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Peace Heavy mk II

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Status Updates posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Confession: when people change their avatar I usually forget who they are

    1. CAT5


      I may have neurotic avatar-changing habits, but bb, I can never be forgotten. :wink:



    2. fitear1590


      I'm back to being a shiba, just for you, bb!

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      @CAT5 same phone, who dis


      @doggo thanks!

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  2. So, are there companies that specialize in making those super elaborate bouquets of feathers, fake roses, bird cages, panties, and other misc crap that fans give to bands?

    1. saishuu
    2. inartistic


      Unhelpful answer: yes. I've stalked one before but don't remember much else.

    3. nekkichi


      >and other misc crap that fans give to bands?


      no i don't think custom-ordering a decadent STD corsage is an option x

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  3. What's ur fav ridiculous livehouse name? My vote is for "Salon Kitty," "Serbian Night," or "TOONICE"

    1. evenor


      bayside jenny and URAWA Narciss

    2. Himeaimichu


      Does Serbian Night come with free MREs, and the possibility of being killed by US or Yugoslav soldiers? 

      Does one have to bring their own gun?

    3. Duwang


      TRASH-UP, NEW SIDE BEACH!! (yes with the exclamation points), KRAPS HALL, CLUB JUNK BOX

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  4. Can't believe ya'll got NEGA cancelled lmfao

    1. Akrus


      @IGM_OficialI saw some micro tags with autismo supremo or austim. Funny as hell 😅


    2. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Dir en Grey is a massive band, no one can doubt of this... but why someone necessarily rates something saying "Hey is a XXX ripoff", "Hey that thing is too similiar to XXX", while appreciating it for what is in its core? I have seen this garbage happening in visual kei fandom, reminding of a similiar debate on other fandoms, such as GoT, where other new fantasy/sci-fi shows have necessarily that feature which gets a comparison to what GoT did... honestly this thing is bothering me a bit, but is only my opinion.

    3. Himeaimichu


      Who the fuck even cares if they copy Dir en Grey these days? They sound cool. It's music. It's just fucking notes, timbres and words that sound good together to our ears. It's not that deep lol.

      I personally like the Diru influence in Nega. I think Nega is a cool interpretation of different influences, including Dir en Grey, and they manage to stick some Gauze influence in the mid 2000's

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  5. Does all of Kagerou sound like MSI or is that just XII-Dizzy?

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Just the high pitched / crazy vocals reminded me of a bit of 3 MSI songs I've been (unfortunately) exposed to.

      , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHaTwwmPafE,
    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Mostly the 3rd one.

    3. nekkichi


      he does a fair bunch of whiiiiiiiiiining nasals now and than. here're my kagerou favs -

      their first couple albums are consistently good (if you can stand his voice at all), it all went down with their latest one quite a lot.
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  6. Is 'apocalyptic folk' a real genre or is that in the same realm as like 'swamp metal?'

    1. Senedjem


      yeah it is.

      it's kind of a big deal too if you're a self-righteous neo nazi teenager

    2. Champ213


      a.k.a "folk that doesn't sound folky at all with vocalists that try to hide the fact that they can't sing at all by just using plain speech in different tone heights"

    3. Bear


      Apocalyptic folk is not really a genre. It was all a misunderstanding in an interview with C93, but have been used about bands heavily influenced by C93's "Thunder Perfect Mind". Not many bands call themself apocalyptic folk today, but Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio is a band that does. As a genre it's basically the same as Immortal calling their music "holocaust metal" in the 90's. Apocalytic folk is just neofolk for most part.

      This is an amazing song by Ord...

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  7. My friend legitimately thought Mana invented the words / concept behind 'Dies Irae' and 'Angus Die.' um?????

  8. So if I understand correctly, Golden Bomber are like stupid popular in Japan?

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      they are everywhere :U

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I saw the Oricon charts for 2013 and they were the only vkei band on there above like 85. GLAY and some other old old old band were much lower, but I don't think either even count as visual anymore.

    3. stylelover


      one of their singles were first place on oricon charts sometime early 2013

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  9. http://i.imgur.com/BdZcNL9.jpg are chin gauges a real thing?
    1. cruel-crucible


      When it's really chilly outside, don't their teeth hurt from the cold? There's nothing to cover them anymore D:

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      It's a plastic film, not a gaping hole. If it were a hole, how would they eat?

    3. nekkichi


      how does that chick manage to shpeak. grossed out irl. I don't wanna see their gum line recession. (how would they brush their teeth (if they ever do that))

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  10. Does putting "I OWN NOTHING IN DIS BIBEO" really do much on youtube? Or is that just cathartic for uploaders?

    1. Tetora


      If you do not collect revenue from your channel then that prevents many, but not all copyright claims. If the label or distributor does not have the applicable reserved rights they cant rightfully have it removed.

