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Status Replies posted by Tokage

  1. Someone at work asked them to send two Japanese songs just to hear what it sounds like. *sweats nervously*

  2. What games should I be playing? I WANT TO PLAY EVERYTHING.

  3. What distinguishes a person who likes to V-kei of one person who likes to K-music?

  4. A 3 year old at work tonight was convinced I was a boy because I have short hair and got really mad when his mom referred to me as a girl. Apparently only boys can have short hair?

  5. o i'm going to Helsinki for a day soon apparently, kool

  6. who wants to come over to my house and pretend we're cicadas

  7. 88kasyo would do a fantastic cover of DIR EN GREY's "Machiavellism" I'm sure: http://youtu.be/vVpUvyRBQS0

  8. Rovio shut down their Tampere office. RIP the last thing Finland was known for in the world :'(

  9. I can't believe I'm doing this, but.. I'm gonna give Mejibray another chance.

  10. Late but... Gonna start watching Breaking Bad~

  11. Late but... Gonna start watching Breaking Bad~

  12. I can't believe I'm doing this, but.. I'm gonna give Mejibray another chance.

  13. congratulations to me, for officially turning 5

  14. congratulations to me, for officially turning 5

  15. Ao Sakurai needs a diet.

  16. Bad news: I need a new laptop fan ASAP (CPU & mobo hoovering around 60C with just firefox open). Good news: I successfully disassembled and reassembled my laptop (more than once). HP and their crappy design make it so that you have to take apart the entire thing just to access the fan. But at least this isn't as daunting a task now and I don't have to pay out my ass for someone else to do it >_>

  17. what was the name of that dir en grey "copyband" that was active some years ago? not talking about grieva (lulz), think their bandname started on V, but i may be wrong.

  18. Just realized after like 4 years that some rarez V.A. I downloaded had fake songs. *shakesfist* traders!

  19. There's a framed photo of kiwamu in the vaults at the local art gallery and its freaking me out

  20. Can I just delete my tumblr? ugh.


  22. ooooo that new silent hill has the potential to be gr8888

  23. any good post-butthurt bands to start this week right?????

  24. godDAMN, how does Strawberry Song Orchestra manage to be so consistently great? I guess releasing something only once every few years or so does that to you..

  25. Video from the latest MH meetup is finally online!

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