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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/15 in Posts

  1. 2 points


    Hey everyone! It's about time that I decided to finally join this forum, I've known of it for quite some time. I've been into visual kei for a few years now, I both enjoy listening to it as well as wearing visual kei-esque fashion. Some of my favourite bands include Black Gene For the Next Scene, DIAURA, DIV, 己龍 and also BabyDollSymphony. It's been a while since I've been active on any kind of forum like this, so I'll try to remain somewhat active^^. Here's a link to my last.fm, feel free to check it out and/or friend me! last.fm/user/Futanarino ^A really drunk me! よろしくね~!
  2. 2 points
    Karma’s Hat


    Related to demon android's cousin by any chance?
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points

    Show Yourself (again)

    Recent selfie
  5. 2 points

    Your last music-related buy!

    Minus Jin-Say Orchestra's 未来予想図X, 桜ヶ丘流星群 and 少女Cyborg. All of them are pretty difficult to find so when they were all up on pure sound I took the opportunity to grab them all.
  6. 2 points


    hmmmmm seems like that video i posted above has been deleted by its owner D: anyway i cant let that piece of art to bygone in bytes so i've reuploaded it here: enjoy! p.s. everytime i see that kid on the left trying so hard i just cant stop laughing ahahahaha
  7. 2 points

    #28: camera obscura by Lycaon

    Like I said, I haven't followed Lycaon in years. That's nice to know for future reference though thanks. If I wasn't sure about it I wouldn't have written it. You very clearly missed something. Please point out where my criticism of Yuuki is. I don't see it. I understand that you enjoy Lycaon very, very much, but your fandom has crossed the range of understandable and leapt into the realm of fanatical. It's gotten to the point where you're angry at me for not validating your opinion, but nothing you said in response to my review makes any type of sense. It's like you didn't even read it. Lycaon can be your favorite band but it doesn't mean that they're the best band in the world and that everything they do is flawless. The fact that you are completely incapable of seeing the faults in this band amuses me to no end.
  8. 2 points

    Show Yourself (again)

