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Status Replies posted by Tokage

  1. monochrome nederlanders! I have a few days free in den haag next month - where do you recommend i go? is leiden good?

  2. wtf, aint even halloween yet and we already got snow?? fuccccc

  3. wtf, aint even halloween yet and we already got snow?? fuccccc

  4. RIP the true father of VK, Pete Burns

  5. Casually live messaging my bleep bloop live to @Tokageincluding "sharaku just did a solo on a water bottle" :')

  6. Does Nihon Ongaku ever give credits for all the files they take from here and upload on their page?

  7. why do vk bands always sound so pretentious and corny when they're talking about their band/release's concept and all that shit lmao

  8. It seems like the next trend in vkei is to mish-mash 4+ different genre passages per song. Damy does this a lot, and Lack.co seems like they'll be doing it too if their PV is any indication how the rest of their music will sound.

  9. There's both a spider and a wasp in my room fml !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


  11. How many dicks would one need to suck to get $1000 in 4 days. Asking for a friend.

  12. R.I.P. D.I.D.

  13. There's both a spider and a wasp in my room fml !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

  14. has there ever been a VK band with 2 drummers?

  15. has there ever been a VK band with 2 drummers?

  16. Does anybody remember those sites from way back where the owner would post a few songs a week (never full releases) for download? What were those called again?

  17. I need help finding a band.

    I saw this band called more.

    I want to know more about them, but theyre called more.


    They're really dark, when I saw them live during summer they had this sea theme, or boat crew thing to them? 

    They were really melodic and depressing, think 9GBO.


  18. I need help finding a band.

    I saw this band called more.

    I want to know more about them, but theyre called more.


    They're really dark, when I saw them live during summer they had this sea theme, or boat crew thing to them? 

    They were really melodic and depressing, think 9GBO.


  19. how tf are yall even able to afford frequent trips to Japan? I've never even been out of state

  20. This live is awesome. The band I walked in on was so good and then Proxyon was awesome. And then the bartender made my jager ginger with half jager in this giant cup. Bless.

  21. This live is awesome. The band I walked in on was so good and then Proxyon was awesome. And then the bartender made my jager ginger with half jager in this giant cup. Bless.

  22. -kicks the door down- HIT ME WITH A REALLY AWESOME NON-VISUAL BAND!!

  23. can't stop thinking that if that squaw-kei band was formed in the west, tumblr would've already ripped them a new one based on dreamcatcher logo alone orz

  24. 9GOATS BLACK OUT i miss you 

  25. are there any good active nagoya kei bands out there

    key word: active

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