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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/18 in Posts

  1. 5 points

    5 Things I Hate About VK

    For as much as I love visual kei, there are plenty of practices I detest. I could go on forever. It wouldn't be fair to celebrate all of the good in the scene without admitting the bad as well. There are so many things that make me sad, make me irate, or make me want to rip my hair out that it was hard to settle on just five. Here's five commonplace practices in visual kei that's a total ball ache for any international fan invested into the scene. Like I said above, I have way more than five things that annoy me about the scene. Does anyone else want to fill in the gaps with practices that they hate that they've come to accept within the scene? Come share your frustrations and horror stories with me. We have plenty of tea and live-distributed crackers for you.
  2. 3 points
    Enjoy this song from the Ninth album
  3. 3 points
    I have many (maaaaaaaaaaaaany) bangya friends. Maybe its easier for me because i'm a boy. For girls, i think its harder because bangyas are usually very jealous towards their favorite artists (a lot of them are even jealous on ME. ME!! A GUY!!) You have to also understand that japanese people are very shy and it's not that easy to become friends with them, even not-visual kei fans, so don't think there's anything wrong about you. They're just shy. By giving you spots in saizen and stuff like that we can understand that they notice you, worry about you, but they are too shy to try a conversation (and they're also super afraid to speak english) But there's also some gaijin-enthusiastic people! They will come to talk to you and , be super nice and make you a lot of questions. Some girls treat me like an artist. In valentine days for example i went to a concert and went back home holding 5 big bags packed with presents like clothes and stuff and chocolates lol So don't worry, with time you will meet friendly people!! One hint i will give you at first is try to become friends with girls who likes a different member from you. Because even though they deny, maaaany of them are MM (麺被り無理 - men kaburi muri), that means they don't want to relate with people who share the same favorite member. Good luck! PS: Which bands do you follow anyway? Maybe i know someone to introduce you.
  4. 2 points

    random thoughts thread

    my life in one picture
  5. 2 points

    5 Things I Hate About VK

    1.) Fandom cattiness There are some artists I've actually stopped seeing live because their fans just totally ruin the atmosphere, especially fans that have their eyes set so badly on one member, that they actively go out of their way to be passive aggressive or bully fans of that same member. 2.) Multiple type singles Honestly just a huge cash grab to save a dying CD industry. I didn't mind as much in the past, but now it's so common that bands are really lazy about the content you get with each release/price point. I just bought the first press of PLC's new CD for like 15,000-something yen and I definitely did not feel like the content in any way warranted that kind of price. But it's ubiquitous in the Japanese VK/idol industry and I doubt it's going to change any time soon. 3.) Miscellaneous concert ticket/attendance fees So you buy the ticket, but you also have to pay a service and/or shipping charge, on top of a drink fee. Just include everything in the damn price and be done with it. Rakuten Ticket is the absolute worse about not bundling ticket purchases together and making you pay a separate 900+ yen service/shipping fee for each ticket, even though all your separate tickets are just going to arrive at the same time anyway. Ugh. As for the drink thing, it feels like a cheap move when they're already pocketing off of live house rental cost, especially if the drink ticket is over 500 yen. 4.) Venue-limited only goods Having to attend/find someone to attend and line-up for goods at every concert just to complete a set of things or get something special is a monumental pain in the ass. Just sell the things online and be done with it. I don't think I've ever known anyone to specifically attend a concert just for the goods, unless it's a live distribution only CD or something. Every now and then live-limited only goods are fine. Having live-only limited goods at all or almost every stop on your tour is a bit much imho. 5.) The general direction VK is going It's just not my thing. There are newer artists I appreciate and listen to, but it's few and far between compared to how many older bands I love. The scene has definitely become more formulaic that it used to be, and although VK has always sold on looks, sometimes it's a bit much now. I had to kind of struggle to come up with 5 things, tbh. Most are just mildly aggravating and not something I hate enough to rant about.
  6. 2 points

