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Everything posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Himeaimichu

    Didn't they just come out with a new look like yesterday? Also, I joked before about how the vocalist looked like he lowkey had the hairstyle Saki from Cuartet (who also owns BLOOM), and they go out and change it. The only reasonable explanation is that Saki reads MH and got angry (as if the dude isn't angry like 24/7) and made mama. change their look. Seriously tho, can this dude decide on a look, and commit to it? He's like the Visual Kei equivalent of those people who wear colored contacts, and then claim their eyes change color with their mood.
  2. Himeaimichu

    At least the vocalist doesn't look like he went out of his way to look like Mei. now he lowkey looks like he wants to be his label boss, Saki.
  3. Himeaimichu

    That's very sad. These guys have been going on for some time, and made some really enjoyable music.
  4. Himeaimichu

    You know you're a shitty person when even Yuuga himself, one of the biggest douches in Vkei, calls you out lol.
  5. Which came first? The Omnibus series titled Deep More Deep, or the Vasalla song from 1998 titled Deep (More Deep) Blue?

    1. Himeaimichu


      Ah. Didn't Dir en Grey also use some variation of the name for a tour or something?

    2. Alkaloid


      Not that I know of. It sounds like something they would use though haha


      Edit: they did for a tour in December 2000. "Macabre Deep[-],Deep[-],Deep[-],Deep[er]"

    3. Himeaimichu


      Probaby still Vasalla influenced. Diru and Vasalla were really close friends, so it'd make sense

    4. Show next comments  66 more
  6. Himeaimichu

    I hope they make a new band soon. They made some really enjoyable music
  7. Mo Bamba by Sheck Wes is just the 2018 version of the musical disaster that is Turn my Swag On by Soulja Boy

  8. The first's name translates to "There is no blood!", apparently. There isn't a better way to describe their last album lol
  9. Himeaimichu

    I haven't listened to 14 yet, and I haven't listened to much of their newer stuff, but I totally love their old stuff. Especially Dai 7 Jikkenshitsu. That's my favourite album of all time from them
  10. Himeaimichu

    I haven't listened to the album yet, but the lead song from it so far sounds neat. I'm planning to try out the full release soon
  11. I'm trying to mod GTA San Andreas, and I legit actually said "WHY IS THE MOON STILL THE FUCKING MOON?" 

    1. IGM_Oficial


      It must be Batman's signal

    2. Himeaimichu


      There probably exists a mod for that. 
      If only there was an in depth guide on how to fucking install mods like that. 

      "Replace the BMP in Particle.txd" ok I did that and nothing happened

    3. IGM_Oficial


      There is, for the PS2 version

  12. Himeaimichu

    I remember hearing their stuff here and there and enjoying it. It's actually been one of those bands I've been meaning to get to but never did
  13. Himeaimichu

    I just think it sounds neat. That's all
  14. Can anyone recognise the members in the first band on this? All I recognise is Saki (Cuartet) and Shin (Cuartet) and Satsuki (Mist of Rouge). I'm wanting to know so I can list the band name on the members' histories on vk.gy. So far, the only members I know were in the band were the people I listed, Ruki and Uruha from The GazettE, and of course, Yayoi. 

    For those who don't know, it's Sakae Hebi-zoku, the session band for Eternal records. Even though it's safe to assume all Eternal bandmen were once in it, it's safer just to list the confirmed ones.


  15. My friend bought me Cuartet's 2nd single, 『CORE』-code 219/344 . Expect some lossless rips and some scans soon. 

  16. Himeaimichu

    Harpsichords have been somewhat of a thing in Visual Kei since the origin of TanbiKei (Vkei bands that have European themes like Malice Mizer or Versailles). Malice Mizer was pretty well known for using harpsichords and other European instruments in order to fit with their Baroque theme (GackT era) or Victorian theme (Klaha era). I wouldn't say it's a trend but more of a recurring theme that pops up every so often, since lots of bands today are still heavilly inspired by Malice Mizer, Versailles, Lareine, Moi dix Mois, etc. My favourite example would be it's use in Vasalla's Yurikago. However, the band most notable for Harpsichords is Moi dix Mois. Almost every song they make uses an organ, orchestra, or harpsichord.
  17. On my phone, the crossboxes are ice cream emojis . Edit: on second look, it's an emoji that shows a piece of paper with an X being thrown into the trash, but it looks like ice cream from afar.
  18. In before someone says "☒☒☒☒ Japan"
  19. Himeaimichu

    To fill venue space, mainly. Also for special events.
  20. Does anyone know what Aika from Cuartet and Triggah is doing, as of recent? 
    Is he in any session bands, or did he just completely retire from the Vkei scene?

    1. Axius


      I only know for triggah. The vocalist created a band called DARIAN MARIAN and also had a solo project for a while. the band is on a haitus due to vocalist vocal chord problems




      Gt. erina (ex-Dio, Triggah, etc.) his most recent activity was doing support for David in 10/26/2018 has been doing support for him and various many other bands and sessions.


      Dr.燵(tatsu) (ex-TRIGGAH) was in a band called ハルシオン(halsion)


      Ba.龍輝(ryuki) (ex-華音(kanon)-->RUDE(support)-->ISDEAD, TRIGGAH(support)

      was in the Ex-Licker band called アカシジア(akathisia) also was in a session band called high five in 2016


      As for there old members before the single ENVY AND JEALOUSY im unsure


  21. Did Green Herb Straight Tea Time ever released anything? They seem to be the leftover members of what was the Gazetto-Cuartet-Casuga collective. 

  22. Himeaimichu

    Thank you! I'll try it out!
  23. So I can't find this for sale anywhere so I'm hoping someone here has it. It's the first mini album from Cuartet.
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