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Everything posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Himeaimichu

    Damn. That's a shame. Guess I'll keep looking
  2. Himeaimichu

    So I was looking for a Cuartet CD for sale, and the only site that has it is Super B Rock Record. Does anyone know how to buy from there? Or does anyone know any good shopping services that can buy from there?
  3. Himeaimichu

    For classic heavy metal: Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Ozzy Osbourne, Iron Maiden For Thrash Metal (Stuff that inspired 90's Visual Kei) - Pre-Black Album Metallica (I recommend listening to the album "And Justice for All" with the bass parts restored, btw. Long story, but the bass parts were taken out), Exodus, Slayer, Megadeth, Venom For Death Metal: Cannibal Corpse, Post Mortem, Death, some of Fear Factory's early stuff And if you want cool industrial stuff, also check out Fear Factory because honestly, all they make is JAMS.
  4. I just realised, the PVs for Cuartet's "Sexuality" and Nightmare's "Gianizm Tsuu" were probably filmed in the same place. Both have the knock-off Cambodian Angkor Wat statues lol

    1. IGM_Oficial


      I wonder why bands don't tell where they shoot their music videos. Because of the retarded fans, probably?

    2. Himeaimichu


      Probably so lol. I imagine some of the more dumber fans would've graffittied "Saki please have my babies!!!" all over the set lol. 


  5. Himeaimichu

    He's still serving absolute LOOKS. Don't worry, there will definitely be a band soon. Perhaps maybe a solo project.
  6. Himeaimichu

    They've been around pretty long, and they have big industry people promoting them. They have huge budget production, long albums, and because of promotion from major labels, alongside their releases and how long they've been around, they're a pretty big household name in the Vkei scene. In a way, it's the same reason any popular Vkei band is popular. It's the promotion. Only, on a larger scale.
  7. Himeaimichu

    Makes sense. Never heard of the Pingame guys. Just shows how out of the loop I've been with current Vkei lol. Thanks for informing me. I mean it lol
  8. Himeaimichu

    I was more using the term "blacklisted" jokingly, as in, I was told that nobody in the Vkei scene wanted to work with him, so he had to go to other means lol. Sorry, I done goofed.
  9. Himeaimichu

    Really? I heard he turned Non-Vkei after failing to get a following in the US.
  10. Himeaimichu

    Probably does the electronics or something. Either that, or his job is to manipulate fans and bandmen so Noah doesn't have to lol
  11. Himeaimichu

    So Noah is Vkei (somewhat) again? Here I am thinking he was basically kicked out of Vkei and had to turn non-Vkei
  12. It's 2018. It's easy to make a good sounding record with drum programming, amp-sims, getting good quality mics being easier, etc. 

    With all this... why in the hell does Starwave's production still sound like utter crap? 

    It's so easy to make a good sounding record. Just put in a good amp-sim, get some good drum samples, recording vocals is not that hard. At this point, I'm convinced Kiwamu purposefully removes the bass and midrange.

    1. Wakarimashita
    2. Bear


      Maybe they just want it to sound like that? Maybe that's what they like?


      I'm in a band (and some), and while we could record everything better (you know, used 5 mics for the drums instead of 2, told the guitarist we want a clear sound, produced it better and so on), we don't want to. We have a very clear vision for what we want, and even though a "better" (aka more polished) production would probably get us a few more fans, it's not what we're after. It's not in our interest. First and foremost we want to please ourselves with the music.



      As far as programmed drums goes, it all depends on the music performed. And if you ask me (something you didn't he e he he he hrhaha heh) programmed drums really only suit a few types of music such as hip hop, different kind of industrial music, music where you don't rely on regular beats and so on. Programmed drums in regular rock, punk and metal are usually annoying as fuck no matter how good the actual samples used are.

    3. Himeaimichu


      This is Starwave Records I'mtalking about here. I doubt Kiwamu's half assed production is for artistic purpose, as he cares more about easy cash grabs and keeping his bands on a tight leash, than he is actually promoting the art of Visualkei. He's more concerned running a practical pyramid scheme than he is about furthering any art. 

  13. Did old Devil Kitty ever release any other PVs than just DQNなエセ麺カノ?

    1. inartistic
    2. Himeaimichu


      Oh wow. I need to get my hands on those PVs if I ever see them for sale 

  14. I love Devil Kitty and Deadly Sanctuary... but what is up with those drum samples Yuuga uses? 

    Like, they sound like the default drums on a children's keyboard or on a SNES Game

  15. Himeaimichu

    Haha if only. Yukika probably has negative money and is in debt. Let the washed up Etosetora vocalist be.
  16. Himeaimichu

    Current GazettE. They literally sound like the whitest vkei band I've ever heard. I come to Japanese music because I want to hear something other than stereotypical American Metalcore. However, 2002 to 2010 gazette is much more enjoyable. Especially their 2002 to 2006 era. Most of the wafuukei bands in the scene right now. I normally love traditional Japanese aesthetics, but most of the ones trying to do it now sound just like every other Vkei band but with bad Koto and Shakuhachi samples. I think if you're gonna do it, at least include some Japanese music theory or traditional Japanese vocals. Basically, I ain't saying you got to, but try being Kiryu, Guruguru Eigakan, Memento Mori, or Kagrra. Not really a band, but the newer Dir en Grey fanbase that came in because of Uroboros and Dum Spiro Spero who think it's cool to hate on Vkei and say shit like "Wow, early Dir en Grey sucks and so does all of Visual Kei just because they wear makeup"
  17. Recently got back into Devil Kitty. Except this time, I'm actually taking the time to listen to their full discography instead of just listening to Hello Katty and DQN on repeat lol

  18. Himeaimichu

    Lol. Still haven't shared my thoughts with that dude. Probably don't ever plan to.
  19. Himeaimichu

    Oh, also, I noticed Garden also has a lot of influence from "Under..." by Kuroyume. Hell, that song could probably be considered one of the most influential songs of 90's Visual Kei
  20. Himeaimichu

    Kaoru's first band, DIE:STERIA, was a cover band in high school that played X Japan, Kamaitachi, Zi:Kill and Boowy songs. I think Shinya also said that Zi:Kill really influenced his drumming style. The entire name of Dir en Grey was taken from a Lareine song called Dir en Gray (Supposedly, Kamijo told them to use the name), which in turn, was taken from a band from the early 90's called Dir&Gray, an obscure band whose vocalist would later sing for Kneuklid Romance, and whose guitarist would be a roadie for Zi:Kill. Personally, I don't think any of these are plagiarism, knowing the Visual Kei scene. It's more acceptable in the Vkei scene to do covers of songs like that, than it is in other music scenes. I think of it like sampling in old school Hip Hop.
  21. Himeaimichu

    I am pretty well rounded for the most part, though I'd consider myself a little more moralistic than nihilistic and a little less Hedonistic and more Asceticistic. Though, a lot of the questions were a bit too black-and-white lol
  22. Himeaimichu

    RIP to 2008 revialkei
  23. Himeaimichu

    He should tour with Dir en Grey or Sukekiyo when he gets his band started
  24. Himeaimichu

    Their official website had a discography section, but it was empty for some odd reason. Also thanks for adding them there! I also helped add other bands relating to the history of Kuroyuri to Kage.
  25. Oof... Tsubasa isn't good at keeping a band I guess
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