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Status Replies posted by Zeus

  1. More people need to be talking about XAA-XAA's new album "不幸な迷路" it's seriously the best visual kei album in years and probably one of the best of all time.

  2. More people need to be talking about XAA-XAA's new album "不幸な迷路" it's seriously the best visual kei album in years and probably one of the best of all time.

  3. Our clan's blood will not stop being kawaii 5eva.

  4. Wagakki's 400th anniversary live is so precious I want to keep it forever in my heart so I can replay it as many times as I want T___T


    And Machiya singing tsuioku is also everything I need, ever T__T aaaaaa I love his voice so muchdsgjkfatuisdghJKSDGHS 

  5. Moll'e Node is like the only KoteKei band I've seen use a 7 string guitar. (Unless someone can point out another one, which would be awesome)

  6. Moll'e Node is like the only KoteKei band I've seen use a 7 string guitar. (Unless someone can point out another one, which would be awesome)

  7. Moment of truth to come. I'm gonna see Ghost in the Shell live action movie tomorrow after work. Very curious to see how it'll turn out.

  8. next review should be xaa-xaa or initial'l? lemme know

  9. next review should be xaa-xaa or initial'l? lemme know

  10. oh god how many more miscarried hit singles does initial'L have in their mommyholes

    when are we getting an album (after which they can be safely buried)

  11. I don't always buy Video Game OSTs, but Nier:Automata, would be one of them.

  12. I feel like some labels spend WAY TOO MUCH on producing their bands. 

    Like, you shouldn't have to spend all that money processing vocals, especially if you have a good vocalist. 

    Also, sometimes, too much post production can ruin a band's sound

  13. I feel like some labels spend WAY TOO MUCH on producing their bands. 

    Like, you shouldn't have to spend all that money processing vocals, especially if you have a good vocalist. 

    Also, sometimes, too much post production can ruin a band's sound

  14. I feel like some labels spend WAY TOO MUCH on producing their bands. 

    Like, you shouldn't have to spend all that money processing vocals, especially if you have a good vocalist. 

    Also, sometimes, too much post production can ruin a band's sound

  15. I feel like some labels spend WAY TOO MUCH on producing their bands. 

    Like, you shouldn't have to spend all that money processing vocals, especially if you have a good vocalist. 

    Also, sometimes, too much post production can ruin a band's sound

  16. in san fran all week. if you see a sick, homeless looking dude next to a bunch of preppy white scientists outside a hilton hotel, that's probs me

  17. Daisuke Sato (writer Highschool of the Dead) has passed away


  18. I'm really bored and i couldn't think of anime to watch for next month. please suggest me one title of an Anime by posting here or feel free to send me a PM, any anime will do except on-going animes, because i don't watch on-going anime in the current season.

  19. i was going to post traces review today but no embedded pics means i gotta wait :(

  20. Does anyone remember that guy 'Jondesu' on last.fm who updated pretty much every single visual kei band on that website?

    I remember him already being active in 2008 and he was still updating band's looks 'till last year.

    Has the legend finally died?

  21. tbh all the friends I had when I was in my prime of VK, no longer like VK anymore. "I listen to vk" is noob enough for me. 

  22. traces vol 2 is the best thing gazetto has put out in years...and i don't even like gazeballadz

  23. It's moving week and I'm so fucking nervous 

  24. THE GALLO is pretty neat

  25. THE GALLO is pretty neat

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