me become less and less socially active here, on facebook, etc, and even irl. The only people with whom I was interacting with were my friends at university and my girlfriend (who's in the same group of friends as I). It wasn't bad depression as in I wanted to off myself, but it was bad enough to suck a LOT of my positivity and joy of living, which caused me to slowly closing myself in my cocoon, become pessimistic and unmotivated. And last year it also made my relationship with my girlfriend deteriorate. I tried to pinpoint what caused this depression and i think it was partly because of university. What I'm studying there feels completely bland to me. I'm studying graphic design and it has it's interesting moments, but a lot of it is bloated with repetitive and numbing tasks/assignments. And the other part is since I'm doing something I'm not passionate about, I started feeling really scared and stressed about my future. Recently, before the new year I started to try and pick myself up. I realised that if I continued down this road I would be a speck of who I was, and I don't want to "lose myself" (so cliche omfg sorry). I started to try and think more positively and try to make something out of this negativity. I started to exercise, and picking up songwriting, since music is really what I'm passionate about, and I want to work towards it, even though I still have to deal with graphic design and I probably won't be able to make a living out of music if I don't plan things properly, and actually write regularly. Even though I may not make a living with music, I still want to try my best, and if it doesn't work, at least I tried and I can still keep it as a hobby. I'd like to know, if anyone ever experienced depression here, however light or heavy it was, how did you get out of it? How did you cope with it? Also sorry if this isn't the right place to post this.
  15. 1 point
    R指定 (R-Shitei) new double A-side single "規制虫 (Kiseichuu)/-ZANGE-" will be released at 2018/3/14 (2 TYPE) New look 規制虫 (Kiseichuu) ver. New look -ZANGE- ver.
  16. 1 point

    [REVIEW] ya ya ya's BEST OF 2017

    @doombox I just realize it when creating the list lol 甘い暴力 has all of their songs on yt, which is really cool. @Triangle Yes, I think I got stunned by all the beautiful three covers albums. Koroshi no Shirabe, for those effects you just mentioned, for the green shinning line which draws Shin Homura, and the Blood effect for Shin Tsuuzetsu. The guys should make more like those.
  17. 1 point

    [REVIEW] ya ya ya's BEST OF 2017

    That cover is damn shiny and kinda holographic and the album comes with a random member photo card.. reminded me of k-pop so much I felt triggered XD. Also yes to 茫然自失 in any version <3.
  18. 1 point
    Is there some people intersted in hearing BUK BUK single "透明になった○○" ? I've had it for a long time but too lazy to bother uploading it lol
  19. 1 point

    Sioux New Mini-Album [shimmer]

    Last track, "shimmer": http://sioux-2016.com/archives/news/201823s
  20. 1 point

    2018 Japanese Music Ratings

    Last update: November 29th
  21. 1 point

    How do you guys deal with depression?

    I wasn't specific into this but i remember mentioning that this isn't for everyone by saying people are different in which i was never specific about "I know that many people are different and have many things that make them happy." The advice is more of an encouragement to do said task. Yes some people as you stated might be in capable this is why i wrote Advice next to it. All in all encouragement for travel because generally some people who are depressed stay in one place and don't wanna do much as you stated. This is encouragement for getting out there.
  22. 1 point
    YAY, today's the last concert of MERRY's tour. so happy for mah bois and for selling out the tour final too
  23. 1 point
    afaik it was just that, poor ticket sales. About their disbandment, before the release of their second album, it was decided that it was gonna be their make-or-break period. Either they were going to climb up, or end activities. Things didn't end up going too well, they decided to break up. vocalist is now on ORCALADE, which is amazing, Bassist formed a band called GAGA, which was great aswell but disbanded already, and guitarrist is on amanjaku, which has yet to impress me.
  24. 1 point

    Which concerts have you been to?

