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Everything posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Himeaimichu

    According to vk.gy, the first band of Koyomi from Kuroyuri to Kage and Chiaki from DEZERT, Yukiline, had a single called Someiyoshino. Does anyone have more info on this?
  2. Himeaimichu

    The Black Swan, Screw and Automod? Nice
  3. Himeaimichu

    I find it funny how the vocalist looks NOTHING like he did in the pictures. If you're gonna go out of your way to look like Mei, you might as well commit to it
  4. Status made here by request of @saishuu. Btw, Happy Birthday. 

  5. Himeaimichu

    Normally, I can understand cosplaying and dressing up like other bandmen... but this is not how you go about it
  6. Himeaimichu

    Wait, only some of the members may be from Morphine. It doesn't necessarily mean it isn't Mei
  7. Himeaimichu

    Yeah that's definitely Mei. Similar nose, bridge piercing, lip piercing, hair, style. If it ain't Mei, IDK who it is
  8. Himeaimichu

    Holy shit I sure hope this is Mei.
  9. I've seriously been sleeping on STEREO.C.K. They're really good, and sort of keep the Kagerou sound, but with a twist

  10. Lol, the David Wu guy, who claims to report girls with premium snap chats to the IRS took my bait and shared a post of mine on FB

    1. Himeaimichu


      I exposed the dude because apparently, he's a pedophile with an underage girlfriend

    2. platy


      lol that's rich! Whoever has a stupid vendetta like this, always has some skeletons in the closet 

  11. Does anyone know if a larger, more hi-res version of this picture of The GazettE exists somewhere?


  12. Himeaimichu

    The only explanation for the name is they tried typing it on a touch screen and went with it.
  13. Himeaimichu

    These guys are still around? Damn, that release date tho
  14. I'm so used to pokemon hacks, I can't even play vanilla pokemon games anymore. I'm too spoiled by being able to actually get every pokemon without trading

    1. IGM_Oficial



      But what is a "vanilla" Pokémon game?

    2. Himeaimichu


      One that doesn't have all the BDSM in it

  15. I think he may just be a token Onnagatta. But who knows?
  16. Tsubasa from Narcolepsy and Teketeke formed a new band. They've been around for a few weeks I think (or even months). They're called Sunawachi Sei https://artist.aremond.net/sunawachi/ Members: 翼 (Tsubasa) - Vocals アスラン (Asuran/Aslan?) - Guitar 幸子 (Sachiko) - Guitar 魅燿 (Miyou) - Bass They also have music for listening on their website.
  17. I love WW2 games, but I seriously dislike a lot of the people who play them. It seems that every time I play Red Orchestra 2, there is always some ultra-political dude trying to talk about politics in the team chat. Like... THE TEAM CHAT ISN'T FOR THAT. FOCUS ON THE GAME

    1. xBandō


      Guess those games attract certain kind of people. I got into arguments all the time when people ranted ingame about some Nazi soldiers beeing black (COD) because they wouldnt shut the hell up about it.

    2. Gesu


      I guess it makes sense, seeing as war is very political in and of itself. Still, you're right about the fact that the team chat is for the game.

  18. Does anyone know if DJ D-Nice from Boogie Down Productions made any music or produced anything since he left the group in '92?

    It seems like most of the careers of the members, minus KRS-One, ended after 1992. Especially the ones who left before the release of Sex and Violence

  19. Himeaimichu

    Tbh, the album should have more tracks if it's gonna have 5 singles, but they gotta stick to that same formula, sadly
  20. I find it funny when people act all pseudo intellectual over a newage track that some dude probably made by taking the "Asian Dreams" vst and randomly putting it together in a trial version of FL studio. 
    You're not channeling some ancient art, you're just believing stereotypes

  21. Happy Halloween. I wore proper visualkei makeup for the first time. It looks like Shironuri, but it's actually just foundation too pale for me lol

  22. Himeaimichu

    For the first time in my life, I feel really confident. Happy Halloween from your local Mei/Karuna clone
  23. Himeaimichu

    Mitsuki having a vocal role? My body is ready! I think the only time he ever did vocals for a Kiryu song was the screams for Oboro, if I'm correct? I could be wrong
  24. Himeaimichu

    Shimizuya thugs though won't let them do anything until a year has passed since their disbandment
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