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Status Replies posted by Tokage

  1. Music in general is like a drug, but Psychadelic music is the most potent out of all music. Seriously, songs like Dir En Grey’s “Raison D’etre” or Black Sabbath’s “Paranoid”, or literally any David Bowie song literally make me feel like I’m on some kind of hallucinogen.

    Should music even be making me feel this way? I literally put no substances in my body, but yet I feel high from some songs.

    Maybe I just need Mental Help... or weed xD

    IDK, does Psychadelic music does this to anyone else?

  2. Yoshiki is so kind and generous to fans! Because of license problem, the concert said to be held last night was announced canceled one hour before the show. Now he will have a free show tonight making up to fans who bought tickets to the concert, and they can bring one friend if they want. Bless his show tonight will be successful!

  3. quick question — did decays change their vocalist????

    I'm listening to babby who formed wanders and this yohio-alike songed stuff is actually good???


  5. #MH conspiracy theories: frypan evolved into blackdoll

  6. Grandpa passed away.. What a fucking lousy way to go :(

  7. Grandpa passed away.. What a fucking lousy way to go :(

  8. Grandpa passed away.. What a fucking lousy way to go :(

  9. Anyone have examples of bands that were way better in their later discography?? I feel like all of my favorite music is from the first half of an artist's career, even outside of VK.


    There are so many bands/artists that I even feel like I need to explicitly mention that I only like their old stuff in conversation, because they've gone from really great to really not great imo. Thoughts?

  10. there was a fire at my grandfather's place.. was serious enough they had to evacuate other surrounding apartments... apparently his pet bird didn't make it :(i hope he'll be okay

    fuck this

  11. sorry to hear about your grandpa's house :( Hope he's doing okie dokie

  12. there was a fire at my grandfather's place.. was serious enough they had to evacuate other surrounding apartments... apparently his pet bird didn't make it :(i hope he'll be okay

    fuck this

  13. there was a fire at my grandfather's place.. was serious enough they had to evacuate other surrounding apartments... apparently his pet bird didn't make it :(i hope he'll be okay

    fuck this

  14. there was a fire at my grandfather's place.. was serious enough they had to evacuate other surrounding apartments... apparently his pet bird didn't make it :(i hope he'll be okay

    fuck this

  15. My wish for 2017:

  16. Got some really cool RarezHut news coming like working with our first VK band and an RH-exclusive distro CD~

  17. this year's shinjuku gewalt release.... is so good. so pretty @_______@

  18. this year's shinjuku gewalt release.... is so good. so pretty @_______@

  19. this year's shinjuku gewalt release.... is so good. so pretty @_______@

  20. Ok so can someone tell me what people mean by shoegaze? Because from what I've gathered it's not even a musical genre and has no defining characteristics. But yet I've literally seen people argue as to weather or not a band is shoegaze and discuss it as though it's a genre. Could someone help me out? 

  21. Ok so can someone tell me what people mean by shoegaze? Because from what I've gathered it's not even a musical genre and has no defining characteristics. But yet I've literally seen people argue as to weather or not a band is shoegaze and discuss it as though it's a genre. Could someone help me out? 

  22. Ok so can someone tell me what people mean by shoegaze? Because from what I've gathered it's not even a musical genre and has no defining characteristics. But yet I've literally seen people argue as to weather or not a band is shoegaze and discuss it as though it's a genre. Could someone help me out? 

  23. at least most of the jrockers gettin arrested 4 drugs these days play in br00tal shitcore bands so nothing of value is lost lol

  24. This is a sad year for independent free streaming services.


    To have to resort to charging a fee, is a surefire way to kill off the site.


    I really hope soundcloud is not the next one.

  25. dream scenario: Ryutaro or Full doing a collab w/ Tokyo Shoegazer

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