    2006 Dir en Grey (Family Values Tour Dallas) 2017-3-17 MERRY/sukekiyo/犬神サーカス團 (Misono Universe) 2017-4-30 ザアザア (Osaka Muse) 2017-5-5 MERRY (日比谷野外音楽堂) 2017-5-14 摩天楼オペラ (神戸VARIT) 2017-5-24 ゴア/素晴らしき日々。/アザナ/ゼログミ/一輪は瓦礫の隙間から/チャイルドプレイ (心斎橋FANJ) 2017-6-7 0.1gの誤差/ザアザア/SCAPEGOAT/Chanty/Neverland (高田馬場AREA) 2017-7-21 0.1gの誤差 (新宿RUIDO K4) 2017-8-7 ゴア/素晴らしき日々。/SCAPEGOAT/REIGN/HOLYCLOCK/KilloneX (大阪RUIDO) 2017-8-19 exist trace (恵比寿club aim) 2017-8-26 MERRY 渋谷www 2017-9-8 ゴア/グリーヴァ/グリモア/REIGN/ THE BLACK SWAN/GREEM (池袋EDGE) 2017-9-16 ザアザア/DADAROMA (HOLIDAY NEXT NAGOYA) 2017-9-18 ゴア/CANIVAL/BabyKingdom/シェルミィ/ビバラッシュ(梅田ZEELA) 2017-9-24 MERRY (静岡Sunash) 2017-9-27 0.1gの誤差/甘い暴力/REIGN/MORRIGAN (池袋EDGE) 2017-10-7 0.1gの誤差 (池袋CYBER)
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point

    How do you guys deal with depression?

    For me Visual kei music is the best cure idk why it just calms me down and if not then i pretty much do what makes me happy (Video games, friends etc..) Ive slowly learned that there is a cause sometimes at least for me (Fear is major). The times that there are no cause i wait it out by doing the things i love which make me happy or bonding with people that i know will make me happy. I know that many people are different and have many things that make them happy. Whatever it is hopefully it isn't negative >.< and Hopefully it makes you happy. Advice wise: Experience the world its very vast and big to understand. Some not all but some people don't fully understand that to a point. So Explore get in a car/plane and go somewhere anywhere hopefully no where dangerous. Maybe japan XD. Either way how you travel you'll experience a lot. (Disclaimer: I have never done this because i was either never allowed or have no money but i plan to)
  27. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    Don’t forget! They also both contain musical notes! Fuckin self-plagiarists!!!
  28. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    Two outros that are at a slower tempo than the rest of the song, and they both come after a break in the music. That’s... where the similarities end, really. And what does it matter?
  29. 1 point

    How do you guys deal with depression?

    This doesn't solve anything, just distracts you and gives you more problems. Long time no see @Kira_Uchihawelcome back! There's a lot of good advice in this thread. My depression never really goes away, it's just something I've learned to manage living with. Things I've learned: It's okay to let all of your emotions out when you feel them (some days I cry a lot, some days I don't feel anything at all) so just go with it. Put yourself first, even if it feels selfish sometimes, life is short so don't sacrifice what little happiness we can find. A lot of people take sabbaticals from school or work for mental health. Sometimes you get burnt out and want to quit but a little time off/vacation really works wonders, and not everyone works at the same pace even if school tries to force it on everyone. Exercise and music are great hobbies to keep, they're both proven to release dopamine in your brain, so they will help with stress a lot. My inbox is still open if you ever want to chat.
  30. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    Who said Dir en grey's musical style being predominantly metal was "carved in stone"? I get the point you're trying to make; but let's stop pretending Dir en grey are not a 'metal' band when over 80% of their catalog is classified as 'metal'. Ah yes, the "true metal" argument. This is one of those arguments people slap around when they evidently know very little of the style of music being discussed (see: your comments on "Djent"). It's an abstract non-argument where you're not actually saying anything despite the fact you're stringing sentences together. Please, define for us "true metal" and how that is distinguished from a band like Dir en grey who are apparently not "true metal". I don't recall ever specifically defining Dir en grey as "progressive metal", whom are you quoting? No offense; but it's difficult to discuss music with people who are unable to distinguish between guitars chugging in C# (Gaika) and an A minor/diminished half-step riff (you, know, a staple within the 'extreme metal' style) built on two guitar harmonies outlining a i-v (A, E) chord progression and a tri-tone. Not only are they different harmonically, they're entirely different in how they're introduced in the song. Saying Dir en grey "aped" the outro to Gaika demonstrates clear ignorance of music and musical form.
  31. 1 point