    Relationships with Japanese Bangya

    So I sometimes travel to Japan to follow my band and I bought some tickest on twitter from the usual saizen people. At first I thought they were unfriendly and the fans were super cold (other fans had the same impression) but during my last trip they actually reserved/offered spots in saizen for me.... 🤥 I am still doubting them a lot but of course I am grateful to them, too. Have any of you ever experienced something like that? I also had a band were everyone was one big family with the gyas even sharing rides with me and exchanging my tickets before the lives for better numbers etc.
  7. 2 points
    I would say, don't talk too much about your love to any Japanese fan. And those (麺被り無理 - men kaburi muri) girls... you better can avoid them if they actually only care for "one" bandman. even if they fan one guy, they still can getting jealous if you getting attention from not their favorite guy. You know, it's alright to show them that you like "member xxx" just share your love only at gigs. Twitter/facebook. You better don't bother people too much with it. Even if you feel worried about someone, keep it private. Just be polite and don't argue or whatever with them. But after all don't worry. You will be hated and loved. And after some years going you found your best friends. fans are often different from band to band. some bands have pretty much jealous fans while other bands have nice fans.
  8. 2 points
    Because these guys actually USE their MITSU-money to self-produce stuff and are having fun doing so! Instead of other bandomen using money for themselves.... Really, I often wonder with this band where they get their money from.... They are honestly enjoying what they do and 1. Take a lot of shit for it (the guys have commented on that) 2. Are "not obviously" money greedy guys, but want everyone to enjoy their show with furitsuke classes before their free oneman, hashtags for fans to find friends on twitter and a stamp card system that is based on "actually going to see the band" instead of purchases... 3. They regularily get into trouble for doing parodies (Pentagon Shonen Waltz parody was prohibited after they released a sample, produced Reverse Mymelo merch also had to be destroyed) Also their core fanbase is really small... 10-25 regualars? So let them do their parodies as long as their money lasts. 😁 Maybe they will take on your favourite band next!
  9. 2 points

    5 Things I Hate About VK

    And mucc6 uploaded all of them. A hero, truly.
  10. 1 point
    HOLLOWGRAM new mini-album "FLUID" will be released at 2018/09/19 (2700yen)
  11. 1 point
    MERRY has unveiled their new look and have updated their live schedule: 7/6 ガラ (Gara) Birthday Live 第三回自作自演「39グッドバイ」@ 渋谷duo MUSIC EXCHANGE 9/23 システム エムオロギーExtra~テツ (Tetsu) revenge~ @ 盛岡CLUB CHANGE WAVE 9/24 システム エムオロギーExtra~テツ (Tetsu) revenge~ @ 秋田CLUB SWINDLE MERRY Autumn Tour 2018 10/12 Nagoya Electric Lady Land 10/13 Creative Center Osaka Umeda Club Quattro 11/7 恵比寿LIQUIDROOM 10/30~31 Merry Halloween Party ~Trick or MERRY~ @ HOLIDAY SHINJUKU
  12. 1 point
    怪盗戦隊ヌスムンジャー (Kaitou Sentai Nusumunja) new single "金欠ピラニア" will be released at 2018/06/13. TrackList: 01.金欠ピラニア 02.100%美肌になる方法
  13. 1 point
    SHIVA will release a 3-type single “PHANTOM” on 2018.07.25. Type A: 2 songs+DVD (MV+Off-shot) ¥2,200 Type B: 3 songs ¥1,500 Type C : 3 songs ¥1,500
  14. 1 point
    ラミヤ (Lamiya) new live limited single "Pandora" will be released on 2018.06.04. It will contain 2 songs for 500 yens. [tracklist] 01. Pandora 02. Glitter
  15. 1 point

    Relationships with Japanese Bangya

    The band I am talking about is Lack-co. It is just such a strange atmosphere among the fans... i do speak a bit japanese and I did talk with them. Probably just Lack-co though... All other bands seemingly have warmer and nicer fans.... There I had really good experience with the gya. They help me get tickets, buy stuff, write messages for the band etc. 😊
  16. 1 point

