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Status Replies posted by Zeus

  1. Spending the day trying to get my cd collection up on discogs but lol most of the artists don't even have pages. FML this is gonna be a while. 

  2. i haven't been this angry in quite some time

  3. wasnt there a topic about making a best of album for a band and let ppl try it out??? cant seem to find it

  4. $293.86 for one of those blackmoral dogmatic hoodies..... i'm sorry what

  5. how can cultural appropriation b real if culture isnt real? makes u think

  6. How do you guys recommend moving/backing up nearly 9000 songs? I'm terrified of losing my library if I don't find a way to move them. 

  7. Anyone playing Mobius Final Fantasy? Ayyyyoooo whaddup?!

  8. Hey mods, @indigobrought up a good point just now. Is there section on the forum for us to share mixtapes freely? If not, can we make one?


  9. Hey mods, @indigobrought up a good point just now. Is there section on the forum for us to share mixtapes freely? If not, can we make one?


  10. Just finished coding the new review banner slideshow using React. I hope you like it. xDD

  11. slowly becoming a wagakki band convert...HALP

  12. aww, sad to see that there was only one entry for the cosplay contest. i thought about entering too but time seemed limited...anyway, congrats to @The Reverend!! ^^

  13. too sad the only russian gyarusa is dead.

  14. why does everyone hate jazz kei

  15. why does everyone hate jazz kei

  16. why does everyone hate jazz kei

  17. why does everyone hate jazz kei

  18. Just when I thought SHIT NOODLE couldn't be topped for most absurd song names Deviloof decides to release a song called "syphilischancroidchlamydiaclervicitisprotozoaaids"

  19. Hello can someone help me how to change the Kiwamu's bitch? Cause I don't like it please and thank you :) 

  20. Hello can someone help me how to change the Kiwamu's bitch? Cause I don't like it please and thank you :) 


  22. Have you heard what happened to Christina Grimmie?? I am literally shocked.

  23. who playin' overwatch tho..................

  24. who playin' overwatch tho..................

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