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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Status Updates posted by psychonnect_rozen

  1. Girl: *is murdered*




    Ugh...the world is full of shit

    1. Paraph


      the whole thing is just sad..

    2. secret_no_03


      I haven't been on r/theredpill in a while, and I didn't see anything on Twitter, what's this about?

    3. Paraph


      @secret_no_03 a girl on discord was murdered by some crazy stalker and he posted the photos online

  2. The video for Yokan is so fucking blue

    1. God


      it’s kinda weird to look at. 😱

    2. Himeaimichu


      I wonder what cameras they used to film the PVs for Gauze. I really like the way everything looks lol.

    3. Elazmus


      Yokan was like visually my favorite PV for a while lol

  3. Can 13 Reasons Why like fuck off already. One season was enough like it was ONE FUCKING BOOK

    1. Zeus


      never watched that show. premise is too depressing for me.

    2. psychonnect_rozen


      @Zeus Don’t bother. It’s not worth watching anyway. It’s up there with Riverdale of shows that inaccurately portray High School

    3. platy


      First season: wow what garbage! 


      Second season: I'm curious how they're gonna drag this out. Let's see... Goddamn they WENT THERE! 


      Third season: I'm not wasting my time on this... Wait, that trailer is sickening 👀

  4. Ya boi wants to get into DIMLIM. What do I start with?

    1. ambivalentideal


      You can't go wrong with their album CHEDOARA. Soooo good

    2. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      Chedoara, the silent song, and rijin are all fantastic 


      Issei era stuff is still good by typical vk standards so if u want more theres the Various mini albums released under him 

    3. cheesy_VK_Freak


      it clicked with me listening to Aharewata (= Issei era tho), which was their debut single. But honestly most of their stuff is dope, you‘ll gonna like it

  5. Do CD players play 8mm CD’s? Or am I just dumb.


    For reference: https://j-town.net/tokyo/column/gotochicolumn/221650.html?p=all

    1. 123Sandman321


      CD Players usually have a let's say 2 in 1 slot. One for the regular and one smaller cutout in it for the mini cd.

    2. colorful人生


      Yea, just make sure it has the indentation/cutout is there. Also, if the drive is vertically oriented or it's slot-loading (ex. PS3) they won't play and ruin the machine.

    3. patientZERO


      You could buy an external CD/DVD drive for your computer and use it to play them/import to your computer as long as it has a tray with the circular pin to hold the disc in place. I bought one ages ago to import all the DIR EN GREY 8mm singles from back in the day.

  6. Looking back on the shit show that is the "Unpopular Opinion's" thread is hilarious 

    1. suji


      I'd like to apologize for that.

    2. psychonnect_rozen


      @suji It’s cool lol

    3. spockitty


      at this point I ignore its existence altogether

  7. Mejibray’s cover of Cage is just... I don’t even know lol

    1. saiko


      It's actually interesting, but I don't feel they "hit" it...

    2. Himeaimichu


      Its weirdly the only Mejibray song I ever found enjoyable enough to download.  I liked the slap bass parts, and I feel that's the only thing that saved the song lol

    3. psychonnect_rozen


      I wouldn’t say it’s terrible. Granted, even though Mejibray isn’t the most...liked on here, they’re not that bad of a band and I really like them with Meto being my favourite.


      But yeah, Mejibray Cage is meh compared to the godlike status of Diru Cage

  8. Is there a full performance video of this La Sadies song? This is the first time I have seen this clip

    1. saiko


      This is gold! I hope the time has come for those anal-retentive """fans""" to share their old Dir stuff!

    2. Seelentau


      Hmm, I think this was taken from vkontakte. Or at least that's where I saw it the first time.

      There's probably a full version somewhere in Ki$aki's storage. :D

    3. Himeaimichu


      I remember the We Love Undercode YT channel had a longer version of this video for some time, although it seems to have been taken down

  9. Someone on RedBubble plz make some Phantasmagoria shirts. I need em lol

    1. suji


      but...tax evading pedo is on there

    2. Paraph
    3. psychonnect_rozen


      @suji I can just cut him out lol. The real star of the show is my boy Riku

  10. Arisu from Missalina Rei is freaking adorable 

    1. Himeaimichu


      He is! It's sad he kinda disappeared from the Vkei scene. They were supposed to revive in like 2015 or something, but it never happened. The dude's probably a salaryman now, the ultimate betrayal a bandman can do lmao

    2. psychonnect_rozen


      @Himeaimichu I was looking all over for a Twitter or Instagram account he owns and I was sad to see him gone! I hope he’s doing well tho

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      him and the rest of noir fleurir probably work in a pizza shop somewhere

  11. Any Kiryu fans in here? What should I start with?

    1. IGM_Oficial


      The best album, "2007~2017". I hope you like them!

