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Everything posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Himeaimichu

    Welcome to the forum! I'm also a Angura fan. My favourite angura bands are Guruguru Eigakan, Jully (though I haven't listened to too much), and Kalavinka. Also, who is the bandman in your avatar? I love looks like that. The whole Gill'e Cadith Karuna inspired look.
  2. the 2:42 part of the song and every part after it got 14 year old Aimi HYPED. God I was such a weeb


  3. Himeaimichu

    It'd be cool if someone tried to sort of reconstruct the old version of Zan. I always wanted to try but my guitar skills are nonexistent
  4. Himeaimichu

    I know that Sakura plays in Gibkiy, which is close with Kozi's band, ZiZ. I wonder who the vocalist would be. Fingers crossed Klaha comes out of retirement
  5. Uploaded the DVD, but it's still in 360p. It should be finished processing any time soon

    - Update - It's in 1080p now (the raw .vob files are in 480p but I encoded this 1080p)


  6. Himeaimichu

    God this is a disappointing album, I can tell. I can see the cycle repeating. Band gets big. Band makes an album that is poppy. Band doesn't sell well and disbands in 2 years. Happens every time
  7. Adding the .vob files to a rar archive for uploading. I'm probably just gonna upload those instead of the long ass video I put together. 

    1. Himeaimichu


      @Shadowtear I was just adding them to a rar archive to put on mediafire for anyone who wants the raw files. I combined all the files into one video for uploading to youtube, and possibly uploading to Mediafire

    2. colorful人生


      Ah, I wish I got to this status earlier. There's software for .vob merging, so you wouldn't have to stitch/re-encode them together in a video editor. https://www.videohelp.com/software/VOBMerge


      You could also use Handbrake to do MP4 rips, etc. from the DVD (libdvdcss can circumvent copy protection)

    3. Himeaimichu


      @colorfuljinsei Omg thanks! I'll keep that site in mind next time!


    4. Show next comments  84 more
  8. Ripped Memento Mori's last live DVD. I'm currently combining all the long vob files into one file

    1. Himeaimichu


      Idk. I can just upload the vob files and you could do whatever you'd need with them. I'm just making a full video for YT. 

    2. tetsu_sama69


      bless you

    3. IGM_Oficial


      Hm. Thanks anyway.

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  9. I'd totally like to start Turntablism (like, old school hip hop turntablism), but I have no money for vinyls, and probably would scratch up so many records lol

  10. Himeaimichu

    My computer can easily handle gigabyte size files, so if the file is in vob (which most Memento Mori stuff is, since I'm planning to rip their last live DVD), that'd be best anyway
  11. Himeaimichu

    Thanks for the replies! This is my first time ripping DVDs, so the help is appreciated!
  12. How did this go unnoticed?


    1. suji


      it's vk wiki

    2. Himeaimichu


      True lol. 

  13. Himeaimichu

    So I have a PC that has the processing power to actually rip large DVDs. Only problem is, it's a laptop without a DVD port. Is it possible to just connect a DVD player to the laptop to rip the DVD? Or do I have to get an external DVD drive?
  14. Himeaimichu

    Aeternam is a really good Arabic folk metal band from Canada. Depending on who you hear it from, the vocalist is either of Moroccan or Iraqi descent. Their theme is ancient civilisations, particularly Mesopotamia and Egypt. Their latest album deals with leaders throughout history. They often use Arabic instruments such as the Oud, or the Saz. The vocalist often alternates between English and Arabic And of course there is just full on Arabic music. I think people who have heard Jay Z will recognise this Egyptian piece (and the controversy behind the sampling of it)
  15. Himeaimichu

    I ordered a Cuartet poster from Rarezhut and it came in today. It came a little late but that's totally fine and understandable, since they were busy moving and all. Overall, I'm glad I got this and it sits right next to my signed Kuroyuri to Kage poster.
  16. Himeaimichu

    I hope Mei will return in an awesome band. I know he's got this
  17. It's been kind of a while since I've last really been here, and I want to get back into using this forum again, and I kind of want to explain some stuff. 

    First off, I don't deal with Tetsuya anymore. I won't go into all the details (you can just pm me if you want, because it's super complicated) but you don't have to see me promoting D:[ab]-e anymore. 

    2nd off, I will be returning, but my presence won't be as much. but I hope that I'm welcome back after taking a break and hopefully can keep myself out of trouble and drama. 

    1. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      I got to hear some good recs from threads of yours when I first joined, glad you're back.

    2. Shir0


      Welcome back :)

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Welcome back! It's okay to take a break every now and then, especially when things get complicated amongst friends. Hopefully everything is okay again and you're back to enjoying the things you love.

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  18. Himeaimichu

    Maybe Ryohei does lol
  19. Himeaimichu

    Does it look like I have airplane money? (Oh god I sound like the mother from Everybody Hates Chris lol)
  20. Himeaimichu

    Do you or Ryohei also pay for my plane tickets? lol
  21. Himeaimichu

    Yeah, because you got a little something something going with the vocalist, got in free. Binch (jk ily)
  22. Himeaimichu

    I've been starting to get into Hip Hop again after years of not listening to a thing rap-wise. Mostly old school West Coast stuff, like Ice-T, E40, MC Eiht, Tupac, and Eazy E. Also some of the east coast stuff like Mobb Deep, Wu Tang Clan and Biggie. Have also been listening to some current artists. Usually ones with some connection to old school artists, such as Lil Eazy E. Also this one Korean-American Rap Duo called Year of the Ox, which have amazing lyrics and flow. Seriously, they deserve to be bigger.
  23. Hit myself too hard in frustration earlier (dumb move on my part) and now every light is hurting my eyes.

    Take a lesson from the idiot here, don't hit your forehead. Ever. 

    1. 123Sandman321


      Damn, definitely go see a doctor and get scanned. Concussion is a cunt. (had it more than I'd like)

    2. Himeaimichu


      It's feeling better now. I didn't hit myself too hard. It was with my own hand after all lol. 

      I just probably need some rest since it is late at night

  24. Himeaimichu

    Mei cosplayed Midori at his birthday live
  25. Himeaimichu

    I like this revival of sorts, but at the same time, I feel like it's way too focused on Diru's sound, as well as the Soleil and Matina sounds. It'd be cool if we got some Zi:Kill or Justy Nasty worship. Or even a Shazna inspired band, idk. Ever since Grieva disbanded, I've for some reason kept up less with the others, such as Crucifixion. I'd really like to see an Early 2000's revival scene. The only band like that we have is GossiP, and they're too GazettE based, imo. They definitely have the ability to branch out, but they don't. I'd like to see more Kagerou, Gill'e Cadith, and Panic Channel worship out there. But that's just me and my taste
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