    Me with Kuroyuri to kage^^
  9. 1 point

    The big TV-series discussion thread

    I know there's more people on the board who enjoys watching TV-series, so i thought we needed a general thread about TV-series instead of making a new thread whenever we want to talk about a series. What are you currently watching, what have you just finished, what are you about to start on, recommend, ask fo recommandations and so on. However, a thread need a few rules to make it interesting: 1. Do NOT spoil! Use the spoiler tag whenever discussing a series/an episode, like this: The Walking Dead S2E09 Like this you don't risk getting spoiled about whatever you're watching. 2. Say a little more than "I'm about to watch Danger 5" or "Just finished The Walking Dead season 46546". You got it? Good.
  10. 1 point
    [updated: 17/03/05] lowered all prices, added some stuff etcetc buypls Hello : D I really want to part with the following things, so please take a look. I do take offers, especially if you buy several things. I ship from Germany via DHL. Fees are like this: All of these were carefully kept in the state I bought them in but since they are mostly vintage items the condition varies. If you want more info on a particular item or additional pictures, please ask! I can include a high quality rip if you buy a demotape or VHS. Click images for big size. DEMOTAPE ACiD - Mermaid 3€ (related: MERRY) アギト(agito) - 邪鏡 3€ 姫羅~Aila~ - 思考解体 5€ Aioria - 光彩の沈殿 2€ Aioria - 瑠璃蝶 3€ * (anus) - の 4€ (related: Ray, Waive) * (anus) - 様 4€ (related: Ray, Waive) Arise - Arise 9€ Belle Vue - blind vision 3€ Coo - 【仮説01】4€ Cynthia - "白夜を舞う邂逅旋律" Type B 3€ Da'vidノ使徒:aL - クッキーチェアー 4€ Dear Loving - Identification Card 2€ Dieu;Aile - Limbes 5€ DlociA - COLLECTIONS N°1 4€ Féria - 堕神者の叫び… 3€ Féria - 奴隷の聖書 3€ Flair - And Vision... 5€ (related: Waive) gaia - genesis as ideal area 4€ ギ~戯児~ヂ (giji) - 病的 5€ Gu:Laymu - Gu:Laymu 3€ グルグル映畫館 (guruguru eigakan) - 三河湾純情ラプソディー/伏見桃山ブルース 4€ ゼリ→(jelly→) - JET GLASS 3€ k@mikaze - 鬼のような犬 3€ (related: sukekiyo) k@mikaze - 鬼のような犬2 3€ (related: sukekiyo) Kneuklid Romance - しあわせにできる権利 4€ Lastier - -Eden- 5€ MARRY+AN+BLOOD - 心臓 3€ Merry Go Round - 放送禁止の死んだふりをする潔癖症の実験体と箱の中の毒入り ショートケーキ 5€ MIRAGE - en:Rouge 2€ ミサ (misa) - 架空ノ人々 4€ Mist of Rouge - 華麗なる白霧 3€ MISTRUST - MISTRUST 3€ M+K - 第1話「空虚な束縛」特典 3€ the Night Breeze Zinnia - Night Breeze 4€ (related: 黒蝪蝶(kuroageha)) Noir fleurir - 2000.1.21 Millennium 4€ nord - -mid妄ari- 3€ (related: chariots) Ove - Savage 3€ 尾張桜組 (owarisakuragumi) - 尾張桜組 2€ (related: ROUAGE, Sleep My Dear, Laputa, ...) PERSONA - 神欲の果実 3€ (related: D) PlatinA Forest - letter Ⅱ 4€ Poisonous Doll - Y氏「…」3€ ポロリ (porori) - 想ひでポロリ☆ 4€ (related: heidi.) ポロリ (porori) - 想ひでポロリ☆ 2nd press 4€ (related: heidi.) ピュエラ(pyuera) - 1124430824 3€ Radifia - 解体奴隷新書 4€ (related: VIDOLL, Eze:quL) Ravecraft - 無翼 其ノ参 3€ Ravecraft - 無翼 其ノ壱 3€ Remage - 道化人格 3€ Remage - 人工知能の性的欲情 3€ RONDE - Obelisk Monument 4€ ROUAGE - Free Talk (1999.Mar.) 3€ [rù:in] - -Sherry- Acoustic Version. 4€ S - 蠍 2€ S - 蜘蛛 3€ 紫苑 (shion) - OH!!ラジオ “春らんまん編” 4€ SOPHIA - ミサイル 4€ Syndrome - Vogue 1€ Syndrome - SEXUAL 2€ vellaDonna - D 4€ Vice†risk - Again 4€ Virtue - 20000707 4€ Waive - Spanner 4€ wyse - Lime 4€ CD/DVD alice nine. - JEWELS Type-A 1€ alice nine. - JEWELS Type-B 1€ ANOTHER DIMENSION - 朽チ果テ逝クコノ世界 3€ Ant1nett - World Famous, King of Kawaii 3€ 彩冷える(ayabie) - ロマンサー/変態最終頁/デジタルロリータデモンストレーション/+ 5€ AZALEA - 妄想に死す 3€ BIOSPHIA - 1st ONE MAN LIVE DVD 3€ BLue-B - Tears of Love 2€ Celluloid - Intention 4€ 千聖 (chisato) - ORGANIC GROOVER 3€ Clover - -Promise-To... 3€ Dear Loving - 恋は二人で ~Girls to~ 3€ DERAIL - Secret Lover 3€ Devil Kitty - 不幸自慢 4€ Devil Kitty - エセイカレ✡ROCK STAR 4€ faze - Throbbing ~鼓動~ 2€ 【FIGURe;】 - Made in 彼女 3€ Forestier - 魍魎ノ箱 4€ fugue - 僕の心に突き刺さる砕け散った君のカケラ (There is some dirt on the CD (already bought it like that) and it skips in the middle. :/ Didn't dare cleaning it, but maybe someone else wants to try?) 3€ Gardian Angel/G~Angel - Promise ~white snow~ 3€ Garnet - クリミナルドリーマー 3€ Gill'e Cadith - お茶の間中毒カテゴリィ 3€ THE GLADROW - Growable deep 3€ heidi. - シンクロ/ひゅるり 2€ 秘密結社コドモA (himitsukessha kodomo A) - 青春記憶装置 4€ セッションバンドひな(sessionband hina) - 鯛/遺言 4€ 12012 - Sick 3€ 12012 - 深~deep~ 3€ いろは (iroha) - オレンジ双六 3€ いろは (iroha) - 裏景色 3€ It - a lost child/36.6°C 3€ xジハードx(jihad) - 愛情エゴイズム 2€ JO:YA project - KEN:WAKAYAMA 2€ k@mikaze - リスペクトバカ 3€ k@mikaze - 野球が殺した。