    Relationships with Japanese Bangya

    I had, generally, very good experiences with gyas in Japan. I went out for a drink and a snack twice with Japanese girls I met right there, despite barely speaking Japanese and them barely speaking English. But probably I got really lucky and I was always polite and asked for permission for everything. I went to a taiban once and a Jiluka gya offered me her saizen spot for Vrzel and discussed it with the Vrzel gyas for me. I saw the same Vrzel gyas three days later at another taiban and they even traded cheki with me and gave me a copy of one of those free magazines they were featured in, so it seems they were not offended by that. A Fixer gya talks to me on Line often still. I was just nice, polite and attempted conversation in Japanese with whoever seemed nice and it paid off. I guess they appreciate it when you try to talk to them in their language. I can't wait for August, so I can see some of them again and keep the good relationships alive.
  17. 1 point
    This one wasn't really good but the 有害メンヘラドール one made me spill my coke on the table. Seriously. The lyrics are soooooooooo funny. I like them tho because their parodies are really funny. I don't understand why stuff like Golden Bomber are famous instead, but this guys, i'd give them my 500 yen coin to see them once
  18. 1 point
    Unfortunately not, but I think he is a cool and very screwd up fun guy, so I pirated his name in Kaitou fashion. 🕵
  19. 1 point
    ^ vo.Masato (怪盗戦隊ヌスムンジャー) are you?
  20. 1 point

    5 Things I Hate About VK

    Also with the possibility of this 🔥Super Deluxe Version🔥 having both sets of tracks from the other versions which makes it a basic cashgrab...👀
  21. 1 point
    Know what would be cool? If they remastered (though re-recording might be better) Peep Show, M.E.R.R.Y, and Underworld. I call that Merry’s “tin can era”.
  22. 1 point
    So, apparently there's a new announcement on 2018.06.01, uh? Rooting for a new album! sick aesthetics on that video, btw!
  23. 1 point
    Damn,they look so good,loved it all.this band have a great future ahead if they keep this sound and look.im just still a bit worried about their current label
  24. 1 point

    5 Things I Hate About VK

    Live Dist releases for sure, and the new trend of the more settled older bands or a member of the said bands doing side project and releasing limited versions with super hefty prices, like, chill Chris Brown! Your DVD just not worth $50 no matter what 😂😂😂
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point

    [Spanish] Se habla español~

    LOL gracias, es que como el forum es mas de tematica visual kei; pues no suelo mencionar mi lado Jpop jajajaja pero bueno, del lado de Jpop y de Jrock non-VK, me encanta Dreams Come True, access, TM Network, Daisuke Asakura, globe, Tetsuya Komuro, RADWIMPS, sakanaction, flumpool, Namie Amuro, Arashi, Yumi Matsutoya, TM Revolution, REBECCA, etc..
  28. 1 point
    The Reverend