    [REVIEW] ya ya ya's BEST OF 2017

    Wow, I didn't realize so many best of albums were released last year! O_O I'm so happy you liked 新葬ラ謳 and 殺シノ調べII. I also enjoyed Shin, Lynch., and Dezert releases you listed too. I somehow missed all news about 甘い暴力 so I will have to check them out now.
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    Never too late to start keeping track of your 2018 Japanese Releases! Rate them now
  34. 1 point

    [REVIEW] ya ya ya's BEST OF 2017

    FULL ALBUMS: 1. JAKIGAN MEISTER - ejacuIation The first is full award is nothing less than my all time favorite guitarrist also knowed as Sakito (lead guitar for NIGHTMARE). After NIGHTMARE went hiatus and all the members got into different solo projects, this is what I was waiting the most. JAKIGAN MEISTER also has Ni-ya (bassist for NIGHTMARE). For the first time, Sakito become the major vocalist from a band. The songs on the album don't seem that good playing one at once, but it got really good when playing everything together, a conection between all can be notice. Favorite inside: ALL 2.Kra - Kraのすゝめ Another genious move from Kra, this best album prove that they are enough great to keep during another 10 years around. Even it being a best album, I still believe the main reason for it being made was for Taizo take part on those fabulous songs. Favorite inside: ALL 3. MUCC - 新葬ラ謳 One fragement from MUCC fabulous year, and surely what a digged the most. It was my first time ever checking 葬ラ謳 songs, and it was my time to know why people claimed this to be one of their best ever made album. This release changed all my perspective from them, changed from regular to good. Enjoying basically 90% inside, I want to be able to listen it on my next life. Favorite inside: ズタズタ, 僕が本当の僕に耐え切れず造った本当の僕, 絶望, ホムラウタ, 幸せの終着, 暗闇に咲く花, 黒煙, 君に幸あれ 4. THE GAZETTE - TRACES VOL.2 - BALLAD The so hyped release from 2017 by great part from 2017, and also a self request ballad album from THE GAZETTE surfaced into being a remastered version. A shame with some songs and blessing move for others. I it would be lie to say I like everything, cos I didn't, some of my most favorites like 枯詩(Kare Uta), D.L.N, 白き憂鬱(Shiroki no yuutsu) hadn't the same feeling I once had for the original versions... but songs like reila, CASSIS and WITHOUT A TRACE was well remastered after all. Wish they also could have done a remaster for 飼育れた春、変われぬ春 (Shiikureta Haru, Kawarenu Haru). I won't be tagging for the favorite, but for the better well remastered. Favorite inside: reila, CASSIS, WITHOUT A TRACE, 紅蓮 and 絲. 5. NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST - BEST 09'17 Nokubura turned to be one of my favorite "playing heavy" bands. Besides some bands actually make, their best album is def with their best in. I would just change the new version from "bullet of skyline" to the Ivy's version. Favorite inside: ALL (less the new version of "bullet in skyline"). 6. vistlip - BitterSweet I like vistlip since SINDRA got released, since this day was a love relation with those guys and their music. When the time came with more and more releases, I become even more interest to think if they would be able to make a 10th and go even futher. They just celebrate this mark in 2017, making a wonderful release with what I believe to have the kind of music path a follow more for them. Favorite inside: WIMP, Walking Dead, MONOGRAM, BLACK BOX, 星一つ灯らないこんな夜に。, CONTRAST, BABEL and COLD CASE. 7. Purple Stone - 赤と青 The 7th position goes to one of my most interest/addicted bands. Also being a best album, the album is no doubt a good start for those who wants to give the boys a try. Songs like ミラーボール (Mirror Ball), デサバ (Desaba), sakura and Imperial Dragon are their newest into this release, also seems to follow a new direction ito how their others songs on it are. Bringing up some really interesting japanese's traditional music fusing with their original good style. Favorite inside: ALL (less 素晴らしきこの世界へ and 嘘つきピエロ) 8. 己龍 - 二〇〇七~二〇一七 (2007-2017) Along with 和楽器バンド, 己龍 is probably the band that was more succesful into pleases with the mix of traditional japanese instruments and rock music. Their best album is not a a totally let down, songs were way better than some older, but I think they had a lack into remastering 悦ト鬱 but still a song without doubt. Favorite inside: 泡沫, 彩, 悦ト鬱, 灯, 天照, 月下美人, 九尾, 花魁譚, 叫声, 雨夜ニ笑エバ, 愛怨忌焔, 明鏡止水, 月ノ姫, アカイミハジケタ, 私ハ傀儡、猿轡ノ人形 9. MUCC - 殺シノ調べII After so many good releases from MUCC in 2017, I couldn't be missing this one here, it surely has it's potential. This shinning cover is also fabulous. Favorite inside: 茫然自失, 儚くとも, 流星, Mr. Liar, ファズ and 翼を下さい 10. THE NOVEMBERS - BEST BEFORE Can't say if this is their best album, cos I didn't follow them so close, but I know this album have what I like the most in quality from them. Flower of life still grows as my best song from them. Favorite inside: Flower of life, Romancé, きれいな海へ, keep me keep me keep me, Xeno, dysphoria (Before Today version), Misstopia, human flow (dip cover), バースデイ, 今日も生きたね.
  35. 1 point

