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Status Replies posted by IGM_Oficial


  2. the GazettE's "TWO OF A KIND" 0:30~0:38 sounds EXACTLY like another Visual Kei song but i cant remember which one now. Does anyone have any idea?

  3. At least the mediocrity of BORN and late Sadie turned up into two decent bands,but MEJIBRAY...what a horrible ending.

  4. Day 3 without seeing anything from The Gazette's 15th anniversary live.


    This a new form of torture.

  5. New Omyou-Za is better than their last album. 

    Me like it.

  6. Dear to Christina Aguilera fighters, please don't download this from any YouTube channel but you need to buy, we all need to buy the original CD of LIBERATION if you're truly Christina Aguilera fighters!!! #BuyLiberation



  7. NINTH release parTy looks lit tbh


  8. I finally found a copy of Sicks on auction, I think I might cry.


  10. How do you pronounce 0.1gの誤算? Because someone said "nought point one gram" and I nearly cried. 

  11. Is it worth to create an account on Tonberry torrents?

  12. do you also know the feeling when you receive a new CD package and along with your order you receive a few bandflyers and you get a flyer of a band you love (in my case right now it was the new flyer of DictavE 8D ) and you are as equally happy about having that flyer as all the new CDs you received?! ;D

  13. Anyone has any idea if the Ruin Mizerius MV is just a crappy live clip or actually something cool? Wondering if 寂滅饗筵 TYPE-A is worth the money...

  14. Anyone has any idea if the Ruin Mizerius MV is just a crappy live clip or actually something cool? Wondering if 寂滅饗筵 TYPE-A is worth the money...

  15. an acoustic guitar is better than a PS4

  16. an acoustic guitar is better than a PS4

  17. I literally went to two Targets this morning to buy BTS' new album and like... neither of them even stocked it. It wasn't sold out they just didn't have it??? I'm low key mad??? But I got copies of Her that i didn't have and Tear is on apple music BUT STILL. 

  18. I have a band. Our first album was a classic shoegaze/post-rock/space-rock/post-punk album of 13 tracks.
    Now i'm doing psychedelic songs that are almost 40 minutes long. What turned bad ?! xD

  19. Every buck fuck album has exactly three amazing songs and eight fillers prove me wrong 

  20. Anyone have uadjet's single? The link is long dead and it's the only thing missing from my

    Ligro discography (apart from basket case)

  21. ladies, what career pathway do you consider the least embarrassing for your fav VK scene retirees


    notable examples:


     — car sales manager

     — host club employee

     — competitive eater/food fighter

     — 50 year old former recording artist now impersonating 18 year olds

     — Ellen DeGeneres daytime darling

     — other choice (elaborate in comments)

  22. I'm giving up on ripping the DVD. I'm too afraid to scratch it up, and it was taking WAY too long to rip. 

  23. My mother's car has been stolen this morning.

    Life sucks.

  24. u know what we need right now?


    a visual kei new age band

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