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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/17 in Posts

  1. 4 points
  2. 4 points

    Anyone else getting over VK recently?

    I can think of a few good reasons why. There isn't anywhere else. There wasn't ever anywhere else really. During the VK heyday, most of our "competition" were blog spots. Finding downloads is easy. MH is one of the few bastions of hardcore music discussion left on the Internet dedicated to visual kei. It's not endemic, but it's not uncommon either. There's something about visual kei that comes and goes in waves and perhaps by sharing our experiences we can all come to a common understanding on what visual kei really means to us. The more I think about it, I don't "fall" out of other scenes or genres the way I do visual kei. I could go three to four months only listening to visual kei, and then spend another three to four months not listening to it at all. It's got a really addicting quality to it! Some people remain steadfast, others worship the false god K-Pop, and then the rest of us are somewhere in the middle, one foot still tied to this place. Or at least I am. For me at least, it's really interesting to see why people are leaving visual kei. The first reason given is usually a general one that hides the real one. A pattern I have noticed and never seen mentioned is that all it takes is one band's untimely disbandment for the wind to leave someone's sails. Mine was D'espa. For what it's worth, I haven't noticed too much complaining in this thread. But I have noticed that a lot of members have refined tastes in visual kei, and know what they like, and will tune in when something catches their interest. There's just so much going on in the scene these days, if one is not knee-deep in it and doesn't have a gateway band to ease returning into the scene, it can feel like the scene has nothing to offer them anymore.
  3. 4 points
    Ugh. Negative-Nelly here again but honestly, guys... I know this thread has been on the forum for a good while now, and I didn't understand it when it was first posted and I don't understand it now. Do you guys seriously need a support group for not finding VK likeable anymore? Or what is this about? I'm about this full of people constantly whining about how "current VK bands aren't good" or "I've realised VK sucks" or "I've just moved on". (And by constantly I mean multiple times throughout years, not necessarily all the time every day. ) OK, that's great. Good for you. But do you need to be telling everyone else about it? Why do you feel the need to come amongst people, who most likely are still into that stuff, in some way or another, and just tell them that you're not that into it? Do you think anyone cares? Damn this forum sometimes. Makes me wish there was a therapy moderator who'd just listen to people's whining so they wouldn't have to come on the forum to do that.
  4. 4 points

    Show Yourself (again)

    Cause it's been a while.
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
    I feel like people cling to the older bands and don't even give new bands a shot. I've done the same thing in the past but I feel like if you really do like VK you'll do your research and find something new you like. There's a lot of shitty techno bands but there are some good bands out there that get overlooked.
  7. 3 points

    Show Yourself (again)

  8. 2 points

    DIAURA new live DVD release

    DIAURA will release their new live DVD 『Dictatorial Garden Nakano-beyond the resistance-』2017.02.18 at Nakano Sunplaza on 2017.09.03 Setlist from the live: SE. 1.白と蒼の境界 2.DICTATOR 3.赤い虚像 4.倒錯症レジスタンス 5.胎動 6.開眼 7.Beautiful Creature 8.SIRIUS 9.Lily 10.CRIMINAL BEAST 11.Linkage 12.Cult 13.ダンシンインザダーク 14.Mr. Isolation 15.Daybreaker 16.失翼の聖域 EN 17.The abyss 18.Ms.Psycho 19.UNIVERSE 20.MASTER
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points

    Recommended Tracks: July 2017!