3€ Kra - 僕との秘密 first press(2002) 3€ Kra - ハートバランス Type-A 2€ クロウズ (kurouzu) - 黒い渦 3€ KuRt - 赤者 3€ Lagna - 瞬間ノ華 3€ Laissez Faire - lily 3€ La'Mule - 結界~ガラス神経ト自我境界~ 3€ La'Mule - ナイフ 3€ La'Mule - 2003/03/08 ナイフ 20€ L'Arc~en~Ciel - ectomorphed works 4€ LiViNG DEAD - 『徒花』 3€ machine - e.rect 2€ MASK - 未来への翼-2005.08.08- 2€ 未散プロジェクト(michiru project) - 「悲哀の破片」3€ MURASAKI - 無料配布 4€ ナイトメア (naitomea) - 犯行期 12€ Night+ingale - 罪 4€ OBLIVION DUST - MISERY DAYS 3€ orivia - Flower's for... 3€ OROCHI - 「花鳥風月」 無料配布CD 3€ Pashya - 優白な聲 2€ PENICILLIN - PENICILLIN SHOCK 2000 Vol.1 4€ PENICILLIN - PENICILLIN SHOCK 2000 Vol.2 4€ PENICILLIN - PENICILLIN SHOCK 2000 Vol.3 4€ PERSONA - イカサマサーカス 3€ PIERROT - -CREATURES- 3€ PlatinA Forest - feeling precious 3€ Plu'to - THE GOLD DISC. 2€ Poisonous doll - 醗酵ホルマリン 3€ Prototype - Winter Tale 3€ Prototype - アタシノカケラ 3€ the Pumpkin Head - ミスロマンチスト 3€ the Pumpkin Head - [Mr. Underground] 2€ the Pumpkin Head - エミリィー 3€ ピュエラ(pyuera) - Shadow Of Wizard 3€ Quarry - S≠M 2€ RED universe - I FEEL BLUE/COMPLETE SILENCE/Reincarnation 3€ RONDE - Cinema scope 3€ RONDE - story 3€ RONDE - Graffiti 3€ Ryuichi Kawamura - Cranberry Soda 2€ Ryuichi Kawamura - Love 2€ S - 昆虫採集 3€ サリー(sarii/sally) - アブノーマル 3€ Secilia Luna - 月夜に捧ぐ葬送曲 3€ 7seven - エルドラド 4€ Shulla - いたずら 3€ SIN - コトノハ 3€ SUGIZO - LUCIFER 4€ SUGIZO - A PRAYER 4€ Syndrome - 蘇生 3€ TATSUYA - NO REGRETS 2€ 東京ミカエル(tokyo michael) - LOVE. bonus dvd 1€ 東京ミカエル(tokyo michael) - 35.6°c bonus dvd 1€ THE TRANSFORMER - 感情漂流 2€ Veill - +因想+3€ WITH SEXY - 孤独の中で愛した君 3€ Waive - 銀河鉄道 3€ you - LIFE ~the first movement~ 2€ YOSHIKI & ROGER TAYLOR - FOREIGN SAND 4€ ZIN 陣 - DEMO 3€ VA: オトノクスリ ディスク1 (cannabis, DAISUKE(SoundBee), LANDSCAPE, P∞L, Rebirth, syster, 御伽 (otogi), 紫苑 (shion)) 10€ VA: Replace of Mind (Ring, Lagna) 3€ VA: VARIOUS RED (FORTUNE.C・T, LEYRA, Duxll, SECRET, Dirachiel, JESUS, 舞 (mai)) 25€ VHS CHARISMA - Thanks 3€ INORAN - NO NAME?(orange) 3€ INORAN - NO NAME?(grey) 3€ Merry Go Round - 思春期の吸血鬼 3€ 賛美歌 (sanbika) - 賛美歌VOL.1総集編 3€ Shulla - 青春の摩天楼 3€ Vivid - Cinderella 3€ I also have tons of japanese brand clothes (algonquins, h naoto, Alice and the Pirates, glad news, FRILL, peace now, lovers rock, Gaultier...) for sale in my facebook sales album feel free to take a look. : D
  11. 1 point
    Black Century members new look has been shown in their member twitter Black Century members: Vo.悠己(yuuki) Gt.Luto Ba.ザクロ(zakulo) Dr.咲夜(sakuya) btw they are friends and junior of ex-Dahliagate members
  12. 1 point
    一葉(kazuha) session will change to new band "∞INFi2TY" after their presents live "無限∞の終わりと始まり(mugen∞no owari to hajimari)" at Ikebukuro CYBER at 2015/03/27, at which their live-distributed single "HUMANS" will be released "∞INFi2TY" members: Vo.一葉(kazuha) (ex-Exdrasill) Gt.たすけ(tasuke) (ex-SOMATIC GUARDIAN) Gt.kenchang (ex-E-BLAZE) Ba.Maya Dr.DAIKI (ex-LёMON★CANDY) http://infi2ty.com/
  13. 1 point
    it is announced at ギャロ(THE GALLO)×LuLu 2-man live "大東亜黒鶏病棟-ヒカル・ユキ生誕祝賀診察公演-" at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/02/27 that ギャロ(THE GALLO) new maxi single "INCUBUS" will be released at 2015/05/27 (3 songs, 1,620yen) btw they will hold ジョジョ(jojo) birthday one-man live "夢魔(muma)" at Higashikouenji 20000V at 2015/06/05, ジョジョ(jojo) birthday one-man live "淫魔(inma)" at Higashikouenji 20000V at 2015/06/06 and their presents live "NEO JAPANESQUE BEAUTY AND CULTURE" at Takadanobaba AREA at 2015/06/19, and "大日本黒鶏主義者聯盟・特章(皇紀弐千六百七拾伍年版)" will be provided if collecting 3 stamps at all these 3 lives
  14. 1 point
    I've bulked up the remainder of my collection and it is now up on eBay as one lot auction - http://www.ebay.com/itm/-/131490216461?
  15. 1 point


