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Status Replies posted by Tokage

  1. s/o to that 1 middle-aged american journalist who accidentally left a tentacle hentai tab open in a screenshot he posted

  2. Thoughts on the new cali≠gari album everyone? I can't seem to formulate an opinion but I know I don't like jazz.

  3. is anyone else really bothered by raindia's sound and image or is it just me who has this weird dissonance

  4. is anyone else really bothered by raindia's sound and image or is it just me who has this weird dissonance


  6. what happened to that 1 downy side-project that was supposed to have contributions from like kaoru, morrie etc. (iirc)? did a release date ever get announced?

  7. even Mana doesn't know where Klaha's at...and he misses him ;w; ♥


    "He represented the royal cathedral brilliantly. He is the best!"



  8. Jesus god, Slowdive was glorious. #shoeslaze Any MH members seeing them on tour? 

  9. is the death of nyaa the weeb equivalent to the death of megaupload?

  10. is the death of nyaa the weeb equivalent to the death of megaupload?

  11. is the death of nyaa the weeb equivalent to the death of megaupload?

  12. Today 5/2 is hide's 19th death anni, and so is the day of the triple disbandment when Girugamesh, SCREW, and BORN announced their disbandments last year.

  13. Bought a 90s VK house cover album on a whim. 100% not disappointed.

  14. amazed we still don't know why shia was booked

  15. Do anybody remember this guy from Diru's KOKO show in 2010? I remember we talked about him in the diru lastfm box


  16. BREAKING: Hiromu Toda arrested, said to be swinging ゲバ棒 at passerby and going on about security treaties or something

  17. BREAKING: Hiromu Toda arrested, said to be swinging ゲバ棒 at passerby and going on about security treaties or something

  18. BREAKING: Hiromu Toda arrested, said to be swinging ゲバ棒 at passerby and going on about security treaties or something

  19. After 2 wks, I FINALLY got my packages from Amazon JP! Never again!!

  20. After 2 wks, I FINALLY got my packages from Amazon JP! Never again!!

  21. imagine a vk band playing straightforward reggae music

  22. imagine a vk band playing straightforward reggae music

  23. pls bring back 'visual kei animorphs'

  24. pls bring back 'visual kei animorphs'

  25. not intending to meme here or anything, but have there ever been jrockers (not necessarily vk musicians) who have come out about having aspergers/autism/anything like this? 

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