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Everything posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Himeaimichu

    Some of La'Mule's early stuff had a dark sound. Fantasy and Mind Control come to mind. Thrash metal with organs and all.
  2. Concept: Reigakusha preforms Miyavi's "Gagaku", as actual Gagaku (Japanese Court Music) pieces. 

  3. Is Garritan World Instruments any good?

  4. Himeaimichu

    Well, Eve was involved in the making of Ai no Tokui Ten. Eve is an employee of Shimizuya records, the shitty record label AvelCain was on. He was highly involved in writing a lot of the band's stuff, and I believe he played support for them after Sou left, and before Byou joined. My guess is, knowing the situation and how Shimizuya works, Karma doesn't want anything to do with Shimizuya anymore, but he's locked in a slave contract, so he can't do anything. It's also totally possible he's just done with the vkei scene. After AvelCain being abused by the label, him not being in charge of his own stuff, and a whole bunch of other circumstances, he probably just gave up.
  5. Himeaimichu

    This is a really cool idea! I'll have to try the playlist out when it's finished!
  6. Kaitou SentaiNusumunja is honestly what I've been really waiting for in Vkei. A band that just be's the meme, and makes fun of the entire scene. 

    1. Masato


      Please support them by buying their stuff on itunes or amazon then! 😂 So they get money to continue the crazy shit

    2. The Moon

      The Moon

      them & golden bomber need 2 go x 

  7. Himeaimichu

    Might want to put posters around Tokyo (and the entirety of Japan) saying "Stay the hell away from this creep" lol
  8. Anyone remember when 009 Sound System was like all over youtube?

    1. suji


      fuck, i remember those days *_* "dreamscape" really takes me back to when yt forced songs into vids that had copyrighted audio.


      dumbest thing ever

    2. Himeaimichu


      Honestly, I still occasionally listen to Trinity because I unironically liked that song lol. 


  9. At this point, I'm convinced this is just a promotional stunt. I mean, Jigsaw basically double-promoted theirself with Tobiori-Kun. Though at this point it's like "Oh, that band lost contact with a member? Oh, normal day"
  10. Himeaimichu

    I'm gonna wait until this develops more to get a full opinion, BUT, if the person was causing real problems, then yeah, ban her. If a fan was spreading fake shit or personal shit about my band, might as well keep far away from them.
  11. Himeaimichu

    Kyo from Dir en Grey has a shit ton of daddy issues ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) , if that's what you're looking for
  12. Anyone here listen to Umekichi? 

  13. Does anyone remember when Sky7Anime was a thing? If so, did any of you use that Chatango chat (where I swear everyone was high or drunk on) they had?

  14. How does Kiryu still use the same Shamisen samples after all these years? Especially after seriously upgrading the Shakuhachi and Koto samples. Meanwhile the same Shamisen used all over Shuka Ensen is still used.

    1. Himeaimichu


      Ok, I take it back a little bit, but still, you have to listen closely to tell the difference, and it's not even a realistic sounding sample, except for a few rare cases with some Tsugaru Shamisen 

  15. Sonica Instruments is releasing really well made samples of Japanese instruments, for those who want to add some traditional Japanese flavor to whatever music you make

  16. Well today is my first day of college. Hope this goes well

    1. Mihenno


      Good luck to you

    2. IGM_Oficial


      It won't, but good luck

    3. colorful人生


      Good luck and have fun! 

      1. The nutjobs/druggies weed themselves after the first semester.
      2. Don't be afraid to ask for help from professors
      3. Show up to class. Show up to class x100 
    4. Show next comments  81 more
  17. Himeaimichu

    I know Kyuho and he's a really nice guy. Even though Black Metal isn't really my thing, I like how Madmans Esprit does it.
  18. I had an odd dream that Mei returned with a new project soon, and that their first live would be held some time in September.

    Please be true lol

    1. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      Speaking of tweets since I don't have anyone else to talk about this, one of Mei's recent tweets he said he went to hard with the mic fellatio and chipped a front tooth...and an old person he tried to help on the train told him 死ね ...he's not having very good luck lol

    2. Himeaimichu


      Yeah I remember that lol. I hope he's ok. They've all been through so much

    3. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      didn't know about that lol

      Mei's comeback is going to be a big experience,cuz it's kinda 

      difficult to imagine him without kuro's song writting. 

      perhaps he comes with one of the Sibilebashir members,they seemed close to each other


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  19. I really slept on Zig Zag. They're pretty cool

    1. Shmilly


      Their old stuff is excellent, their new stuff is excellent, and everything in-between is hit-or-miss. Hasn't been shared anywhere yet as far as I know but their latest live-dist is great (appare chindouchuu).

    2. Elazmus


      I'm right with you, just like a week ago I started really checking them out and they are so interesting and unexpected!

  20. Himeaimichu

    I agree with this here. When I heard the album previews, I thought to myself "Welp, they pulled a Pierrot" because Pierrot did a similar thing. They started toning down their visuals and going a more pop rock route
  21. I think it's funny when people talk about how much soul and passion old school Hip Hop had... on a 2 Live Crew video. I mean, I love old school way better than new school myself... but 2 live crew? 


    1. IGM_Oficial


      No new-school rappers have been banned by obscenity x

    2. Himeaimichu


      Creating the Parental Advisory Sticker is literally the only good thing 2 Live Crew did. 

      But spawning the entire Southern American Hip Hop scene (minus Outkast, Ludacris and pre-2010 Texas rappers. Those are the exception) is unforgivable lol

  22. Himeaimichu

    Do we still get death penalty for sharing the music?
  23. Does anyone know any Japanese Boom Bap? I feel like there is probably a lot of good Japanese Hip Hop out there, but I'm wondering if there is any specifically boom bap stuff there, as I much prefer Boom Bap over Trap

  24. Himeaimichu

    All I know is ThunderBoiiz, because my friend likes them. Anyone know any Japanese Boom Bap, if that's a thing?
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