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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/18 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    New band "Lavitte" has formed [members] Vo. 結海 / Yu Gt. ryu Gt. 幸 / Yuki Ba. ヤス / Yasu Dr. ぞおい / Zoe they will hold their first live "Last one girl" at 2018/12/27 at Shinjuku club SCIENCE at which their first single "cinder" will be released (2 songs, 1000yen) [tracklist] 01.cinder 02.アンブレラ (Umbrella) they will hold their first oneman live "Paradise Lost" at 2019/03/26 at Shinjuku club SCIENCE http://www.lavitte.com/
  2. 3 points
    who wants to start the countdown?
  3. 2 points
    A new band, JE:NOVA, has been formed. More details will be announced tomorrow. Members Vo. 鳴 (Naru - ex. Biosphia, ex. Diealo) Gt. XXX Gt. XXX Ba. XXX Dr. 紫苑 (Shion - ex. Biosphia) Source: https://lineblog.me/jenova_shion/archives/1462890.html
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    Same members as 残り物に和服ガール (Nokorimono ni wafuku girl).
  6. 2 points
    Individual and group looks have been published on Twitter. Their first live will be on 2018.12.07 at Shinsaibashi PANHEAD GROOVE. They will be making an important announcement on 2019.01.01 at 21:00 (9pm).
  7. 2 points

    Dir en grey

    Yeah you have pretty much summed up that news article. Can't believe he went to Sanrio though! lol The article quotes Kyo: "They (Sanrio) may want to avoid a slightly scary character. I don't like normal happy endings. I will publish this for people who resonate with the realism it depicts." And it also says he may do a sequel or create a mascot character ("yuru kyara") I would love to see his yuru-kyara XD And the article opens with an introduction of Kyo as "vocalist of visual-kei rock band, DIR EN GREY". So yeah, DEG is still only recognised as a vk band.
  8. 2 points

    Dir en grey

    here's shinya in his brief stint in "yo gabba gabba!"
  9. 2 points
  10. 1 point
    New band, 「mama.」, has formed under Bloom. Members Vo. XXX (for now) Gt.かごめ (Kagome) Twitter: https://twitter.com/mama_kagome_Gt Gt. 紫游(しゆ) (Shiyu) Twitter: https://twitter.com/mama_shiyu_gt Ba. 真(まな) (Mana) Twitter: https://twitter.com/mama_mana_Ba Dr. あぴ (Api) Twitter: https://twitter.com/mama_api_Dr Official Website: https://mama-official.jp/ Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/mamadotofficial
  11. 1 point
    Hey guys! It's been quite a while since I posted here, and I hope people hear me out and read this whole thread. First I'll introduce myself, I'm known by some people here as Yasu, and I was a moderator quite some time ago, briefly, by the name of Yasupon. I wouldn't say I was the best moderator of all time, but I left a mark on the community during the time I was around due to my activity within the social aspect of the site (mostly within the minichat, last.fm, and tt.fm areas). I was probably well known for having written comments on every indie band on last.fm, but yeah enough about me. So as you all know, the visual kei scene is extremely niche; I can personally say that I've never met a single visual kei fan irl by pure chance. The reason I joined this forum many years ago on my former account was because I wanted to meet other visual kei fans, because of course, meeting them in person is almost impossible. I really enjoyed this forum, and for a while I was a minichat regular, as that was the best social outlet for me to make friends and express myself as a part of this community. We had many regulars whom would use the minichat actively, including myself, Biopanda, Haunted Jealousy, Senedjem, Zesshoku, CAT5, Furik, and plenty of others. So somewhere around 2013, drama struck me, and I left this community while I still held a moderator position. It was honestly ridiculous, and I don't want to talk about it because it was truly quite silly, but I left without a word (what an immature teen I was), and two years later I returned to see that the minichat was no longer what it had used to be. The minichat was barren, and it wasn't as active as before. Soon afterward, I discovered that MH actually had its own discord server, which had been started by OriginalSaku (whom I believe is still a moderator here?), however that discord group wasn't promoted very actively, and ultimately went inactive. I am writing this thread because one of my biggest passions in life is to make friends with other visual kei fans, and with the minichat being inactive for quite some time now, the discord group not really being a paramount cornerstone for the community, and no other discord groups filling the void that I sought after, I took it in my own hands to create what I had been so desperately looking for, so I did. I run a server which is currently called "J-Music Community" which is focused primarily on two things: visual kei, and social interaction. Our goal is to bring people together to discuss the music, and just have fun together. We have custom roles, custom colors, voice channels, a j-music and general radio, and many 'channels' for members to use as a means to discuss various topics of interest, and I would be extremely honored to have members of this community to join, and try us out. Our members are friendly, and most are quite mature. We currently have 175 members, and most of them joined only within the past week alone. I have been advertising very passionately all over the internet because that's how much I care about bringing visual kei fans together. If anyone would be willing to at least give us a shot, I'll supply the link right here: https://discordapp.com/invite/wE56xDx If this thread is considered advertising, then of course, I apologize. I intend to create conversation, so this is not solely about driving traffic to the server. A dialogue concerning visual kei fans and unifying them is the premise of this thread as well, because it appears that we're a very niche group, yet we're quite divided from my perspective, and it saddens me a bit. Last.fm has died down over the years, and other community websites dedicated to VK I feel have died down as well, so my goal has been to basically attempt to change that single-handedly to revolutionize things a bit.
  12. 1 point
    Holy shit I sure hope this is Mei.
  13. 1 point
    I THINK THAT'S KARASUNA MEI,THE GREY HAIR,THE OUTFIT,THE PIERCINGS,NO SHOES (i kinda recognize his feet) also that trailer reminds me the kuroyuri aesthetics and the samples used in the memento mori gigs OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG DGAHDGSDHGSFDGSHGAS @karai · ebi @AimiGen7
  14. 1 point
    if there's ever any issues within the band- do we call it "mama issues?" well the fans be called "Mama's boys"? also, why are they bare foot on top of the building in this weather. Mama's gonna have some frozen feetsies.
  15. 1 point
    I don't have any hopes for this. It's been proven too many times that anime adaptations are mediocre at best and traumatic at worst.
  16. 1 point
    Karma’s Hat

