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Status Replies posted by Tokage

  1. last.fm isn't even that great anyway

  2. last.fm isn't even that great anyway

  3. i've been trying to kill this piece of shit fly for like an HOUR already and it's still alive goddamn it

  4. how did my name become yellow wow im so giddy over this ^.^

  5. keel are indeed the saviours of vk.

  6. what's the scoop in the world of visual key this month guys, what are the #hot tips

  7. 高田馬場えいりあん is a triumph.

  8. I've decided to resign as admin. After the crushing defeat I faced at the hands of Pho in Tekken yesterday, I can no longer bear the shame nor the weight of life any longer. Farewell. http://i.imgur.com/Jrvf1IB.png

  9. Sir Christopher Lee, nooo... :'( R.I.P.

  10. Is it just me or did Wilhelm ll look like biopanda with a fancy moustache http://www.dsm1918.de/EKTAS_DOWNLOAD/KAISER_WILHELM.jpg

  11. i only now noticed that carry garry's '11' and '12' albums have the exact number of tracks as the album names. dumb but mildly entertaining little details.

  12. i only now noticed that carry garry's '11' and '12' albums have the exact number of tracks as the album names. dumb but mildly entertaining little details.

  13. visual kei musicians confirmed to enjoy hentai:

  14. things that would be cool: if someone made a discog thread for CASCADE

  15. I just realised that there's a daily limit to how often you can give people rep. Sadface.

  16. FINALLY, i might have my own laptop again soon.. THE STRUGGLE... ENDS...

  17. RIP Terry Pratchett :< 2015 is a bad year to be a nerd, it seems.

  18. Terry Pratchett... No....

  19. Woah, so many negative status updates.

  20. moar liek COOLOYURI TO SWAGE am i rite

  21. While listening to Best of Tornado, I am reminded of the thought that I would enjoy them so much more without TK's vocals.

  22. so what's the verdict so far on that Kuroyuri To Kage album? Worth checking?

  23. my onion on camera obscura: 0/10 it doesnt even make pictures this was my review of Camera Obscura

  24. my onion on camera obscura: 0/10 it doesnt even make pictures this was my review of Camera Obscura

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