    Okay so this was the visual compilation released on Christmas Eve of 2014 and today I shall be reviewing this unique piece. PARTICIPATING ARTISTS: THE BLACK SWAN, Nihilizm, Varyl, Fixer 1.) Nihilizm - Be Above Posibility This track was fucking sick, racing and heavy starting off but then the chorus is a transition I hadn't expected. I really don't listen to nihilizm as because hearing that they are a D.I.D. rip off so I was like...fuck that BUT, but... they sound pretty nice so I'll check them out in the near future. The vocalist could try a little harder in projecting his vocals but whatever baby. ★★★☆ out of ★★★★ 2.) ヴァリル(VARYL) - 災 (Wazawai) Now again like above, I don't listen to Varyl because i just never fuckin heard of them. This track makes me wish I never did, Listen to the track I mean.. this track was absolutely agonizing for me to listen to. It sounds like the lead singer is passing a kidney stone, his vocal vibration is just about as bad as Tsuzuku's new found strained vocal vibration. This track was not for me at all. AT ALL. ☆☆☆☆ out of ★★★★ 3.) Fixer - F.P.D Now THIS WAS FUCKING GREAT. It's so smooth, so adrenaline pumping , so fresh. I need to give Fixer a try, I was honestly impressed with this track. Fixer was def a contender for number one but you already know who that is. Honestly I love this and I love them now but onto number one. ★★★★ out of ★★★★ 4.) THE BLACK SWAN - INSIDE SILENCE THE BEST TRACK. EVER BECAUSE WHY? BECAUSE JIN's VOCALS. SORRY FOR BEING BIASED BUT YOU ALREADY KNOW BABY HONEY CHILD, But seriously this track was absolutely Amazing and grasped my very soul. THE BLACK SWAN's material so far is solid as iron. The composition was splendid, the back up vocals were also splendid aswell as the breakdown being pretty fuckin sweet ★★★★ out of ★★★★ This V.A was pretty okay aside from Varyl's track. I look forward to 「DEEP MORE DEEP#3」 AND A HUGE SHOUT OUT TO THE REVEREND FOR POSTING AND BUYING THIS RELEASE FOR TO SHARE WITH ALL HIS GLORIOUS CHILDREN AT MH I LYBBY <3
  16. 1 point