    [REVIEW] ya ya ya's BEST OF 2017

    MINI ALBUMS: 1. RAZOR - the CORE I wasn't mistake in tell on the RAZOR's news thread that mini album would be a blast, this one became easily my favorite mini album. First, Ryoga. Second Kouryu and Tetsuya. That mix will never go into a wrong path. I have been hearing for it on repeat during hours, mostly during some free nights. Everything sounds incredible. Favorite inside: ALL 2. 甘い暴力 - 君、依存、タトゥー First mini album from 甘い暴力, and still my favorite release from them. The ex.Shounenki guys did a fabulous new band and also a good and virtuous mini album marathon during 2017. Favorite inside: ALL 3.甘い暴力 - 幸せだよ。殺したい。 Another one, because Amai is never too much. The well made harmionization on the songs from this release, made this one is a notorious big way to show themselves and how they want to sound to their audience. Favorite inside: ALL 4. Soanプロジェクト with 芥 - 調律、その脈動に問う Being another piece of the remaining Moran line up, this was the one I had less interest and expectative to like, but I suddenly enjoyed it more than Umiyuri (Hitomi's project). The Akuta side have a lof of interesting and already memorable things. Favorite inside: 刹那を駆ける命の一行に, パラドクス, undelete, sign... 5. Soanプロジェクト with 手鞠 - 旋律、静かな願いと The second unit of Soan's project consist in the ex.amber gris' singer, Temari. I never got much into amber gris and how they sounded. But this one is completely different in so many ways. Flawless gems everywhere. Favorite inside: sign… -resonance-, 焦燥の日々の帷、憔悴する白雪姫, 相対する質量の交錯する熱量, 正否の相違、或いは利害の不一致, それを僕は普遍と呼び、君はそれを不変と詠んだ 6. 甘い暴力 - 清楚系不純エゴ 4th and last piece of the great mini album marathon, this release was great enough to close 甘い暴力 outstanding year. Expectations for their future releases and yt shares from it, are what I probably want the most to 2018 along with RAZOR. Favorite inside: ALL 7. 甘い暴力 - 名前が無い From all the amazing releases those perfect guys made in 2017, this is mini was the one I had less plays counted, even with this primary status, I love it "a bunch of lot". Favorite inside: ALL 8. SHINプロジェクト - GOOD MORNING DREAMER Followed by Chisa, SHIN (ex.ViViD) was the another vocalist I was more looking for a comeback, and in 2017 this finally happened. His powerful and involving vocals were finally able for the best return he could have done. His debut single and Good Morning Dreamer mini album are what you want to listen from SHIN for the next few years, until he and his ViViD mates make a ViViD return. Favorite inside: WEAKEND, 4444, RESTART, TERRITORY, 2015年 4月 29日, Jack the Ripper 9. アクメ - SENKOU Acme couldn't had better debut, SENKOU shows what direction they want to follow, and that this direction have as many styles as you want. From the indies rock to electro rock to energetic ballads. The proudly and most perfect comeback for such stars like Chisa and Shogo. Favorite inside: TrickxTrap, テバナシライダー, MONSTER, SENKOU, KAMIKAZE 10. ウミユリ - 餓え I was expecing it to sound like Moran once sounded, but I end up not getting fulfilled with this wish. In the other side, Soan project was what sounded the most to Moran. The good point it that Hitomi is still spreading his voice tune and to keep on the scene making good music for those who felt down when Moran and/or Fatima disbanded. Favorite inside: アマノ花談, Hunger, Jugde gavel, Ever after
  36. 1 point
    What I learned from watching other people is that talking to someone feels nice and even if you don't get a solution to your problem, at least you got it out of your chest. I'm not the type to talk about my problems and I tend to "self-cure" myself too much. But when I actually do talk with people, it feels great. People like friends or my mum. I cut out all the toxic people I used to have in my life and feel way better. And music. That helps calm down my inner "demons". I also learned from a youtuber that I should love myself more and hate somebody else instead XD. I never had suicidal thoughts or stuff but sometimes it does feel stuffy and days will end up with swollen eyes from too much crying and anxiety makes me lose it but, I managed to not fall too into deep, because, I was lucky enough to have a mother like mine, who is a combination of an angel and a tornado at the same time. I also have a best friend who annoys me more so that I don't have energy to hate myself. But in the end, if you feel alone, there is no shame in seeking for help or admitting that you are struggling.
  37. 1 point

