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Status Replies posted by Zeus

  1. I usually don't like the GazettE, but Anti Pop is catchy enough to get me. :3 

  2. In other news, I gave 12012 self titled another shot and good lord, it's still TERRIBLE. Worse than the snoozefest that is DIAMOND

  3. so anyway I finished the chelsea book, and based on her elaborate use of the word “homosexual” and/or “homo” coupled with revulsion towards uncut dikku she is officially cancelled - but thanks for the laughs and generous oversharing, hoe.


    on a side note (as I’m downloading the rest of her writings off TPB),

    are all straight people this fucked in the head?



    I had some suspicions based on my interactions with heterosexuals, but I never rly asked for a reconfirmation





  6. does anyone have the nieR:automata soundtrack? pls n ty

  7. somewhat random but mh doesn't have a way 2 block someone from seeing my posts/visiting my profile, there's only the "hide their comments" option, right?

  8. its up to toshiya or kaoru to cum thru w/ another god tier solo project cuz so far kyo's the only one who seems to be managing (and that's mostly due to the strength of his backing band lmao)

  9. somewhat random but mh doesn't have a way 2 block someone from seeing my posts/visiting my profile, there's only the "hide their comments" option, right?

  10. is the death of nyaa the weeb equivalent to the death of megaupload?

  11. The SE USA store is having a sale on games.

    Nier:Automata is 44.99, but on waitlist.

  12. for the love of God, please keep screencaps of all potential drama incumming, tyxoxo

  13. I see a lot of tech savvy people here. Can you give me any good digital camera recommendations? Mainly to record videos, but I'll use it for pictures too.  GoPro's are too out of my budget. I can spend £50 or £70 at MOST.

    I've had a look around but still indecisive, could use some tips.

  14. for the love of God, please keep screencaps of all potential drama incumming, tyxoxo

  15. leeched gackt's first three albums (when. do. i. DIE.) and #realized this somehow slipped out of my memory entirely???



    I like the extended rip-off by satsuki a bit better, but still????? voicebox chanteuse has no shame (and gackt's albums are 70 % filler so she couldn't steal from that well more than twice anyway before going full mediocre)



  16. where did singer sen go?

  17. i know i said this last week but xaa-xaa has been done for like a week and should be out....soon?

  18. CatfisT was a bloody good band. Criminally underrated.

  19. Was going through stuff for the next auction and found my copy of CodeRebirth's Eclipse was actually the impossible-to-find live-limited version. I didn't even know that existed before now XD

  20. Was going through stuff for the next auction and found my copy of CodeRebirth's Eclipse was actually the impossible-to-find live-limited version. I didn't even know that existed before now XD

  21. Hey look at that, Tohma, Issei, and Satoshi are in bands now. 

  22. amazed we still don't know why shia was booked

  23. amazed we still don't know why shia was booked

  24. Shout to the ORZ crew! tenor.gif

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