    Quick thoughts of a grumpy old man. Scale: Yeah Hmm Meh Ugh "天上天下" by ARCHEMI. It felt like the song had no meat to it. I normally appreciate a traditional Japanese flavor to my VK, but here is just felt like an attempt to sprinkle some flavor on top of something that was really bland. I guess that saved it from be a "ugh" on my scale though. "鮮やかな矛盾" by NoGoD I've been off of the NoGod train for a while now. After a bunch of mediocre releases, I had a hard time caring about following them. While I did enjoy this track, I kind of feel like it also feels a bit like more of the same. Does make me a bit curious to jump back in though. "昏睡" by SCAPEGOAT Some parts reminded me of mid 00's numetal inspired VK and the chorus felt reminiscent of Cocklobin, which are two things I would mark as positives. Production sounded shit, but I am hoping that there was just same major compression involved on the youtube upload. "青年ナイフ" by ニトロデイ Sounded like I was listening to it with cotton stuffed in to my ears. Also, there is something about the way the vocalist pronounces things that I just can't stand. "Sorry, I Am Not" by SHE TALKS SILENCE It felt like this song was trying to go somewhere but it never quite reached its destination. In a crude way of putting it, I feel like this song blue balled me. "雨” by 游彩 I feel like there is a lot of promise here that isn't realized. I feel like a bit more passion and dynamics in this song could have helped pushed it over the top. I think this song could be a lot of fun live as I think perhaps part of the problem is that it is over produced. "虚言癖" by DAMY Been a while since I've heard a song in this style from a band that I didn't know that was actually memorable. This is a song that gets its life from lots of small details - little vocal flairs or riff changes that I wasn't expecting. Going to be checking this band out more in the future. "⚪︎と×" by ザアザア I don't think I've ever quite liked Xaa-xaa as much as the rest of the community has, but this song is dope. The the vocals are incredibly emotive without playing things too far in to melodrama. It's also been a while since I've enjoyed a song with a guitar solo. "burst" by Zill Not sure if I can get behind the vocals - like, there is some points where I really enjoy them, but others where I feel like they are just too rough. Instrumentally the song is mostly solid, but like the vocals, also has some rough points (like the chorus imo). "Dystopia -Vanishing Point-" by Boris Ive always been a fan of Boris's drone/doom work, but even I feel like this track takes perhaps a bit too long to get to its main point. Even when the song hits full stride, I don't find it quite as enjoyable as some of their work in this genre in the past. I find it hard to put in to words, but this one really left me wanting more. Not to say that I dislike this track, which isn't the case....more that it was disappointing. Also, man, do I ever hate how this song ends. "声飛行" by Gutevolk This is one of those songs that I don't really enjoy all that much, but I totally see the appeal of even if it isn't for me. Wow, lot's of good VK tracks! What year is it? XD
  11. 2 points
    How the fuck did things take such a shift in her...... Oh....um.... Yeah so.... About dem DVD's
  12. 2 points
  13. 1 point
    On 2017.10.04, the band will release a mini album called 『THE LIGHT』. Limited edition : 3240 yen CD : 01.Outbreak 02.NEVER VANISHING BULLET HOLE 03.-273.15°C 04.JIHAD 05.カレタソレイユ 06.BLAZING HEART 07.Twilight DVD : 01.BLAZING HEART[Music Video] Regular edition : 2500 yen + taxes CD : 01.Outbreak 02.NEVER VANISHING BULLET HOLE 03.-273.15°C 04.JIHAD 05.Sense 06.カレタソレイユ 07.BLAZING HEART 08.Twiligh Little hearts limited edition : 2500 yen + taxes CD : 01.Outbreak 02.NEVER VANISHING BULLET HOLE 03.-273.15°C 04.JIHAD 05.MIRAGE(THE LIGHT ver.) 06.カレタソレイユ 07.BLAZING HEART 08.Twilight + Bonus track「MIRAGE(THE LIGHT ver.)」 Zeal link limited edition : 2500 yen + taxes CD : 01.Outbreak 02.NEVER VANISHING BULLET HOLE 03.-273.15°C 04.JIHAD 05.Rose?(THE LIGHT ver.) 06.カレタソレイユ 07.BLAZING HEART 08.Twilight + Bonus track「Rose(THE LIGHT ver.)」
  14. 1 point
    少女-ロリヰタ-23区 (Lolita23q) new single "S.Y.U.E.N W.A.R.S" will be released at 2017/9/13 (3 tracks), although further details have not yet been announced.
  15. 1 point
    BUCK-TICK has just announced a special project of sorts for their debut 30th anniversary coming in September 2017. Here is what is for certain so far: - they will release an Anniversary Best Album - they will hold an Anniversary Special Live in September - they will hold their annual THE DAY IN QUESTION gig on 2017/12/23, and then a special two-day one on 12/28-29 - this will also be preceded by a domestic tour from October (if I'm understanding it correctly) - aaand they will release their new album in spring 2018 Can't waittttt~
  16. 1 point
    The Piass