    How do you guys deal with depression?

    This is the right section for this topic. Dealing with depression is like learning how to love and have a relationship with yourself all over again. I actually think more people are depressed than we would like to admit because our society and the way things are set up are not good for our mental health. We get up, slave all day, come home and have to take care of our personal responsibilities before we hit the hay and do it all over again tomorrow. There's a reason why they call it "the grind"; there's really no end to it if you're stuck in a loop doing something that you don't want to do. Having said that, I would recommend to do what you are doing right now which would be identifying and verbalizing the reasons for your depression and finding things to do that make you happy. Medications and counseling may help in some cases, and I really can't say if it would work for you, but I managed to claw my way out of the dumps with sheer willpower. Find what works for you and stick to it. Depression is a bitch because it's a vicious spiral that makes you feel like there's no way out but down. You only get one life to live. There's no point in spending it hating yourself and what you do.
  38. 1 point
    I let it consume me whole For real though, I've been living with this thing for as long as can I remember and the only way I found to be helpful was through meds. Took me a long time to do it, but I saw a psychiatrist (having health insurance helps, but it might not be readily available to everyone) when things got really bad and it's been a relief since then, although the depression still crawls back every once in a while and I just have to wait until it goes away. Other than that, music and other distractions do make it easier a bit as a short-term solution, as well as being with close friends who won't judge you for feeling the way you do. Depression's made me overthink eveything in my life, but there's a few things that it made clear to me after a while: 1) there's ways to go around it if you give yourself some time (we tend to go hard on ourselves for feeling like this, but it's always better to be reminded to be kind and patient with our own process); 2) we all deal with it differently, so try to not compare what you go through with how other people have it. Take it easy on yourself! I don't know what else to say right now, but I honestly wish you the best in dealing with this.
  39. 1 point

    How do you guys deal with depression?