    2. Champ213


      Youtube doesn't really care though. Apparently it's very easy to claim copyrights for something, and it's not really being checked. There are a lot of copyright trolls on YT that register random bits of music with Youtube's content ID system in order to grab the ad revenue. I had a video of some old obscure jrock band taken down and the claim came from some TV station. I doubt they actually owned the rights to that. I also heard that CD Baby is claiming a lot of music sold on...

    3. Champ213


      ...their site as their own in order to get the ad money. Ie. the artist uploads their OWN music to YT, and CD Baby claims it theirs and gets the money generated from it. Basically, the system is seriously broken.

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  11. I don't get why vkei albums tend to have their single tracks towards the start of the album, usually one after another. Those tend to be the songs that get the most attention to become singles later on since songs towards the end of the album tend to be filler to say "it's an album". But what's the point when those songs have already been released at least once before?

    1. Tetora


      Many albums follow the lighter side to more somber side formula. The first half will be tracks easier to get into and more commercial, then the other side ofthe 'record' would include more somber or sad songs. Singles usually sit on the first side more. Just one theory I offer!

    2. chemicalpictures


      In west, artists release albums, and then songs to promote that album. in japan, they do the opposite. I quite prefer the japanese way, as we have the releases scattered all around and not a single album every two years...

    3. Mihenno


      ^ I really hate how we do it in the west. Idk like it blows my mind that we release an album and then months later, a song that was already released on the album is branded as a single? Like what? Same.

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  12. Okay I liked Femme Fatale's music video. Sorry 4 b-ing a h8r

    1. nekkichi


      what d.i.d. I miss @ "Sorry 4 b-ing a h8r" ?

    2. lichtlune


      haterz make us famus

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Didn't miss anything, just wasn't on the Kaya saved Visual-kei train when that band was announced.

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  13. The problem with naming your mediafire links discreetly is that months later, I have no idea what "much bloody.zip" is.

    1. CAT5


      Exactly =/

    2. sai


      much bloody so injury

    3. Jigsaw9


      much bloody might be CELL or La'Mule :D

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  14. I don't think I've ever actually made an introductory thread here.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II
    2. CAT5


      Who are either of you. Now go make a thread or I'll ban you and I'll petition for Zess's ban

    3. ricchubunny
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  15. This post is in solidarity for all the lives lost due to Miss Jellyfish's disbandment,

  16. Someone at the X concert was vigorously explaining how telling anime fans that Hatsune Miku isn't a real person is on par with, or worse than, performing an indiscriminate shoot-out because that's how serious she is. He also wanted to see a hide vocaloid.

    1. Sakura Seven
    2. paradoxal


      what is wrong with people

    3. ShanethVarosa


      There were a lot of really unfortunate people at that show...

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  17. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bz_SvnvCIAEDuzP.jpg this deserves its own news thread.
    1. nekkichi


      yaaaasss Cher you look STUNNING

    2. Senedjem


      yu~ki looks like his potato crop produced a glut this year and hes out on the town 2 celebrate

    3. Senedjem


      he's hitting all the taverns all night long, grinding hard on those medieval peasant bitches

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  18. "@nnickimiinajj is now following you" *sweats nervously*

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I am a good person and do not deserve this

    2. nekkichi
    3. blackdoll


      never mind now that i remeber the lyrics

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  19. Found CAT5' belated birthday gift http://analogwatchco.com/ant-watch

    1. nekkichi


      made me think of a tarantula hourglass concept by some reason.... ;____;

    2. CAT5


      Bcuz Nic knows i'm too hipster to get the apple watch <3

    3. nekkichi



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  20. Visual Snacks

    1. fitear1590


      I'm still saving my Visual indies snack par excellance: piece of Faralis white chocolate and buckwheat tea

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      What was the band that gave people napkins as a priv? Was that Scarlet Valse?

    3. fitear1590


      Um, tissues, Peace. Tissues. Totally different. And yeah, that was RailTracer, haha.

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  21. "What does visual-kei sound like?"




    1. Takadanobabaalien


      violet uk's album (meaning vk doesnt exist)

    2. evenor


      post punk played by drag queens

    3. Biopanda


      *sound of a car crashing*

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  22. Do you guys use anything to backup files / hard drives? I use Backblaze and it came in really handy when my old hard drive crashed when it got unplugged :( 

    1. YuyoDrift


      Another drive? lol You should look into doing a MIRROR RAID setup.


      Physical is always best, but in the event you lose everything in a natural disaster, using a file service can bring peace of mind.

    2. inartistic


      Backblaze \m/

    3. inartistic


      I also have copies of certain things on MediaFire, lol

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  23. I hate to deter from the Kisaki scandal, but I found a Moi Dix Mois thong on Amazon and am rly grossed out https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01EJBXQ7E/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_x_SFO6xbZKG69N3

    1. Chi


      i want 10 of those

    2. Biopanda


      just lmao if ur not already wearing one

    3. saishuu


      I'm sure Mana wears one

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