    Airish best album and album release

    On 2017.11.01, the band will release a best album (re-recorded songs) and a new album (new songs).
  17. 1 point
    I'm sad I never got to see them play it, it must have been crazy energy.
  18. 1 point

    Anyone else getting over VK recently?

    @The Bread WolfI want to add on to what @Zeus had mentioned earlier, and perhaps this can be a 4th reason to his post. People seek answers. Understanding why they feel the way they do about this fallout, from those who've experienced it before them, brings no better closure. Some people are fine moving from one genre of music to another, but there are some who let it define them, and moving on equates to leaving a loved one. These individuals need to know it's OK to move on, and if they choose to come back, there would be no ill sentiment for doing so. I know because I'm one of those people, and I've created a thread like this before because of it. So let me partake here. I wouldn't say that I've moved on, but that my view on what is considered "talent" or "potential", has shrunk immensely. Once the bands that I still follow disband, there would be a gray area that I would be placed in, for me to decide whether it's time to go, or see Visual Kei past the music. Time will tell.
  19. 1 point
    What the hell? This isn't the same friendly sounding Noisia, this is some over the top black metal. W h a t And that puppy just makes it weirder EDIT: Hit me up with some more info, they deserve to be on Metal Archives. lol
  20. 1 point
    Can't wait for thisssssss<3 I really missed his voice!!!!
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    But in all honesty, I do feel sometimes that interest in anything comes in waves. I've never been able to listen to solely one style of music, and I think there's a lot of users growing up and discovering they also need to broaden their horizons. Sometimes that means moving away from VK completely, sometimes it just means a short break. But I don't find any problems with them wanting to talk about it. This is a discussion forum, why is talking about falling out of love with VK so taboo? Especially if they are mourning it, and not simply here to hate on everything. Even though I feel like there's plenty of people around who do that too because their tastes are so streamlined and they just have to announce when they dislike any band that gets posted in the news section. Yet, we tolerate that as well. As far as the OP, I know I've posted before in other threads that I think it's natural for interest in VK to wax and wane. Sometimes it's healthy for you to take a break from something and come back later with refreshed interest. If you fall into a different interest while you're away and don't happen to come back, there's nothing wrong with that either.
  23. 1 point
    Tour final will be 2018/08/18 at Akasaka Blitz.
  24. 1 point

