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Status Replies posted by Tokage

  1. the memorialisation of every shitty band that collapses tho....

  2. this satsuki album is f*cking shocking !

  3. this satsuki album is f*cking shocking !

  4. Preparing Hotel Anakuro for doombox's arrival next week\(^o^)??

  5. I miss 12012...

  6. I demand y'all review K-pop.

  7. Disgusted with Michael Gira.

  8. Disgusted with Michael Gira.

  9. the madeth gray'll v beyonce band battle thread could've easily been the greatest thread on this forum.

  10. idk why, but im feeling KEEL a lot more on that Float of R'lyeh album than on their other 2 releases so far

  11. Why does every Shoxx Cover have to be Rshitei ? the only exception this year was Feb. Plastic Tree

  12. ugh, can I like sleep without loud ass people arguing n shit downstairs? people need to learn to shut up

  13. So how are you guys likin' MADAME EDWARDA's glorious returning album? :) I see at least fifty ppl downloaded it, but I haven't heard any opinions on it yet.

  14. lmao this news about vkei bandman which slept with 17 years old girls is the most discussed thing among the other bandmans. holy crapppp. twitter timeline is burning.


  16. stay in school

  17. do not eat ass on christmas

  18. new urbangarde album's up on jps... cool.

  19. グリーヴァ's track 踊ル白昼夢 is the absolute highlight of the new Ains V.A. album... so amazing. The gothy intro totally reminded me of Madeth gray'll vibes. These guys just keep dropping awesome stuff, A+

  20. isshi, jasmine, and shota should all be working on a kickass vk superband in heaven. i'd listen to that.

  21. strange request, but does anyone have an invite for cinemageddon?

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