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Status Replies posted by IGM_Oficial

  1. genuinely surprised that so few VK bands have latched on to vaporwave/synthwave aesthetics tbh

  2. A question about Mathilda.

    They released two singles called "Dabinifusu". Is there any difference between them?

  3. japan trip tomorrow. not as excited as i probably should be, but it still should be great fun. lots of concerts to go.

  4. Someone made a 90s vk essentials chart on r/visualkei... I haven't listened to any of these releases *whistles loudly*, so I guess this is a good place to start (?). 


  5. Kyo said i am dumber than a pigeon.

  6. The bandman u used to stan is crying right now. causa u. not stanning him anymore. how do u feel?

  7. We Don't Like:


    1) PrEP

    2) Jocks


    • • •


    We Like:


    1) BEING GOTH !! (*≧∀≦*)

  8. There are still people who likes visual shit these days?

  9. Holy fuck they actually updated Winamp! Now that is surprising.

  10. I wonder is Mogu, Hiroto's (A9) doggie is still alive. I dunno why I thought about the puppy while at Wendy's O.o

  11. Hinata please come back

  12. for a band known for their heavy work, I find JILUKA is MUCH better when doing smooth, acoustic, like Petrichor or Divine Error -another story-

  13. #DiauraIsFine

  14. Some cab driver told my gfs mom that Slipknot is a Christian band.  She's super into Christian music, so naturally she was interested.  Then she saw a picture of them.  She looked like she felt kind of sick and asked if the masks are their real faces. 😂😂😂

  15. We're going to spin some tunes for a lil' bit on plug.dj. Everyone is welcome to join!


  16. AWAKE is Laruku's best album, fight me

  17. Wahahaha just saw an old VK dude try to play along with a 50-year old fangirl. Shit was great XDD.

  18. Concept: future funk, except it's old vk songs.

  19. question for brutal-kei fans!!!







    what's your fave song on désobéissance?



  20. Mamo and Yoshiatsu are disgusting with their "hair eating" tweets....

  21. This documentary on '80s Jp post-punk looks awesome from the trailer alone (too bad they're only screening it at like one theater in Japan, lol). ❤️ 


  22. Anyone here ever got a headache / hurt their ears listening to VK? Not talking 'lol bad music hurrrr' here, I'm talking like 'music causing actual physical discomfort'. For me one band that seems to cause it is 12012 with their earliest material. Something about the production on their older releases just makes me feel uncomfortable, maybe it's that weird tin can-like filter over the vocals.

  23. Yuki from Archemi now looks like Hatsune Miku lol. When are we gonna get that Vkei cover of Heart Sutra Pop? 

  24. Me, an idiot in public: Haha, let's start listening to SCREW again since we've moved on already

    Me after the first song: *trying hard not to fall down on my knees crying in public as I shop*

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