    This is why you are sexy.
  17. 1 point


    I only listened to THE BLACK SWAN's track because I don't care about the other bands. Great song, one of their best so far actually!
  18. 1 point

    R.I.P. plug.dj

    I'm stupid and thought today was already saturday! Oops! LOL I totally meant if we are having a theme on sunday? XD
  19. 1 point


    Oh, unless you count envelopes and pens and shit from work. But I choose to regard that as perks rather than stealing.
  20. 1 point

    R.I.P. plug.dj

    I think it's just Sundays, dear. ^^ It'll be the usual tomorrow. Hope to see you then! : 3
  21. 1 point
    The Reverend


    I liked this V.A. too (I'd gladly buy this one again, the first one I'd probably skip if I could do it over). My quick thoughts on a track-by-track basis. Nihilizm - I love this song. It prompted me to buy a couple older CDs of theirs as this is the first I'd heard them. Those discs are not as good... but this track is their most recent output so I'm going to believe they're improving and their new singles in April will kick ass. Varyl - I dig the part about 2/3 of the way through where they keep speeding up that short guitar lick and then add some maniacal laughing, but other than that section it's pretty average. Fixer - I don't like this one as much as Aferni. It's solid but forgettable: when it comes on I mostly just want to go listen to the way better 'decaying beauty' from their last single. The Black Swan - God damn check out that bass run @ 2:55 leading into the screamy bridge with fake-choral vocals peeking through in the background leading into a competent guitar solo. The only thing I dislike is the like broom sweeping/air pressure release valve sound throughout the song that really adds nothing.
  22. 1 point
    Tracklist: 01.霧の中の展翅 02.Estampie 03.指先の筵 04.Easy eery words 05.Infantile corpse 06.Narrow step 07.DDP(Dear Doctor Pepper) 08.百年の標本 09.体温の無い歌姫 10.優しい針 11.厭世のエンドロール -Bonus track- 12.Ghost of romantic echo machine (new song) 13.Puncture in the glitter line (oldriver mix) Will be available as digital download too. Hopefully soon after the release date.
  23. 1 point
    Their live today was broadcasted on nicovideo. Wish I'd thought to check if it had been mentioned here. I guess if anyone happens to be a premium member, you can still watch it using timeshift at http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv211092481 It was amazing! The new songs sound great live and very much like Merry. I mean I didn't even realise they played all the songs from the new album until I started really thinking about it, because they didn't sound out of place at all. The live actually reminded me of the BURST EP DVD, which is my favourite ever. They even played stupid×cupid. And Tetsu made an appearance for Gunjou. BTW the accordion on the album is played by Tomo from THE CHERRY COKE$. (The flyer reminded me)
  24. 1 point


    I lost my boner as soon as I saw Niklas Kvarfoth mentioned. What the fuck is this cunt doing there. That's probably the worst decicion they've taken during their 25 year long career. Christ allmighty. I can't say I am too excited by seeing the likes of Matthew Heafy and Fred Leclercq there either, but Matthew Heafy is excused just for being the massive Sigh fan he is, and they're both excused just for not being Kvarfoth. However, the bold part turns me the fuck on and the artwork is nothing short of brilliant again.
  25. 1 point

    The big TV-series discussion thread

    Favorite things I've been watching lately are probably Cucumber/Banana and season 2 of Broad City. Cucumber and Banana are both new British LGBT shows created by the man behind Queer as Folk (Russell T. Davies). Both air back-to-back and share storylines on a bunch of queer people. Banana is just an introductory show to characters featured on Cucumber, each having their story told within 20+ minutes. Cucumber is the main show (which I like a lot more), mostly following a 46-yo gay man failing at life and all the people that are involved in his life somehow. Both are pretty entertaining and easy to watch. There's also a third show called Tofu, but I haven't watched it yet since it's more of a documentary and doesn't add anything to the main shows. Broad City I had been waiting for ages and this new season is just as good as the first one. There's not much to say about it, it's just really, really good and silly fun. Any show that takes an entire episode to deal with the repercussions of a guy asking a girl to do it with him with a strap-on has my heart. I'm also addicted to Empire because that soap drama mess is amazing and Taraji P. Henson is killing it.
  26. 1 point
    Seeing as this "hurr this ripped off that one"-mill is getting a bit frustrating (yeah, I am the one to blame for that too lol), let's give this thread a new twist - by taking the OP's thread title literally: Not that many J-aficionados are interested in finding out about stuff their favorite artists/biases listen to on a regular basis/dig a lot (I'd be rather surprised if there are people like that here) . Sure, there have been talks about bands fanboying X Japan, Kuroyume, LS etc. But now, I am gonna focus on foreign acts that only *some* bands/musicians in J-music scene are eager to talk about - my pick for now: Kaoru (Dir en grey) + "western influences": Confirmed: Sources:
  27. 1 point