    New band NYXIS has formed

    here for fynil-fyntisy-cosplay-kei emerging as a genre
  25. 1 point
    Got drunk during the day and checked out if there were any bands in town and August Burns Red was, so I went to see them. I hadn't heard their music aside from a few snippets here and there, but my impression was that they played emocore until settling into some loungy major deal post-hardcore territory to cruise control it a career. And I was wrong. Apparently they've played more or less the same music their entire career, and it still averages two breakdowns and a "GO!" *parkway drive riff* sequence a song. Naturally I had a decent time despite having my energy levels sapped by the flu.
  26. 1 point
    "In incontinence" How did I miss this??? Grandpa-kei takes on a whole new meaning.
  27. 1 point
    They are a very fun band and they really reminded me of Rave when they first started!
  28. 1 point
    This is a very interesting point you make! One element to remasters which makes them tricky are the compromises baked into the original recording. For better or worse, it colors the listener's perception of an album. First impressions are very strong. Muddiness can become atmosphere and mistakes musical quirks. In a rush to polish old works musicians may not stop to think about how their interpretation might be different from mine or yours. There has to be enough of an improvement to warrant making a remaster in the first place, but no matter how much one tries to maintain accuracy the parts that change affect even the parts that don't. I can't think of many examples where a simple remaster fixed all the issues I had with an album. It's simply not doing enough in the dimensions it restricts itself in, and many times one bad change in a remaster negates all the good ones. It's for that reason alone that my review ignores the second CD. It can be argued my rating is a little high, but since I viewed the second CD as a bonus it didn't impact the first CD for me. I can choose which one I want to listen to and having the option is nice. The remaster is more accurate to the original version of the album, but it feels sterile. The new version doesn't capture the rawness of the original, but it captures the essence of the album far better (which is what I suspect they are going for). This contrast shows just how much of an art production and mastering is. I suppose it's one of those things where no one should notice you did a thing at all if you do a really good job.
  29. 1 point
    omfg completely forgot about this shit
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
    If we are talking about purely physical preferences I like them the whitest and hairless-est possible. Hopefully not to tall and on the skinny side. Asians tend to fit that preference more than other races, but it all comes down to me HATING hairy dudes more than liking slanted eyes. I don't date anyways because either the man in question is attractive but has some big ideological turn off, either he fits my personality profile but I'm just not physically attracted AT ALL (say what you want, that part IS important), either he fits both but is taken or on the other side of the world. My parents aren't that racist, but they have made it very clear I can't date outside of my (their) religion and social class and that makes it absolutely impossible to find a suitable partner within my own country unless I want to completely estrange myself from my family.
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    & all of this just because they didn't play ash this tour, smdh guys
  34. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    i REALLY hope this isn't that vamps lmfao @ their fans showing up to a deafheaven and danzig show
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    My babies <3 RYO slaying like always this is fucking awesome im so HYPED for them
  37. 1 point

    Choose The Theme for The Next TRADE-OFF!

