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Status Replies posted by Tokage

  1. Sorry, I'm in the secret dub scary room now. However if you wanna chat come back lol.


  2. Shimizu Yoshiyuki gave me a spontaneous hug today after the concert today. Max Angura cred achieved?

  3. Shimizu Yoshiyuki gave me a spontaneous hug today after the concert today. Max Angura cred achieved?

  4. Going to see guniw tools for two days in Tokyo now! If there's any interest for notes on the shows let me know and I'll whip something up afterwards.

  5. Going to see guniw tools for two days in Tokyo now! If there's any interest for notes on the shows let me know and I'll whip something up afterwards.

  6. Can't wait for Trump to be elected president so 2016 will OFFICIALLY be the memest year of modern history

  7. Better download your favorite YouTube vids now before they're taken down cuz taylor swift fuggin' it up 'fer 'errbody

  8. [transforms the news section into the VK version of The Onion and becomes the official replacement of ''ANO OTOKO....'']

  9. [transforms the news section into the VK version of The Onion and becomes the official replacement of ''ANO OTOKO....'']

  10. [transforms the news section into the VK version of The Onion and becomes the official replacement of ''ANO OTOKO....'']

  11. Is it true that the Yakuza also have their hands on Visual Kei? If so, why?

  12. Whenever I see @emmny post, I think "Oh , there's @CAT5's nephew" #detachedauntie


  14. one day i will defeat u trombe and beocme the kang  f ''likes''

  15. one day i will defeat u trombe and beocme the kang  f ''likes''

  16. who playin' overwatch tho..................

  17. who playin' overwatch tho..................

  18. tags: instrumental, male vocalist



  19. So, I've spent $5,000 on concert tickets alone (not including drink fee). I kind of hate myself, lol

  20. If I don't want to share my ~rarezz~ with the world I simply don't have to. I'm sorry, you are not entitled to my purchases.

  21. So, I've spent $5,000 on concert tickets alone (not including drink fee). I kind of hate myself, lol

  22. So, I've spent $5,000 on concert tickets alone (not including drink fee). I kind of hate myself, lol

  23. suddenly invited for a job interview at one of the most legendary places in town... damn...

  24. After joining the VISUAL KEI group on facebook, it's made me appreciate MH a whole lot more. The quality of posts there make even our stupidest users look like philosophers by comparison. luv u guise <3

  25. After joining the VISUAL KEI group on facebook, it's made me appreciate MH a whole lot more. The quality of posts there make even our stupidest users look like philosophers by comparison. luv u guise <3

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