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Status Replies posted by Tokage

  1. has there ever evenactually  been a conventionally attractive prog/experimental musician? (noise doesn't count because it's meme music)

  2. Listening to SADIE and despite their inconsistent discography, they still have a crap ton of gems. 

  3. imagine my avatar doing to you what no man or woman has ever done to you before

  4. i'm gonna fight whoever decided the exchange rates. as if one album is $38 CAD at the least... smh

  5. In the process of moving. Hope I don't do it again in another year. Ughhh.

  6. Hey mods, @indigobrought up a good point just now. Is there section on the forum for us to share mixtapes freely? If not, can we make one?


  7. wow i hate visul kei now

  8. Cracked, an American humor website, did an article on visual kei, or, more specifically, bangya.



  9. i wanna delve more into shibuya kei but idk where to go... i already dig Towa Tei, Cornelius and Capsule from what I heard...

  10. that spring c≠g mini-album is awesome, warm, with really really tender feeling inside.

  11. that spring c≠g mini-album is awesome, warm, with really really tender feeling inside.

  12. so what the hell happened with aichuun? is it gone? I haven't been able to load it for weeks now

  13. so. good jazz kei is simply a myth?

  14. so what the hell happened with aichuun? is it gone? I haven't been able to load it for weeks now

  15. back in my day we had to walk 50 kilometers to the nearest livejournal community to get news about magical crossdressing anime boybands.............

  16. ''t-this time i'm really leaving you guys, i swear!''

  17. ''t-this time i'm really leaving you guys, i swear!''

  18. why does everyone hate jazz kei

  19. Did Trombe stop using his profile and created another one called "Tromb"?


  20. Just added over 40 new items to www.rarezhut.net ! Use the coupon MOVE10 to get 10% off at checkout <3

  21. mod are useless...I've requested various mods to delete my reply post and nobody help

  22. 2D Beat 'em up games are boring as fuck goddamn

  23. I see your interests are HELL. I am interested as well. ;)

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