    UNDEUX: The Drama

    A Dramatic Retelling of the Time the Dude from Undeux Went Missing but then Ordered a Pizza With the Band's Line Account by The Reverend ACT ONE FADE IN: EXT. TOKYO ALLEYWAY, ENTRANCE TO IKEBUKURO BLACK HOLE -- EVENING CUT TO: INT. BACKSTAGE DRESSING ROOM The vanity shelves are filled with various makeup and hair products. Members from various indies VK bands are milling about; applying makeup, styling hair, strumming vacantly on guitars. As we pan to the rear corner the members of Undeux are half in costume chatting while getting dressed. (If writing is visible it is in Japanese. All speech is in English.) AL (GUITAR) Can you believe this asshole? He was supposed to be here like two hours ago? What if he doesn't show? Luchat turns away from the mirror while affixing feathers to his wig. LUCHAT (DRUMS) Can any of you guys sing? AL Riku couldn't sing! Anyone willing to get up there and just kinda shriek occasionally while pointing into the audience and making up some furi? Koji is sitting on the floor applying fake blood to his face. KOJI (BASS) No can do. You guys are already making me play bass; I've got enough to try and remember. AL Damnit. Kai walks through the door in full stage makeup buttoning his bloody white shirt. KAI (GUITAR) Hey has anyone heard from... AL No. KOJI No. LUCHAT Nope. KAI Damnit. AL Alright we can't not go on stage now... Al spots a couple of boxes (formerly containing hairspray bottles) near the corner of the room and raises his eyebrows furtively. AL (CONT'D) I've got an idea! CROSSFADE from Al cutting one of the boxes with a pair of scissors to the band performing on stage with a 3-foot tall cutout of a person taped to a mic stand instead of a vocalist. The cutout has been splattered with fake blood. FADE TO BLACK as the band performs. ACT TWO EXT. A NONDESCRIPT APARTMENT COMPLEX IN EDOGAWA. TWO DAYS LATER. -- NIGHT CUT TO: INT. A SMALL JAPANESE APARTMENT WITH LOTS OF BAND POSTERS ON THE WALL. SOME FLOWERS/CARTOON PLUSHES/PRODUCTS THAT INDICATE IT IS A WOMAN'S ROOM ARE VISIBLE. A 20-SOMETHING GIRL IS LOUNGING ON THE BED MESSING WITH HER CELL PHONE. RIKU is sitting Indian-style on the floor with a laptop on his lap. There is some hard (but not offensively brutal) rock playing on his laptop speakers. RIKU (VOCALS, UNDEUX) You hungry babe? GIRL on the bed does not look up or to check whether or not her response is heard. GIRL Hmm? RIKU Want to go out? GIRL Ehh. RIKU Well *I'm* hungry. Let's go grab some food. GIRL I don't get paid till Friday, I'm kinda broke. RIKU has stood up and is rifling through the small cupboard and refrigerator. RIKU Damn, me too. I'm sick of instant noodles though, I'm gonna order some pizza. Whatchu want on your half? GIRL Where you ordering from? RIKU That Italian place downstairs. You can just hit 'em up on Line to order. GIRL Corn and mayo! RIKU Gross, fine. RIKU grabs his laptop and starts typing. SFX: PAN OUT THROUGH WINDOW TO WIDE SHOT OF APARTMENT BUILDING WITH GATHERING THUNDERSTORM IN THE BACKGROUND. MUSIC: DRAMATIC ORCHESTRAL HITS. FADE TO BLACK: ACT THREE EXT. SAME EDOGAWA APARTMENT COMPLEX. TWO HOURS LATER. -- NIGHT INT. SAME APARTMENT. MOSTLY FINISHED PIZZA/BOX SIT ON THE TABLE. GIRL IS STILL MINDLESSLY PLAYING WITH PHONE BUT LAYING WITH HEAD ON FOOT OF BED. RIKU is finishing a slice of pizza as he sits down at his computer again, looking very satisfied. MUSIC: OMINOUS BUT FAINT RIKU is reading intently on computer when his face drops and grows pale. He instinctively covers his mouth with his hand while continuing to scroll. RIKU Oh fuck. GIRL Huh? RIKU Oh fuck oh fuck. GIRL looks up from phone at RIKU. She is still lying on the bed. GIRL What's up? RIKU stands and begins pacing on the small apartment floor. RIKU Oh man this is not good... I was logged into the band's account when I ordered that pizza! GIRL Didn't you quit that band? RIKU I did! But I guess I hadn't logged out and into my own Line on my laptop. Shit! I didn't show up to our last show those guys are gonna be so pissed at me! GIRL sits up. GIRL Why were they expecting you at their show? RIKU Well, I quit the band... but didn't really tell them it would be *immediately*. They've been texting me non-stop. GIRL Oh my god, you idiot. RIKU I was trying to let them down easy! GIRL Just pay them back. RIKU I'm not worried about the money! GIRL Is this really that big a deal? RIKU Oh my god yes, you don't fuck with Rame and get away with it. I need to call my lawyer. GIRL *Your* lawyer? Who do you think you are? You definitely don't have some lawyer on retainer. RIKU I... you know what I mean! Seriously, I could be in some shit. SFX: PAN OUT THROUGH WINDOW TO WIDE SHOT OF APARTMENT WHILE RIKU IS PACING AND DIALING A NUMBER ON HIS CELL PHONE. IT IS RAINING HARD AND A SINGLE CROW IS CAWING ON SOME POWER LINES BELOW THEIR APARTMENT WINDOW. FADE TO BLACK: ACT FOUR EXT. AN UNIDENTIFIED AVERAGE TOKYO STREET. MANY PEOPLE ARE GOING ABOUT THEIR BUSINESS IN STORES ON THE STREETS -- DAY INT. A LUXURIOUSLY APPOINTED OFFICE. THE FOUR NON-VOCALIST MEMBERS OF UNDEUX SIT ON ONE SIDE OF A LARGE WOODEN DESK. A LARGE BALD BODYGUARD-TYPE MAN STANDS NEAR THE DOOR WEARING A SUIT AND SUNGLASSES. THE BAND, IN CASUAL CLOTHES, ARE FACING THE BACK OF A STATELY LEATHER OFFICE CHAIR ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DESK. The chair slowly spins around to reveal RAME of the record label GLKingdom and former bassist of VK band Vidoll. RAME is wearing a charcoal suit and a black tie. RAME Thank you for meeting me. Let's discuss how we can resolve this unfortunate... 'incident'. KAI Well... The members of Undeux look at each other nervously. AL Well, we want to keep going. We were hoping, you know, that maybe you knew a vocalist who would be interested... RAME laughs softly. AL (CONT'D) ...in joining the band. RAME Yes, yes. That can all be arranged. I was speaking more about what to do with Riku. LUCHAT Wha...? KOJI We still haven't heard from him. AL Well, other than the pizza thing. LUCHAT Yeah, what a dick. RAME pulls a white envelope from a drawer. RAME First, he quits the band and no-shows despite promising me he'd keep performing till the summer. RAME (CONT'D) Then, he hides and doesn't return any of my calls or texts. And finally... RAME opens the letter contained in the envelope. RAME (CONT'D) ...I get a letter from a lawyer claiming that the record deal you all signed was invalid and Riku not showing up was not a breach of contract at all. The members of Undeux are fidgeting in their seats but do not say anything. RAME (CONT'D) Our friend Riku needs a lesson in respect and honor. KOJI What do you...? RAME nods at the large man standing by the door. The bodyguard nods back and exits the room. RAME Let's not worry about Riku any longer. The members of Undeux look slightly afraid but don't move or speak. RAME (CONT'D) Now, about finding you guys a new vocalist... have you heard of the band QEDDESHET? FADE TO BLACK: ACT FIVE EXT. A GRIMEY TOKYO ALLEYWAY. IT IS RAINING LIGHTLY -- EVENING RIKU runs around a corner and places his hands on his knees to try to catch his breath. He is looking from side to side very nervously. RIKU starts walking quickly, while often looking over his shoulder, toward one end of the alley. As RIKU approaches a large man in a dark suit appears at the end of the alley that RIKU is headed toward. RIKU, panicked, turns and begins running in the opposite direction. RIKU is sprinting and splashing through puddles of the alley. As he nears the corner he appeared from originally another man in a suit emerges holding a black handgun. RIKU No! Please... The second suited man emotionlessly aims the gun at RIKU and pulls the trigger. The man wipes the gun with his pocket square and lays the gun down beside Riku's body. The suited men walk away quickly but confidently. OVERHEAD SHOT: Camera slowly pans upward as the blood from RIKU's gunshot mixes with the water his body is lying in. Camera pans upward until it is above the roofline and even the silhouette of RIKU's lifeless body has disappeared from view. CUT TO: INT. UNNAMED TOKYO LIVE HOUSE IN THE MIDDLE OF A PERFORMANCE. The band Undeux are walking out onstage to a pulsing techno track. A new, unidentified vocalist comes out last to lots of shouting from the crowd. The intro track ends and a drum fill signals the beginning of Undeux's first song. The new vocalist crouches over and unleashes an imperfect but earnest pig-squeal as the guitars kick in. The camera finds RAME at the rear of the club watching dispassionately. The large suited man from his office approaches and whispers something into his ear that is unheard over the band's performance. One corner of RAME's lips fold upward into a wry smile. FADE TO BLACK: TITLE CARD: fin.
  29. 1 point