    R.I.P. plug.dj

    I swear to God if I miss another plug session....
  28. 1 point

    R.I.P. plug.dj

    I'm down for a bit
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point


    Is he your little brother?
  32. 1 point
    I love how most of their songs are so catchy, among this one!
  33. 1 point


    by "friend" you mean that guy on the left? tell him he's hilarious! xD
  34. 1 point

    #28: camera obscura by Lycaon

    Perception of music is an inherently subjective matter. To call my opinions baseless because you don't agree with them is childish. Please just learn to disagree with people's opinions instead of trying to ~explain~ why I'm wrong.
  35. 1 point

    #28: camera obscura by Lycaon

    oh go back to your drugs.
  36. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    Try harder :v
  37. 1 point

    #28: camera obscura by Lycaon

    oh my goodness.....sUCH a beautiful way.... to execute the english language...it would even make shAKESPEARE'S NIPPLES HARDEN
  38. 1 point

    Official Happy Birthday Topic

    A very happy birthday to those on the 24th, 25th and for today! jiyunkun, Kay, trykot, takuro_taku! WOOT~
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point

    The big TV-series discussion thread

    I just finished: Danger 5 and I am very impressed with it. It's silly as fuck, over the top and straight up ridiculous, but aside from some annoying element (talking animals!) I really enjoyd the season. The series is basically about five spies in a fictional, bizarre 1960's inspired version of World War II whos mission is to kill Hitler. Funny and with a superb soundtrack. Currently watching: Twin Peaks, season 2 Season one was perfect, and the first 9 episodes of season two were as close to perfect as you get without being perfet, but from episode 10 the quality fell a lot. It's not been bad since then, just not as engaging and good. Still enjoying it though. The Twilight Zone Very cool drama/psychological thriller/fantasy/sci-fi/suspense/horror-anthology series that I watch ever now and then. Since no episodes have aything to do with the next, it's not something I've been rushing to finish. Very enjoyable series. The Munsters A sitcom of the kind I shouldn't like, but still enjoy very much due to its horror-elements. It's just something about those things that gets to me. The next series on my watchlist is the following, and I'll start with one of these (if I can find them!) after I've finished Twin Peaks: Kung Fu, with David Carradine in the leading role. Action/martial arts/western series. Only seen a few episodes here and there when I was young, and really liked it back then. Now that I am an even bigger fan of martial arts I should enjoy it even more now. Zatoichi, with Shintaro Katsu. A jidaigeki series based on the film character by the same name. The films are amazing (well, the 17 or so that I have seen. Will finish the rest before starting on this), so I have high hopes for this series. Most episodes are original, but apparently there's a few sequels to some of the films and a few remakes of the films. Got massive expectations to this one to be honest. Hammer House of Horror, an anthology horror series. It's Hammer Horror, what more do I need to say? Should be quite exciting!
  41. 1 point


    I don't get it either. I found it to be an above average anime in terms of art, direction, and storytelling, but the actual story wasn't so compelling. I never cared about anyone at any point.
  42. 1 point
    When i talk about the scene i mean the VK indies scene, and yes, they're. Your gif is exactly how i acted when i saw you saying "I don't get why VKeiers lie so much. This shit is pathetic." tho
  43. 1 point

    X JAPAN important announcement

    is this going to be visual kei's "duke nukem forever"? (EDIT: more fitting analogy would probably be "chinese democracy")
  44. 1 point
    The Reverend

    Your last music-related buy!

    Just bought Blast's - 緋い領域 (s/o to Rarezhut... diggin' the new key logo) and it's fucking beautiful. It's a weird bigger than CD but smaller than DVD sized case but it's one of those buys that makes you glad you own a physical copy even though you already have a good rip.... really cool case design for an indies band.
  45. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    and some just want a girl to treat them like
  46. 1 point
    not really, well amber gris is the softer of the two but Plastic Tree has been around much, much longer than amber gris and they seem to be doing well.
  47. 1 point

    Last Thing You Bought

    Recently bought a Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 (in Need for Speed).
  48. 1 point
    X SUGINAMI (Vo.団長(danchou)(NoGoD) / Gt.ミヤ(miya)(MUCC) / Gt.結生(yuu)(MERRY) / Ba.Akane(ex-THE★SCANTY, now in PLINK?) / Dr.Daisuke(ROACH)): SET-LIST at 2014/12/31: SE.PROLOGUE~WORLD ANTHEM 01.Silent Jealousy 02.X (with Vo.夕霧(yuugiri)(DaizyStripper) & Gt.Yuh(vistlip))
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