    己龍 (Kiryu)

    Thoughts on new album? My first impression was that it's the same problematic Kiryu we've had for a while now. Some great ideas with the fierceness that shows off their musicianship and ability to conjure up this Japanese occult atmosphere intertwined with the more boring chinese restaurant OST stuff they've become known for that I'm sure everyone has had enough of by now. Positively surprised nonetheless as I went in with literally no expectations. Special shoutout to the last track that almost brought to mind their earlier output.
  17. 1 point
    But that's the great thing about Netflix, they're like a modern day Roger Corman and they work way, way different from most other studios. They're giving the creators and INSANE amount of creative freedom. If they like your idea, they'll give you a certain amount of money and just keep their hands off and let you do whatever the fuck you want. If you want your TV-series to be only 6 episodes, they'll let you keep it at 6 episodes without pushing for more no matter how popular the series is and how high the demand is for more. If you want your movie/TV series to be bizarre and weird as fuck, they'll let you do that even though they know it most likely won't get them the money back. If you want to make something so slow 98% of the world's population would die of boredom within the first 45 minutes of the movie, you're free to do so. There is no restrictions whatsoever. When you produce for a major company of a certain size your main goal will always be to not please the fans, but please the regular movie goes. Because it is them who will earn them the money back, not the actual fanbase. So when a big company produce a movie like Ghost in the Shell (or movies based on books like The Hobbit), the movies simply won't be aimed towards the fans of the original anime. With Netflix you will, if you want, be able to work towards pleasing the actual fans of the source material because they have the freedom to do so. They don't have to double or triple the income like the studios does. So making movies and TV-series for Netflix is like still being an indie filmmaker, just with a much, much bigger budget. And this is the reason why I don't mind Netflix doing it. tldr; Netflix will give you a massive amount of freedom to do as you please, something other, major studios will not do. It's such a huge difference between something like Netflix and HBO and regular studios. So if they can get a writer/director who is actually a fan of the series, I have no doubt they'll be able to bring the anime justice by making something great. So in my eyes, that's where it lies. Can they do so? I don't know, but I hope they will.
  18. 1 point
    Despite the optimism in posts above me about this announcement, I'm less than excited. Netflix may not do as bad of a job as previous studios have when adapting anime to live action films, but the debacle with Ciri in The Witcher adaptation proves to me that they're capable of losing the plot. It's like the media doesn't learn it's lesson. I don't even care that Netflix is behind the helm. Time and time again, whenever they adapt an anime to a live action film the movie loses a lot of what made the anime special. I'm not just referencing Hollywood because there are plenty of Japanese live-action adaptations that suck too. It's the power inherent in the medium along with the ability to more easily suspend my belief. I've already lost my horse in this race because Hollywood adapted and defiled Ghost in the Shell. Watanabe better splurge on a katana engraved with the words "no cuts" to make sure Netflix gets the message this time, although I'm under no delusions that someone at Netflix won't find some way to defile the story and get fans pants in a twist.
  19. 1 point
    I'd prefer the series to be left alone. I don't hate live-action remakes and I can understand why some people like them, but I just prefer the anime. I hope they do this one justice.
  20. 1 point
    Not against this at all. Fucking love Netflix and how they work, and I'm positive towards a project like this.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    When do we start placing bets on how long it takes for Naru to drive everyone out of the band? At this rate the dude should just go solo and make what he wants and swap out support members.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point

    DESIRE have disbanded

  25. 1 point
    I do not think that 無 is his name... it just means "nothing, none". (for now) They are thr third band which will participate in the split album 【DJV-dejavu-2】. Their first live will be on 2019.01.27 at 高田馬場AREA(Takadanobaba AREA).
  26. 1 point
    i actually remember listening to some stuff by Musta Paraati at some point and enjoying it, have never heard of the other one before though, will have to look into 'em too!
  27. 1 point
    just dropping in to say that 2nd band kicks ass
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    It will be the whole clip, not just a preview.
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    Why do you feel sick about this? That happened everywhere. Like, Isn't the opposite happen to some of us here? Looking down on local western music and only like foreign music, in this case, Japanese VK music? 😂😂😂
  32. 1 point
    sleepy coffee

    X JAPAN new song sample?

    What's xjapan
  33. 1 point

    X JAPAN new song sample?

    holdup, try this
  34. 1 point

    BABOO will disband

    Same here.
  35. 1 point
    Yay, can't wait to listen to 10 seconds of each song before deleting the album from my computer.
  36. 1 point

    Releases calendar

    Lill will be releasing their first full album「World of Lill "One Day"」 on February 2019. Exact date to be announced later.
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    Man, did everyone flock here quick, lol. Not an exhaustive list and def. has bias. If you find an artist you like, last.fm is a good tool to branch out... or at least was. Just binge a bunch of YT vids. What everyone's posted looks good. We might want to tone down the embed vids tho, out of consideration for those w/ slow internet speeds and/or bandwidth caps.
  39. 1 point
    He looks like a juggalo inchworm in that second image...
  40. 1 point
  41. 0 points
    YOHIO new single "Merry Go Round" will be released 2018/11/23
  42. 0 points
    The bassist 蒼梓(Aoishi) will leave the band on 2019.01.25.
  43. 0 points

    X JAPAN new song sample?

    The new album it's so real and ready to rock that Toshi became a Youtuber.
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