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Status Updates posted by Tokage

  1. which vk band is most likely to have the richest fans OF ALL TIME?

    1. BrenGun


      Every Major band has a fanclub, who release a lot of fc (limited) stuff. also if you wanna be in a fanclub you have to pay lots of money each year and the stuff you can buy as FC member are also not that cheap.  



      Well, some people just love to follow their bands. if LOUDNESS does tour in Europe or America always a bunch of fans also will visit a bunch of lives. 

      But that's more a matter of "having time"  a mid class money person can do it. 

      But of course if you are very very rich you always have time for such tour. haha. 





    2. Himeaimichu


      Let's also take into account the kind of band though, because Japanese Rich Kids aren't likely to listen to rock music in general, unless it's really poppy, or was popular in the 80's and 90's and has a member who has connections to mainstream pop music *cough* X *cough*. While a band's merch may be expensive, their fanbase could mostly just be people who buy them at a discount. So I'd say it'd have to be a band that is pretty normie compared to other Vkei bands and really popular (remember that rich kids in Asia are normie as fuck), while also having expensive merch. 

      I'd say X Japan, because they're basically famous, and have their share of expensive merch.

    3. Ozileras10


      Is Sukekiyo Vk tho?

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  2. new glassjaw album......................................

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      Good, not great. :|



    2. emmny



  3. misread the title of that new xaa-xaa single as ''ahegao ga naiteru'' lmao

  4. sometimes it's good to think about asbestos

    1. Himeaimichu


      If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma you may to be entitled to financial compensation. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer linked to asbestos exposure. Exposure to asbestos in the Navy, shipyards, mills, heating, construction or the automotive industries may put you at risk. Please don’t wait, call 1-800-99 LAW USA today for a free legal consultation and financial information packet. Mesothelioma patients call now! 1-800-99 LAW USA

  5. does anyone happen to have any of foxpill cult's more recent releases?

    1. Gaz


      spotify does

  6. Backdrop Cinderella did their own version of Oyoge! Taiyaki-kun apparently


  7. top 1 bands that should REALLY do a reunion: the mad capsule markets

  8. brutal kei bands take notes


    1. Bear


      Fucking Barglar, man. 15 demos, 9 EPs, 5 full-lenghts, 4 compilations and some other shit released since 09. But from their first demo in 09 and until 2014 they only released that one demo. The rest has come between 2014-17. 


      I can't decide on if I think they are utter fucking shit, hilariously bad or pretty decent (at times).

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Kyouka who?????

    3. IGM_Oficial
  9. in stark contrast to the new dezert, that mamireta single fuckin rips... hope these dudes stick around long enough to release at least a mini-album tbh

  10. maaaan, i'm not feeling that new dezert single at all. half the tracks sound like anisongs :///

    1. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      Called it. Rip

    2. Tokage


      yep, guess it was inevitable w/ the whole sudden burst of popularity

    3. Elazmus


      Their old singles also had the best artwork ever.. I had to follow them even when I thought the thing was gonna be over in a year, I'm glad they're still around I actually thought this single was just really soft still kinda good  lol I also am listening to Memai now tho so...

    4. Show next comments  21 more


  13. finding myself rly warming up to lack.co lately t b h bois & girls

  14. alot of wife's too pick from, if your a visual kei musician. alot of wife's.

    1. BrenGun


      a lot of wife's with kids :D 

  15. have there been any vk bands in like... the last decade or so that have only made instrumental music? i somehow feel like having a frontman of some sort is kind of like an implied requirement for vk bands 

    1. BrenGun




      but seems that lately they have a vocalist again. 

    2. saishuu


      closest thing I know is NoGoD releasing an instrumental track in all their albums lol VK probably requires a frontman to get interest from the bangyas

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Hizaki's solo work is all instrumental. But if you don't like his style, I suppose that won't do anything for you.


