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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/19 in Posts

  1. 4 points
  2. 3 points
    Sadly, I think his 25+ years of trawling / living in Hollywood has warped his career. It's been all about these shitty B- and C- productions for years now. I mean despite some basic conversations between Toshi and Yoshiki, a horror movie, Saw IV, tangentially gave them the reason to come back for good. Surely for every one of these project we see him work on, there's been 20 times as many parties, events, and meetings that he attended to hob-knob with various producers and socialites in the Los Angeles scene. He has long enjoyed doing this than actually spending time alone composing and refining music with X Japan. A quick Getty Image search will show you exactly what he's doing despite the occasional "I've been working 24 hours straight" Instagram post to troll the fans into telling him "Take care of yourself Yoshiki-sama!" https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/yoshiki?groupbyevent=true&family=editorial&phrase=yoshiki&sort=best#license Hence we will have the XXX4 soundtrack before the new album ever materializes.
  3. 2 points
    Hide x 2pac hologram concert at Tokyo dome
  4. 2 points

    Dir en grey

    I wonder how long it will take for that dumb Tooru rumour to finally die. Its been debunked for years now.
  5. 2 points
    I'm updating this to say that I texted him a couple days ago asking if we could talk soon only to get no response. Today my coworker informed me that he just put on Facebook that he has a girlfriend... He never added me on any social media btw so I would have never known otherwise. So if anyone reads this and is in a similar situation that I was in, please follow the advice in this thread and let go of the person, especially if they're unwilling to face you and talk. If there are so many red flags than pay attention to them and don't let yourself be blinded by how much you like the person. You're worth more than that and deserve to be treated a lot better
  6. 1 point
    Welcome to the 3rd annual most notable VK looks presented by yours truly, The Reverend. As usual, we're here to celebrate the 'Visual' in Visual Kei. Suggest your favorite or least favorite or weirdest looks from the past year in the comments below! Thanks to the ORZ team for helping out and contributing, and especially @platy for making like five banners for me and letting me choose which one I liked best. マーブルヘッド (Marblehead) ユメリープ (Yumeleep) キズ (Kizu) lynch. BRATBAX the Raid. vocalist 星七 (Sena) SHiSHi guitarist お花 (Ohana) MEIDARA Virge Dillinger
  7. 1 point


    I hacked this account. I've read all the messages and please inbox me anything that I left unfinished 2 years ago. I'll gladly sort everything out. And why fuh am I not an Iconic member. More than 300 of these post have been me uploading rares for you kids.
  8. 1 point
    i was wondering what he was saying god i love this song even more xD "Shitty dirty mother fucker lousy lowly mother fucker sleazy trashy mother fucker creepy nasty mother fucker"
  9. 1 point

    ARZERT new EP "AMATERAS" release

    it's from the IX-NINE- guy
  10. 1 point

    ARZERT new EP "AMATERAS" release

    I thought this was some weird collab band between ARLEQUIN and DEZERT
  11. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    he'll take it with him to grave and the neckbeards will engrave it on ha patreon-funded tombstone at this point
  12. 1 point

    oldest visual kei music video?!

    BUCK-TICK released a VHS tape called "MORE SEXUAL!!!!!" in February 1988, containing music vids for these songs: - SEXUAL XXXXX! - DREAM OR TRUTH - HYPER LOVE - EMPTY GIRL - ILLUSION - MY EYES & YOUR EYES D'ERLANGER released a VHS titled "an aphrodisiac" in October 1989, containing music vids for these songs: - LA VIE EN ROSE - LULLABY - an aphrodisiac - INDECENT-TWO-PERSONS These are the oldest I can think of.
  13. 1 point
    idc about this, i'm just waiting on the xXx -XXX parody- on men dot com... also when the fuck did 2 & 3 come out??? tf
  14. 1 point

    Dir en grey

  15. 1 point
    ^That's actually a really unfair clip for HYDE. I mean, it is a bit cheesy, but I thought he sounded lovely on the full version.
  16. 1 point
    I'm sorry this happened to you. It's never a fun experience. But with this you've grown and will know certain signs and red flags to watch out for for next time. I like to believe that nothing happens by accident, and everything for a reason.
  17. 1 point
    My package arrived super fast and she was super nice!! *_* I was also provided rips of the CDs I wanted, plus I was able to pick out anything from any band(s) I wanted that was not included in the current items list You never know what rarez this girl might have for you!! ♥ Highly recommended!!!
  18. 1 point
    My stuff arrived in 5 days, no issues whatsoever. Definitely recommended : )
  19. 1 point

    TH eROCKERS - NEW ALBUM Rock'n Roll

    Must be one of the biggest gaps ever between CD Will be interesting to check how they are now.
  20. 1 point
    Im surprised this kind of movie "needs" some special score for it and not the typical/random summer/action movie ones...dont think it needs johan johannsson/reznor & ross/ zimmer alike scoring...
  21. 1 point
    Their vocalist always looks stellar, but the rest of the band gets like $10 for a costume budget
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    their new digital single "優しい人 (Yasashii Hito)" will be released at 2019/2/16.
  24. 1 point

    NAZARE - JUDAS [Kanji/Romaji/English]

    Could be akane, he atleast matches the delusional part no hate lol
  25. 1 point
    God of War. Good lord, WHAT A GAME. I was a bit skeptical cuz I always found the combat on the previous ones a bit repetitive/boring and somewhat weak on the story side, with a lot of wanker fanservice inbetween. They transformed the shallow Kratos into a person tormented by his past, who is not able to connect with his son the way he wants and should, with much more depth than he appears to have/should be, all while tearing monsters apart with his bare hands. Game is gorgeous, Atreus is a hell of a kid, full of character, combat is fluid, I haven't found anything to complain yet. Also got into a few rounds of Apex Legends, won my first one and got stomped all the others. Sounds like a fun game, tho.
  26. 1 point
    Fav look from 2018 by far: Kyonosuke from Kizu
  27. 1 point
    http://xn--v-995c.com/ V系ジャンル・系統別 / 活動中V系バンド ← Visual bands by Visual Genre(*gasp* visual kei is considered a genre in Japan) that are currently active. It's the most useful for finding bands and disbanded bands for me.
  28. 1 point

    10 Noteworthy VK Looks - 2018 Edition

    I loved that Sombrero kei look! some of my faves 8P-SB Wajou - THE GALLO Marblehead's vocalist scarecrow look, because just once isn't enough xaa-xaa's noroiuta look was one of their most adventurous yet, kazuki takes the win 'What the...?' Award goes to Pentagon. This is what happens when you try too hard to relate to the youths Actually, Pentagon deserves two mentions. The look for MANTRA was a mixed bag, but chizuru's red coat should become a signature look. Coincidentally, whenever he wears the red coat is when they sound their best, so.
  29. 1 point
  30. 0 points

    TH eROCKERS - NEW ALBUM Rock'n Roll

    Well, 100% more talented than any visual kei band haha. I am totally looking forward to the CD. finally some real good Rock music written from the bottom of the heart!
  31. 0 points
    Composer and professional procraXtinator YOSHIKI will score the soundtrack for the 4th installment in Vin Diesel's "xXx" movie franchise. He will also be composing a theme song for the film which is currently in pre-production, with casting being underway and shooting to start later this year. According to a recent press conference he will also do a cameo in the movie itself. An "xXx" TV series is also in the works, with YOSHIKI being one of the producers (he will be scoring the soundtrack for that one too). No word yet about the X JAPAN album of course.
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