    the GazettE new album, "NINTH" release

    they probably rushed its release to meet the anniversary deadline and might have some extra sfx/slightly different arrangement for the album to make sure it fits with other sangs
  30. 1 point
    Jasmine Masters approved
  31. 1 point
    Correct me if I'm wrong but is Gt.Jaki actually releasing a solo single? He mentions wanting to sell 100 copies at lives only...imo this sounds way better than the band itself.
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
    Black Sirene new EP "Ooze" will be released in 2017/5, although further details have not been announced. btw they have been chosen to be the guest act at GYZE's live at Sapporo CUBE GARDEN at 2017/4/16.
  35. 1 point

    Worst Jrock CD Cover

    Excuse me, but this isn't the "Best Jrock CD Cover" thread.
  36. 1 point

    Worst Jrock CD Cover

    I forgot how terrible the cover was for Rentrer en Soi's Amongst Foolish Enemies
  37. 0 points

    Worst Jrock CD Cover

    Drastic Will - Counterfeit The fact that the title was clearly made in WordArt is hilarious.
  38. 0 points
    the Raid. - 純潔ピラニア they are still copying things
  39. 0 points

    Worst Jrock CD Cover

  40. 0 points

    Worst Jrock CD Cover

  41. 0 points

    Worst Jrock CD Cover

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