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Everything posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Damn. I was hoping they'd keep going on. How old are the members anyway?
  2. How to be Thoughty2: 

    1. Make a video

    2. Change the thumbnail

    3. Change the thumbnail

    4. Change the thumbnail

    5. Change the title

    1. suji


      6. make the title or thumbnail clickbaity as fuck

    2. Himeaimichu


      Honestly, it's sad how desperate he is for views and clicks. 

  3. I have the lyric booklet and the single. I could scan it for you. The lyrics look intimidating to read at first, since they're spaced very oddly and look disorderly.
  4. Thanks! Do you think you could transcribe Hakkyou no Karte? I figured out how to read the lyrics, but I can't actually read or speak Japanese. (Basically, it's just top to bottom, right to left.)
  5. Himeaimichu

  6. Himeaimichu

    Busy B and Kool Moe Dee - biggest J-rawk drama
  7. I seriously hate seeing vintage buildings being torn down and replaced with generic looking churches. This entire town is just erasing it's history

    1. Lestat


      One thing we are very bad at nowadays is architecture. I cannot understand how we went from creating amazingly complex gothic cathedrals to just dumping cubic concrete buildings with absolutely no heart everywhere. 

  8. Tbh, Vkei bands should do collaborations with eachother more often. Like, yeah, those bands are close, but why not make a song together? 

  9. Himeaimichu

    The song in general sounds a lot like Chemical Drip Cherry Pie by DEZERT
  10. Himeaimichu

    Yeah, and he seems to be too small time for something as successful as Speed Disk. I mean, it's not too far of a stretch that two people would both have the stage name "Snow Flower" lol
  11. The person who engineered Memento Mori's stuff, and the person who produced Kuroyuri to Kage's last single, are both named Sakura. I wonder if they're the same person. I originally thought the latter was Sakura from Gibkiy Gibkiy Gibkiy, but now I wonder

  12. Does anyone know who this "Chris McCartney" who is credited as the "Total Produce" on Memento Mori's CDs is?

  13. Himeaimichu

    I'm hoping one of the ex Buk Buk members will join, personally
  14. Himeaimichu

    That site says a dude named Yukika ran Speed Disk. Is that the same Yukika from Etcetera and Clutch, or some dude with the same name?
  15. Himeaimichu

    I wonder who will be in the session band
  16. Does anyone know any Chinese folk metal bands other than Cthonic or Black Kirin? Also, no Mongolian themed bands. I'm not looking for those. 

    1. Laurence02
    2. Bear


      Yes, I do.

    3. diryangrey


      you probably already know 伏羲 (fu xi) right? youtube.com/watch?v=onlsbO3TmlI
      there's also 末裔 (moyi), but this one track's better than all their rest imo youtube.com/watch?v=-EDhtbHB3PI

  17. Mei ex. 黒百合と影 may come back any time soon. 

    He tweeted something about being in the studio

    1. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      hopefully he comes up with a full album straight away

      just like he did with 黒百合と影 when MM ended

  18. Himeaimichu

    I'm partially Taoist, but since there are many sects with different teachings, I just go by the bare basics: Be nice to others, There is no black and white, and fuck Confucius (JK, just a running joke)
  19. Are any of the members of Panic Channel still active?

    1. Duwang


      Tara (or whatever hes called now) is still active. Meguru has a twitter for Panic Channel he updates sometimes but hes not active in the scene as far as I know. Everyone else is long gone. 

  20. I just tried out Choke and I love them now

  21. Himeaimichu

    The 2nd track also seems to be a Buk Buk rerecording, "Bokura no Uta". The 3rd is the only one I don't recognise
  22. Himeaimichu

    Need this CD
  23. Himeaimichu

    Mei has a new instagram https://www.instagram.com/karasunasun/ He posted it on his twitter
  24. Himeaimichu

    Mei tweeted another update. "こいつ欲しいなーってメンバーを口説けて帰宅。にやり しばらくしたらここの鍵は更地に解放します。ファンメールはどうやら生きてる。かわらず返信しないけど読んでるご苦労さまさま"
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