    2. Himeaimichu


      I started with the album Kyouka Suigetsu, and I think that's a pretty good starting place. Either that, or Shuka Ensen. I definitely would also recommend their best-album as the rerecordings are really good.

    3. platy


      I think their older albums are really good

  12. Kiryu goes fucking hard. 

    1. IGM_Oficial
    2. Himeaimichu


      Oh yeah, there are some songs that almost put some brootal-kei™ bands to shame.

    3. saiko
  13. Out of all the ranks you have to give me, you gave me the one of someone I hate. 


    I hate you MH sometimes XD

    1. suji


      these ranks are automated, depending on the number of posts you've made. you can also go to your user settings and change your ranking yourself, if you're able to do that already.

    2. IGM_Oficial


      妃 is just a poor and innocent guy, how you DARE to insult him like that

  14. xu6wp75.jpg

    Happy 20th to one of the most influential Visual Kei albums of all time.


    Here's to you Gauze!


    1. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      yurameki still one of my fave diru songs ever 

    2. psychonnect_rozen


      @chipathy I love that song as well! If anything, I love every song on Gauze. Yes. even Mazohyst of Decadence 

  15. I’ve been getting into Miyavi recently and honestly, No Sleep Till Tokyo (the song) is a lowkey a banger


    I’ve taking a liking to What’s My Name and Real. Gagaku is a kick ass album as well. He sounds fucking hot in Girls, be Ambitious 


    He seems really cool live as well. Would love to see him sometime 

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      If it's worth of his best music, which reached its peak with the album Miyavi on 2010, then it would be more interesting to me! He is incredibly hot even in Senor Senora Senorita and his duet with Sugizo in Hi no Hikari Sae Todokanai Kono Basho De is spectacular, with special mention to his reworked version of Camilla Cabello's Havana, with the latter as vocalist!

    2. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      By the way my favourite song of his is definitely "Are You Ready to Rock?", the technique he showed there is unique and astonishing! 🤘

  16. Snapchat ads are the most trashy, shitty forms of recommendations.


    I cannot use the app normally without seeing some shitty news about the Cash me Outside bitch or the damn Kardashians.


    God, these things are for the lowest of the low

    1. Himeaimichu


      This is why when we eat the rich, the Kardashians are gonna be the main entrée

    2. cheesy_VK_Freak


      I‘m so happy I don‘t use snapchat or instagram (!) Honestly I can neither keep up with that fake, perfectionist world, nor and most importantly I don‘t even want to. screw them!

  17. There’s a little comic store at my local mall that’s selling a wall scroll of Gackt.


    Don’t know if it’s worth my money lol

    1. ahnchc


      every time i see 'gackt' i just think of this



    2. psychonnect_rozen


      @ahnchc What’s next? Hyde in Fortnite? Lol

  18. Has anyone bought anything off Japan Discoveries before? Is it shady? Probably gonna get the 1st Press of Gauze from there

    1. suji
    2. ghost


      If you're at all interested, and have incredible patience, I'm selling Gauze LE and a bunch of other Dir en grey CDs/DVDs but can't ship until like January:


  19. So I ordered Gauze from Japan but I’m having a hard time using Japan Post to track my package because the item won’t show up even if I put in the shipping number on the website.


    Any help?

  20. Is anyone willing to ask 5 more questions for my project? They're pretty easy

    1. saiko


      Me! Although English is not my native language, maybe I can try my best!

    2. YuyoDrift
  21. rOEUAj1.jpg


    Made a meme on Snapchat in about a minute 

    1. Gesu


      Nice one, that could go in the J-meme thread

  22. Hey everyone!


    I just wanted to say I'm sorry for making that post about the Western Fans shit. 


    Just to be clear that I am against people taking photos at concerts, however, I am not against just taking one or two photos at concerts. I will still say that I don't mind the whole "no camera" stuff.  At the end of the day, it depends on the band. If they say no, then no and if they say yes, then go ahead. 


    I want to apologize for sounding too defensive in my post. I get really defensive about stuff that I like and I want to say that I will stop that. I didn't even know that most fans on here don't like the "no camera" rule. 


    Lastly, I want to say that I really regret making that post and I want it deleted.



    Best regards

    R O Z E N

    1. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      I wouldn't worry about it too much...I've only been here about a year but, though people are strong in their opinions it's not an actual attack on you or anything just different feelings on the topic.

  23. I'm seriously all out of questions to ask. Any ideas.

    1. ahnchc


      Don't feel obliged to make threads. It's all good if you just contribute to the forum simply by posting on it. ( ̄▽ ̄)b We like having you here either way.

  24. If I ever did a band cosplay, I would be the only one cause all my friends hate my music...


    Someone PLEASE cosplay with me...I'm lonely :(

    1. God


      i used to try to get my friends to do stuff like this in high school but they never would.  

  25. This live makes me wanna cry every time. 


    1. saiko



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