    The next Monochrome Heaven music trade-off will be soon and we need your help choosing the theme!
  38. 1 point
    beautiful T__________T can't get enough of them
  39. 1 point
    i like it! and wow almost didn't recognize tatsuru, love his new hair haha
  40. 1 point
    Limited edition : 1944 yen CD : 1. 紅い意図(Akai ito) 2. One DVD : LIVE Shooting from「バタフライ・エフェクト-残響-」 1. ANTITHESE 2. ケミカルZOO 3. RUDENESS RESORT 4. Child's Dream 5. NEVER ENDING STORY 6. #夏の微熱 Limited edition : 1944 yen CD : 1. 紅い意図(Akai ito) 2. 我武者羅(Gamushara) DVD : 1. CLØWD Theater「僕らの夏休み~そうだ、キャンプに行こう~」 Regular edition : 1200 yen + taxes CD : 1. 紅い意図(Akai Ito) 2. Eemy, Meeny, Honey, More 3. 紅い意図 (KØULess Ver.) (Akai ito)
  41. 1 point
    Alright so I decided to translate them anyway, so here they are: Too all [MAD]ist Delivering news like this to everyone who kept believing in us, and for us to not keeping our promise until the end is very hurtful to say the least. These five years with Grieva is something that I won't be able to exchange for anything ever. We managed to get great members, [MAD]ist's and lots of valueable friends. We laughed a lot We cried a lot There's been a lot of stuff we've regret And we've seen a lot of beautiful things In all of this I managed to find my reason to live, and the place where I belong Spending days as Grieva was nothing but happiness to me. I wanted to protect it forever, but in the end I couldn't. I'm terribly sorry. I can't thank all of you enough. Us actually existing for five years as band is all thanks to you. For the remaining gigs, I want to express this feeling and create even more beautiful atmosphere than what we have been able to do so far, therefore please stay with us until the very end Grieva KYOUKI Thank you for always supporting Grieva! We started Grieva in 1st of july 2012, but 30th of december it has to come to an end. To me, Grieva is like a family and the life I have built up. We've been troubled and thought a lot together Smiling together everyday, trying to become a better Grieva together Seeing fans getting happy because of us Wondering how we're going to face new fans, how to get new fans We've searched for answers for all these things together. The fact that we managed to do all this, with all these amazing members is something I proudly boast about. Five years is definitely not little time, and if all of you weren't here for us then nothing of this would ever be possible, and I also wouldn't have been able to grow as much as I have. Thank you all so much. The time we have left together is barely none, but I want to give back the favor to each one of you during the remaining gigs. If you think "Grieva was such a great band" when you're thinking back on us, then surely nothing will actually change and we'll continue to grow. We'll keep on fighting until the very end, so please continue support us! Grieva ROKU Thank you for always supporting us. From 2012 we've changed a lot, we said goodbye to members but still kept looking forward and doing activity. However, at 30th december this year we have decided to call it quits. We're all very good friends and we've felt a lot of stuff together. We've always encouraged each other so much, and to be honest, for the first time in my life I've thought "So this is what friends are!". I really think we managed to create one of the best bands. If I'm going to be honest, had I not been invited to join Grieva at that time then me today would be very different. These five years has been a rocky road, but because of that we have all been able to grow personally and as a band. Being able to keep doing this for five years has been all thanks to you. Getting up on stage, seeing all of you has always made me think "this is my reason for living". These five years has been the absolute best of my life so far. I feel nothing but gratefulness because you made me be able to be this happy with my band, all of you, and all our staff. Thanks for supporting us for five years! There's not much time left but I want you all to come to our final gig and leave no regrets behind as we close up this band. We're going to do our best for every last show we still got up until then, so please come support us until the end! Grieva HARU It's been five long years, huh. Time goes fast! I wonder if you're all mad when you're reading this announcement? Or maybe you're sad? Sorry for such a sudden announcement. For me personally I could continue play in this band with these members for the rest of my life. Every day we've had a gig I've been so happy. A lot of you have told me "Grieva has saved me" and it always made me happy to hear. On the contrary, I think hearing those words have saved me in a way. Being able to play bass in this band as Hisame, and having all of you fans has always made me so happy. There's not much time left but we have a lot of gigs, let's enjoy them to the fullest together! Grieva HISAME This band Grieva is the band I've done most things in The band I laughed with the most The band I cried with the most The band I thought "I am so happy" with the most The band I've regret most things with All of this as Yuugo from Grieva And me as a person Is something I thought I'd never experience. And this is my fortune, in a life I thought nothing about me ever would change. We've fought so hard together, done stupid shit together and discussed our dreams together. It all comes to and end 30th of december. Grieva has been active for five years, and it's been three years since I was invited. I don't think if I'm the one to say this but in a good way it feels as if Grieva has combusted. Either way Grieva will be Grieva until the very end. None of us are on bad terms or anything like that. If we all can treasure each day as it is and have fun together then I'll be happy. Feast your eyes on Grieva until the very end, if we're able to leave a mark on your heart forever then I'll be happy. Sorry for everything ending. Please support us until the very end. Grieva YUUGO
  42. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

    Here's a recent pic in which I played around with one of those cheesy, sketch filters.
  43. 1 point
    its disrespectful to talk about the elderly like that... take it back....
  44. 1 point

    Recommended Tracks: July 2017!

    i never thought much about yusai until now. i gotta keep my eyes peeled on them from now on! haven't given boris' new album that many listens yet, but that track is truly beautiful. i love them long tracks packed with feels. it was quite an awesome month, especially for vk!
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

    Me and Yue from Kizu
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point
    mad 2010 vibes does he even age?
  49. 1 point
    Because 'visual kei' and 'quality control' are mutually incompatible
  50. 1 point
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