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Everything posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Himeaimichu

    What an odd name for a band. That inspires me, I'm gonna name my band "Surobakia" (Slovakia) or Congo no Democratikku Republic
  2. I just tried out BUK BUK and I fucking love them. I wish I didn't sleep on them for so long

    1. Mamo


      Kinda hard not to sleep on them when all they released is impossible to get live limited cds. Until they finally got uploaded here. Also they aren't that great which is probably why they disbanded. 

    2. Himeaimichu


      I really like what little I've heard so far. But I'm biased because I'll like anything that resembles Kuroyuri to Kage and DEZERT

  3. Himeaimichu

    Ah, well that is a bit more hopeful then. I was afraid we had another situation of a slowly failing label lol.
  4. Himeaimichu

    Looks as if BLOOM is really taking hits. First, XII-Destructive Agent of Jap just goes silent as far as I know, DiSPiNA decide to make a non-Bloom related side project that honestly got better promotion and now Vrzel, the most popular band on the label, is disbanding.
  5. How did I not know about this band? This shit is awesome. The last Vkei band to use real (not sampled) traditional Japanese instruments before this one was CrowXClass, so this is a nostalgia trip for me. Edit: I just realised that this is that same awesome band that used the Russian folk song Katyusha in one of their riffs. Gonna have to check out this band more.
  6. Himeaimichu

    Didn't Machi ex. Greem go into retirement?
  7. I'm giving up on ripping the DVD. I'm too afraid to scratch it up, and it was taking WAY too long to rip. 

  8. Currently attempting to rip Memento Mori's last live DVD. I managed to pull up my mother's old laptop, get rid of all the adware, and download VLC

  9. I got my 100 dollars, but turns out, I can't make foreign purchases with it. Bleh. I want my Mei cheki

  10. 羅宇屋 is a guilty pleasure of mine. I usually can't stand new agey stuff, especially pseudo-traditional Japanese, but 羅宇屋's kind is quite weird and oddly catchy.

    Perhaps I'm biased tho because they're angura




      better than inugami circus dan



      their 花 from this v/a is ♡♡♡

  11. Since I'm at a place with a computer that has a DVD drive, I may rip my copy of Memento Mori's last live DVD and upload it to Mega and YT. 

    But I'm not sure. 

  12. I know the feel all too well. I almost cried watching the band's last live DVD last night.
  13. Memento Mori will be reviving on August 17th at Birth Shinjuku. Guitarist Tsubaki will be coming out of retirement to preform with the band. The event will be called "メメント・モリ死月のふる" (Memento Mori Shigatsu no Furu) and tickets will cost 42069 yen.
  14. The paper bag heads remind of of that guy they used to fill in DiSPiNA's ex. Drummer's spot in photos. What if this is another DiSPiNA band? lol (JK)
  15. I find it funny how Charter's new commercial that tries to show how forward with technology they are shows a scene of someone with a Jibo. 
    A Jibo is literally just a crappy Amazon Alexa with a circular screen that cost like 900 dollars. 

  16. Himeaimichu

    This looks like a 2008 Dear Dolce band.
  17. Himeaimichu

    Right now, D, Human Cry and Gokuchu no Orchestra are the ones that I've been enjoying the most
  18. Himeaimichu

    Otsuka Headlock by DEZERT. I can't dance for shit though and the riff also makes me want to headbang, so I end up looking like a fool lol.
  19. I lost my charger and had to use a spare, and my phone goes from 100% to suddenly 59%. 


  20. Well, generic does sell. The most popular stuff does tend to be more or less generic, since they're usually the set standard, and if you stay close to the standard, you're more likely to be liked by fans of the others. The same theory actually goes into pop music. 90% of pop music uses the same chord progression, tempo and are written by the same 2 guys because that will be more likely to sell than someone who sounds different. It eliminates business risk. However, I don't think Mejibray was "made" to sell, I just think they got lucky. They were applicable enough, not too niche, had live energy (Live energy being something that can make or break a band.) and just so happened to be produced by an ex member of Da'vidノ使徒:aL, meaning that they have connections to higher up people, plus the fact that Koichi and Tsuzuku were in VanessA, which had a somewhat notable following, and the fact they had good looks. The fact they're generic also pretty much explains their cringey fanbase. Because they're not niche and they're popular, they become entry level Vkei, and most people who get into Vkei usually do as a teen or young adult. Not only that, but also, if we're gonna be brutally honest, in the west, teens and young adults make up the majority of Vkei fans. So the fact they're entry level, meaning a lot of their fans are "noobs" and the fact that the majority of their fans are probably in their awkward phase in life. So really, it's a self-feeding cycle. They're lucky enough to have every single factor in place. Change a few of those, however, and their popularity wouldn't be as big. Say instead of being produced by an ex member of Da'vidノ使徒:aL, they were produced by a relatively unknown person in the Vkei scene who is also less experienced. That would affect the reach of their promotion and how many connections to higher up people. Say they were a bit more niche. That'd affect how many entry level fans they have. Now, imagine if they were less attractive. That'd also put a big damper on things. tl;dr: They just have all the right factors in place.
  21. This sounds like what I wish other early 2000's inspired bands would sound like. It's my exact kind of Vkei.
  22. Himeaimichu

    Songs sound really cool, but the vocals are really... ehh. IDK if the vocalist is straining himself or is out of key or what.
  23. I get 100 dollars next week for taking a survey at campus. Definitely going to buy one of those Mei cheki sets on Closet Child

  24. I'm starting to get into MERRY's early stuff. IDK why I never tried their early stuff before

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