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Status Replies posted by Tokage

  1. *unzips dick* time to le

  2. Not only is today Hysteric Panic but tomorrow is now Unveil Raze and sunday is XAA-XAA and I'm starting to think I'm insane.

  3. Not only is today Hysteric Panic but tomorrow is now Unveil Raze and sunday is XAA-XAA and I'm starting to think I'm insane.

  4. Not only is today Hysteric Panic but tomorrow is now Unveil Raze and sunday is XAA-XAA and I'm starting to think I'm insane.

  5. sukekiyo's anima single is some


    good shit


    to listen to

  6. why oh why does the Sega Megadrive sound chip have to make almost everything sound like farting trumpets??

  7. you all need to listen to the new liphlich album

  8. so now my personal life's also gone to hell, nice..

  9. DOAK, Screw, Girugamesh... WHERE WILL THIS WILD RIDE END? Who else will hop aboard this train of disbandments and crushed bangya hearts?


  10. I am very nervous about the future for Kuroyuri to kage, I really wish they could just stay with AINS. People at tanuki are flipping out :x It seems like they basically have NO money at all. Anyway, I'm glad Gossip is still on the label. But they seem to be Yukika's pets so they'll probably stay there for a long time.

  11. I feel like it should be much harder to achieve gold username status. Like 1000 posts, that's an achievement. Not bitching, happy to be gold :D

  12. Holy crap, Prince died.. ?

  13. Imagine getting into a drunk fist fight with Klaha

  14. when tf was that new grieva album dropping again?

  15. On a second thought I'm glad there is no huge VK fandom in my country.

  16. *participates in new tradeoff and just sends my partner Guniw Tools' Niwlun album in its entirety*

  17. Imagine Versailles being forced to shovel a shitload of snow in costume

  18. Imagine Versailles being forced to shovel a shitload of snow in costume

  19. Imagine Versailles being forced to shovel a shitload of snow in costume

  20. Do you ever fantasize about being the white girl in a VK PV?

  21. Do you ever fantasize about being the white girl in a VK PV?

  22. The fella from DOF is reminding me of the little one from that Zelda game, I think it is Midna.

  23. Just got one of the rarest cali≠gari-related things in existence. Feels good to be a gangsta.

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