      My #humbleOpinion is that vkei bands tend to stick to 5-member lineups because it looks good in promo pics and it means more checkis and ~personalized~ merch they can sell, so having no face of a band wouldn't work.

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  16. kinda wish Die In Cries lasted longer than it did t b h

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      Die in Cries were AMAZING

    2. Tokage


      controversial onion: i think i may actually like Die in Cries more than Kyo's stuff with D'erlanger pre-reunion

  17. the amount of plebs str8 up thinkin diru's version of warsaw no gensou is superior to the original is concerning tbh

    1. Elazmus


      I did used to play it a LOT though lol

    2. Tokage


      i mean it IS quite a good cover, prob. the greatest instance of Diru doing the whole ''sludgier'' sound imo, but i still feel like most ppl sayin that kind of stuff fell for the whole 'heavier automatically means better' thing

  18. ha ha who the fuck is even this dude in my avatar!!!!! i have no fucking idea!!!!

    1. platy


      Reita's only legit pic with his nose out. 

    2. nekkichi



    3. Tokage


      wow this guy was sure in a lot of bands he must be cool as hell!!!!! maybe i will listen to him!!!!

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  19. every vk costume change is basically paid dlc, in a way

  20. was in a bus accident today. entire thing flipped over sideways & landed in a ditch. miraculously, nobody got hurt... still, wtf though. felt like everything was happening in slow-motion for a bit

    1. anakuro


      Holy crap glad you're OK

    2. nekkichi


      oh my goDDDDD do u tihnk it was ur "did you know that even with seatbelts…" profile line manifesting itself


      anyway I'm glad you're okay, take care x

    3. Tokage


      holy shit, meme magic IS real 


      im still surprised nobody managed to get hurt tho, that bus was still p. dead

    4. Show next comments  21 more

  22. why the fuck is sonic mania so good? 

    1. YuyoDrift


      Why the fuck would it not be good?

    2. Tokage


      @fitear1590I absolutely love everything about Studiopolis  and Press Garden. Both zones are so fucking beautiful. The latter actually reminds me a bit of the old Shinobi games, I'm guessing it must be intentional. Stardust Speedway is great as well. Actually, I've enjoyed just about every zone in the game so far, maybe w/ the sole exception of Lava Reef Zone... Great game though, between games like Shovel Knight, Environmental Station Alpha and Sonic Mania the last couple of years have been VERY good for people into the retro aesthetic


      @YuyoDriftWell, tbh most of the recent Sonic games have been less than stellar, so I'm not surprised people have been cautious about the whole thing pre-release, but the actual end product is just gorgeous. Makes me wish more people would stop following the whole "it's 3d so it must be better!"-meme that a lot of the gaming industry seems to be stuck in. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate 3D or anything, but even the PS1 era already showed how much tight shit one could do with sprites and all on new hardware and yet its still generally overlooked (except by indie devs)

    3. Takadanobabaalien


      its a great game. i bought it for the nintendo switch a while back

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  23. wtf i didnt know there was a kuroyume tribute album that had yazzmad, speecies & vampilia on it

  24. both @herpesand @DESTINYGUY0316just HAPPEN to turn 29 on the same day..... hmmmmmmmmmmmm.................................................................

    1. Chi


      coincidence? I THINK NOT!

    2. DESTINYGUY0316
    3. herpes


      Gypsy magic 

  25. I dreamt that instead of releasing a new album, Dir en grey decided to release a series of one-track singles. One of the tracks was some sort of slow, brooding ballad w/ oriental vibes, but for the other ones they decided to adapt some sort of super trashy semi-pu.nk aesthetic & go for a sound that was like Jessica w/ harsh vocals thrown into the mix occasionally lmao

    1. WhirlingBlack


      extended version of the blossoming beelzebub on the shamisen. 

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      dir en grey 4 month consecutive concept single release


      10/17 - 霧

      11/17 - TRXSH x COMA x 君の...

      12/17 - schweinの椅子 (Cover of Merry covering Dir en Grey)

      01/18 - Egac

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