    I have suffered depression pretty much my whole adult life, so I completely understand that it can be overwhelming in itself to even feel depression... especially when you first realize you have it because you kind of feel at a loss on where to start to make yourself feel better. On top of that, you close yourself off and don't really have the motivation for things anymore which sort of drive you downward even more. For some people depression can be a temporary thing caused by stress, lack of mental stimulation, lack of direction, and just generally feeling lost. For me I felt that I had too many options on what I wanted to do with my life and I chose to scrape by doing what I felt was correct based on other peoples thoughts. Don't do that. You really have to find it in yourself to live your life the way you want. All the people, including parents, will tell you it's not a good idea or it's not possible, but you have to understand that everyones outcome in life is different regardless if you follow the same path that worked for them. I'm not sure how big of a role your parents play in your educational choices... but in the end no matter what, you're the only one who truly has to live with them. People will try to talk you out of it or bring you down until you've put in the work and you're actually successful and happy in their book, then suddenly they'll jump on the hype wagon in bragging about you and supporting you morally. I agree, if there is counseling available to you, do not let that slide by. There is nothing wrong with feeling lost. What you're feeling is your minds way to let you know something has gotta change. Plus seeking counseling is getting the perspective of an unbiased person. They take things at face value, or they just listen and help you decide for yourself what you need to do. Catch it early while you can before you dig yourself too deep. It gets a lot harder to motivate yourself to seek help once you become... "used" to the way things have become. You asked how other people may have handled depression. I personally bottled everything up, shut my friends out, lost my friends, gave up on a lot of dreams, and set myself back from where I wanted to be so far that I pretty much had to reevaluate my life and come up with a new game plan. Even now some days are still hard and it's been a long time coming. Don't take the long route out of this. Talk to someone. Surround yourself with positive people who genuinely want to better themselves thus motivating you and holding you accountable to better yourself too. While relating to someone else who has depression can be a short term relief... in the long run, unless you are actively trying to change for the better, can turn really toxic really fast and actually prevent either of you from moving past things if you're the only company each other has. If you want to do music, start off by going to local shows and surround yourself with people and things that make you remember why you're so passionate about it. Gradually you'll start associating with people who feel the same way or are already established in the scene. I think the first step would be to talk to someone though to help redirect yourself. You may have some big decisions ahead about new directions etc and while it's hard in the moment it will make you that much stronger in the long run and you will be so much happier later on. Sorry this was so long and I hope it helped. If you ever just need to vent to anyone... I'm all ears to listen.
  40. 1 point
    Yuuki just added another date and got some other awesome news! He named his solo project "kallistie" (I guess that name will be very familiar to you) and his first live with that name will be on 13. April at Ikebukuro EDGE. Supportmember will be: Gt.xxx Ba.KEI(X Made Alcoholic Santaclaus) Dr.しゅう He'll sell cheki again for 1000yen each, old cheki for 500yen each. There'll be atari cheki for a two shot cheki with him too! Support member cheki will be 500yen each. the official twitter account is: https://twitter.com/kallistie_ofc he also mentioned that he is already planning new goods! (nothing about a CD release so far...)
  41. 1 point
    yep! I've been saying since reincarnation, they are absolutely THE flagship VK band, and if there's anyone who can extract anything different from this cesspool scene full of bad deg copies and bleep blopy whiny bands, it's them. and yuya has balls the size of the moon, name another band who would choose such an odd structured/tempo song to be an album lead song? Fuckin VK don't deserve these guys, hoping for a major deal to come their way soon, that may allow them to conquer new audiences
  42. 1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
    Coming this Saturday - Series of 5 omnibus albums distributed by LIKE AN EDISON in the summer of 2017, covering a wide breadth of artists
  45. 1 point
    this is giving me karma teas our depression GOD is BACK y'all!!!!! sacrifice me!!!!
  46. 1 point
    A nice slushy and some D is a good combination.
  47. 1 point
    So much appreciation for MEJIBRAY tonight ... Please come back soon.
  48. 1 point

    Zin from Jupiter will depart

    My Japanese isn't the greatest, but from the annoucement it says: I took "下記" to mean following (i.e. after the January and February lives) and of course later they use "脱退" which means retirement/withdrawal. If they only meant that he wasn't going to be at a couple of live shows, I don't think they would have used that word. Also I don't think they would have said " 今後も皆様の変わらぬ応援を、ZINとJupiterに何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。" AKA, everyone please cheer on Jupiter and Zin. I'm pretty he'll be taking his leave.
  49. 1 point

    Zin from Jupiter will depart

    Yeah like many others have said I don't expect much from what remains of Jupiter. One band is stressful enough but two that do the same style of music is overkill. If Jupiter was a different genre I could see the need for hizaki to juggle 2 projects to fill his creative needs. But they aren't, so I'm happy to see Jupiter either fade out or find their own niche. Feel bad for ZIN though. I hope he knows 90% of our ragging on him is jokes and that he was put into a position that he could never measure up to. I'd like to see him in a band that can cover his flaws and boost his strengths.
  50. 1 point

    Zin from Jupiter will depart

    this band officially has 0 reason to continue on now considering jupiter was literally just versailles with zin kaisan already!!
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