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Status Replies posted by Zeus

  1. Does M-H stil have the M-H jrock awards or no?

  2. I can hear a difference on INCUBUS xp

  3. I can hear a difference on INCUBUS xp

  4. so i guess no one's noticed registration is open again...

  5. Anyone wanna come to the minichat for a friendly chat? I love meeting other VK fans.

  6. Anyone wanna come to the minichat for a friendly chat? I love meeting other VK fans.

  7. Razor's debut mini album is so great I keep wondering why Ryoga was wasting his potential in Born.

  8. Does anyone know if Sherow Artist Society is still a thing? There site still hasn't been updated since like 2008, so I'm wondering if the label is still responsible for anyone

  9. Anyone know what happened to that CrowXClass "2nd album" that was supposed to be live distributed, according to an interview, but yet any official source of CrowXClass says there is only one album?

    Also, anyone know what really happened to CrowXClass in general? xD

    Like, did they ever officially disband? Or did Kurona just forget about them because Wagakki Band?

  10. Music in general is like a drug, but Psychadelic music is the most potent out of all music. Seriously, songs like Dir En Grey’s “Raison D’etre” or Black Sabbath’s “Paranoid”, or literally any David Bowie song literally make me feel like I’m on some kind of hallucinogen.

    Should music even be making me feel this way? I literally put no substances in my body, but yet I feel high from some songs.

    Maybe I just need Mental Help... or weed xD

    IDK, does Psychadelic music does this to anyone else?

  11. Music in general is like a drug, but Psychadelic music is the most potent out of all music. Seriously, songs like Dir En Grey’s “Raison D’etre” or Black Sabbath’s “Paranoid”, or literally any David Bowie song literally make me feel like I’m on some kind of hallucinogen.

    Should music even be making me feel this way? I literally put no substances in my body, but yet I feel high from some songs.

    Maybe I just need Mental Help... or weed xD

    IDK, does Psychadelic music does this to anyone else?

  12. Yoshiki is so kind and generous to fans! Because of license problem, the concert said to be held last night was announced canceled one hour before the show. Now he will have a free show tonight making up to fans who bought tickets to the concert, and they can bring one friend if they want. Bless his show tonight will be successful!

  13. quick question — did decays change their vocalist????

    I'm listening to babby who formed wanders and this yohio-alike songed stuff is actually good???

  14. Today I join the Overwatch bandwagon

  15. Today I join the Overwatch bandwagon

  16. I was banned from Nihon Ongaku on VK for asking them to give credits LMAO

  17. can we please have users reviews of best releases of the year, like in 2015? It was so so fun reading all your lists!

  18. can we please have users reviews of best releases of the year, like in 2015? It was so so fun reading all your lists!

  19. I still CAN'T upload photos here no matter how much I try.
    Oh, a tutorial? Don't bother, Nova and Yuyo already gave me detailed tutorials and can't manage to do it lol

    I guess my latest music-related buys will be posted on instagram instead.

  20. I still CAN'T upload photos here no matter how much I try.
    Oh, a tutorial? Don't bother, Nova and Yuyo already gave me detailed tutorials and can't manage to do it lol

    I guess my latest music-related buys will be posted on instagram instead.

  21. CAT5

    CAT5    Zeus

    At first, I thought your cover photo was tracer, but it looks to be Motoko Kusanagi with some tracer-esque shades, heh.

  22. I'm throwing hands with the review team/staff if y'all don't review that DECAYS album. 

  23. I'm throwing hands with the review team/staff if y'all don't review that DECAYS album. 

  24. I survived from the attack that happened now in Berlin. 2016 can finish pls.

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