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Status Replies posted by Zeus

  1.  Am i the only one who wants hajime (Ex-triggah) back on the scene?

  2. To other anime fans, have you checked out the Autumn Anime Chart 2017, its available here


  3. Hoping the upcoming la la larks album somehow makes up for the last 6 years without school food punishment! :wan-08:

  4. Hoping the upcoming la la larks album somehow makes up for the last 6 years without school food punishment! :wan-08:

  5. Hoping the upcoming la la larks album somehow makes up for the last 6 years without school food punishment! :wan-08:

  6. Hoping the upcoming la la larks album somehow makes up for the last 6 years without school food punishment! :wan-08:

  7. there's going to be an announcement or two later today stay tuned

  8. 'D.A' commenting about here on your facebook...
    Open your eyes, he's taking your link here. ;)

  9. 'D.A' commenting about here on your facebook...
    Open your eyes, he's taking your link here. ;)

  10. 'D.A' commenting about here on your facebook...
    Open your eyes, he's taking your link here. ;)

  11. Arlequin sounds quite nice and in theory they have the exact sound I like to listen to but somehow they fail to attrackt me like Jiluka did with a sound I normally don't like.


    I hope they release something that truly amazes me or they'll be forever "meh" to me :/

  12. Isn't it ironic? someone that kept me from attempting suicide, committed suicide... I'm done with life and the loved ones I lost. even though, rest in piece, Ches

  13. What do you say to Aryu when he's telling you a unbelievable story ?


    "Aryu serious !?"

  14. 時限式:uadjet are fucking phenomenal, they need to become a permanent band or bring llll-Ligro- back, asap!

  15. 時限式:uadjet are fucking phenomenal, they need to become a permanent band or bring llll-Ligro- back, asap!

  16. OH GOLLY GEE! Guess who gets to worry because their family may be in actual danger cause their soon to be ex step dad is a total psycho! This is like the only place I can vent about this too cause I'm nervous about him finding my other stuff and using it to gather info to hurt my family.

    Im SO HAPPY I get to have the constant nagging anxiety about my mom potentially being killed or beaten up again.

    Hopefully he will calm down and not do anything stupid that will prevent him from ever seeing his son again. Thankfully his truck is shit too and they are a bit away from him now.

  17. I can't believe it's been a year since I joined the forum. It feels like it was yesterday.


    I guess I can't keep saying "I'm new here"


  18. I feel lonely for Keina of DIVEN, because from based on DIVEIN's new he was recently fired because he was violating the rules of the VK industry, i'm wondering if DIVEIN will have new member in the future that will replace him.

  19. 古田 順子 Furuta Junko (November 22, 1971 – January 4, 1989) may you R.I.P...


    this is probably the most fucked up, horrific and gruesome true story about torture, rape and murder i've ever heard in my entire life.

    since i've found out about it yesterday i am constantly thinking about how bad this is... >.>''


    like srsly i advise you only look the full detailed story up at your own risk - you might get mentally scarred forever...


    also the GazettE wrote a song about it with "taion"...

    my complete few of the song changed completely now that i know the intention behind it when Ruki wrote the lyrics for it....


    and finally to keep it short i am kinda glad again i don't understand japanese anything near fluently because i know many of these bands write super fucked up lyrics and i always think like: how can japanese young super styled teenage girls just go all out and party over the music therefore - like srsly i often think (although there's almost nothing i love more than Vk) if i'd understand all the lyrical content i might get super depressed because of it....^^°


    sry for that short story but i needed to get this of my chest *kinda*...

  20. 古田 順子 Furuta Junko (November 22, 1971 – January 4, 1989) may you R.I.P...


    this is probably the most fucked up, horrific and gruesome true story about torture, rape and murder i've ever heard in my entire life.

    since i've found out about it yesterday i am constantly thinking about how bad this is... >.>''


    like srsly i advise you only look the full detailed story up at your own risk - you might get mentally scarred forever...


    also the GazettE wrote a song about it with "taion"...

    my complete few of the song changed completely now that i know the intention behind it when Ruki wrote the lyrics for it....


    and finally to keep it short i am kinda glad again i don't understand japanese anything near fluently because i know many of these bands write super fucked up lyrics and i always think like: how can japanese young super styled teenage girls just go all out and party over the music therefore - like srsly i often think (although there's almost nothing i love more than Vk) if i'd understand all the lyrical content i might get super depressed because of it....^^°


    sry for that short story but i needed to get this of my chest *kinda*...

  21. so what's good yoshiki?

  22. Sooo Photobucket just pissed off their very last users, including me. They are not allowing embedded photos anymore due to it breaking their supposed "terms and services". Just a heads up, all the files I uploaded should still work, even if the CD scan and band images are dead. Yup... fuck Photobucket in its ass with a screwdriver =___="".

  23. llll-Ligro- were actually pretty damn good..

  24. Trying to play Tekken 7 online has ruined this game for me lol should I turn it into more weed money?

  25. Trying to play Tekken 7 online has ruined this game for me lol should I turn it into more weed money?

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