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Status Replies posted by Tokage

  1. The fact that so many people still say things like "buy cds to support your favorite bands" is, quite frankly, childish and ridiculous . Fact is, being able to listen to music is a RIGHT, not some sort of privilege to be obtained by wasting money. All these ''musicians'' trying to make it big are greedy, talentless hacks who dont even DESERVE money. REAL artists play and don't care if we pay.

  2. The fact that so many people still say things like "buy cds to support your favorite bands" is, quite frankly, childish and ridiculous . Fact is, being able to listen to music is a RIGHT, not some sort of privilege to be obtained by wasting money. All these ''musicians'' trying to make it big are greedy, talentless hacks who dont even DESERVE money. REAL artists play and don't care if we pay.

  3. The fact that so many people still say things like "buy cds to support your favorite bands" is, quite frankly, childish and ridiculous . Fact is, being able to listen to music is a RIGHT, not some sort of privilege to be obtained by wasting money. All these ''musicians'' trying to make it big are greedy, talentless hacks who dont even DESERVE money. REAL artists play and don't care if we pay.

  4. How could someone who has never contributed anything positive but only leech dare to threaten the place where they have taken so many things from for free like this though? 

  5. [req] Dir en grey - Blue Blood

  6. MH is not always about DL, rite? 

  7. Don't panic and don't worry, everyone!

  8. how hollywood gonna make new movies now that all the stars except for clint eastwood r gonna move away ??????

  9. 2016 is a joke. 

  10. Voltage Enterprise got my Youtube channel suspended.


    I guess that's what I get for stanning Marco so much ;w; #theultimatebetrayal

  11. FINALLY found DLs for Inugami Circus Dan's latest couple of albums, thx obscure russian sites lol


  13. oh i remember why i left here, douchnozzles.  byeeeeeeeee.

  14. if u were ever wondering what the worst song of the year was....here u go


  15. if u were ever wondering what the worst song of the year was....here u go


  16. if u were ever wondering what the worst song of the year was....here u go


  17. SADIE has a symphonic version of ROSARIO that surpasses any of Dir en grey's symphonic stuff.

  18. SADIE has a symphonic version of ROSARIO that surpasses any of Dir en grey's symphonic stuff.

  19. We finished the item list for Nov's RH auction! https://goo.gl/jqG2An

  20. Buh-bye Tokage/Kawaii_Minpha:indie_sad:

  21. Buh-bye Tokage/Kawaii_Minpha:indie_sad:


  23. Just shipped 242 kg of VK to the RarezHut HQ #RIPanda

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