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Status Replies posted by Zeus

  1. whatever happened to that vocalist who was kicked out of his band for "inhuman acts" or something


    (not kamijo)

  2. whatever happened to that vocalist who was kicked out of his band for "inhuman acts" or something


    (not kamijo)

  3. I just realized I can rip in lossless quality on iTunes!

    I also realized files end up being heavy af.

  4. So one of my coworkers says her dog is in heat, and wants my dog and I to come over and fuck her brains out.


    lol I feel she wants more than that



  5. It is disrespectful to ask who I am throwing my pussy at.  Thank you.

  6. Staff, y'all not about 2 Snub Buck-Tick, Utada and Lynch. out of album reviews. If so, we gonna throw hands. All of you.

  7. Rounded squares were boring, so I replaced them with Pacman. lol

  8. you know after got a depression for maybe one year now i can smile again .

  9. holy fuck trump is losing badly and it's only been 28 mins

  10. holy fuck trump is losing badly and it's only been 28 mins

  11. What's up with Pentagon's どうでもええけど "homage" to Linkin Park? at least I hope it's an homage, would make it less awkward

  12. What's up with Pentagon's どうでもええけど "homage" to Linkin Park? at least I hope it's an homage, would make it less awkward

  13. Am I the only one not hyped over Lycaon?

  14. u know.......... i'd love someone forever if they made me a jazz kei mixtape..... 

  15. u know.......... i'd love someone forever if they made me a jazz kei mixtape..... 

  16. Am I the only one not hyped over Lycaon?

  17. Is DOGMA by Gazette worth checking out?

  18. Finally looked up what "orz" meant after seeing it at the end of posts for like two years and just having no idea.


    I can't keep up with the kids these days!

  19. Finally looked up what "orz" meant after seeing it at the end of posts for like two years and just having no idea.


    I can't keep up with the kids these days!

  20. goodness me that new itunes update is quite unsightly

  21. goodness me that new itunes update is quite unsightly

  22. We need a place to discuss albums after their release. Kinda like a "thoughts" or mini review thread.  I want to hear what the general consensus on Versailles new album is.

  23. the beginning of Psychedelic Jelly by Lycaon sounds like some popular western song, and i NEED TO KNOW WHAT IT IS this is bothering me to no end. i wanna say it's a song associated with wrestling but i really don't know. help plz

  24. nick

    nick    Zeus

    return 'Happy birthday, Zeus!'; 

  25. Happy birthday!


    Also, I'm older than you???

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